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Ok, so I was flipping channels last night and saw this thing about the guy that directed the new movie coming out "The Village" I saw the previews for it last week and it looked pretty good so I started watching. Well all I can say is HOLY s***!!


You people have got to watch this. Do what you have to do, tape it, tivo it...whatever. There is definitely some freaky s*** going on with this guy. It is on tonight at 10:00.






For those that don't know who he is....He also directed The Sixth Sense, Signs and Unbreakable.

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Thanks for the notice! That dude rocks.

Well, I don't want to give anything away, cause I didn't know anything about the guy and I think that made it even more bizarre. I will tell you that M. Night tried shutting the production down and didn't want the documentary released cause they found some REALLY spooky stuff. :ph34r:

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Well, I don't want to give anything away, cause I didn't know anything about the guy and I think that made it even more bizarre.  I will tell you that M. Night tried shutting the production down and didn't want the documentary released cause they found some REALLY spooky stuff. :ph34r:

Yeah - just read that on the pdf. Can't wait to see it - just hope I remember to watch it... :bang

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I've heard that SciFi is just milking the crap out of this and that there is no real deep dark secret that he's hiding.


It's probaby gonna be that he's very shy, and reclusive and doesn't like a lot of attention and people making documentaries about him.



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I've heard that SciFi is just milking the crap out of this and that there is no real deep dark secret that he's hiding.


It's probaby gonna be that he's very shy, and reclusive and doesn't like a lot of attention and people making documentaries about him.



Well I don't work for SciFi. In fact, I have never even watched the dam channel, but I can gurantee you there is a secret revealed as well as a number of bizarre things surrounding this guy. Watch it and if you scare easy, then don't watch it alone. :ph34r:

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I didn't see it, but I can tell you that it is a 100% scripted special just to promote the new movie. There is no "shocking" truths in it, and he never really tried to stop the docu from airing. It is nothing more than a fancy commercial for the new film.

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I thought the "buried secret" was going to be that M. Night is a one trick pony who caught fire with Six Sense, stretched even the logic of comic books in Unbreakable, and pretty much stunk up the joint with Signs.


Here's hoping The Village is better, but I'm not too optimistic about it.

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I liked 6th Sense, thought Unbreakable was decent, loved Signs (with the exception of parts of the ending, but I am a sucker for these types of films, and it reminded me of an old UFO comic book I have that scared me as a kid), and The Village looks pretty cool to me. But I am sick of the man himself, and I am sick of his "ooo, here is a surprise ending for you" that rarely makes any sense and always feels like a trick. The ending of 6th doesn't work when you really observe the film. And from what I have heard, The Village is a great little creepfest, but the ending is such a terrible ending that people that love the film to begin with, end up hating it with a passion due to what a cheap rip-off the ending is. But I will be there to see it for myself.

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I didn't see it, but I can tell you that it is a 100% scripted special just to promote the new movie. There is no "shocking" truths in it, and he never really tried to stop the docu from airing. It is nothing more than a fancy commercial for the new film.

Yeah I did some research my own today and found some of the bogus stuff. I tell you what, it would've better seeing it if you didn't know that. It is still all very trippy. If you go on some of M. nights boards..1/3 of his fans think it's a hoax, 1/3 think it's true and they are saying hoax to cover stuff up and the other 1/3 thinks it's just half true and half fake. They say he likes to make a lot of his movies where you don't know what's real or fake...so that's what this is.


I still recommend it....It was well put together either way.

Somewhat similar to the blair with project...if you had no clue going in to the theatre...you're just not sure about it...



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I liked 6th Sense, thought Unbreakable was decent, loved Signs (with the exception of parts of the ending, but I am a sucker for these types of films, and it reminded me of an old UFO comic book I have that scared me as a kid), and The Village looks pretty cool to me. But I am sick of the man himself, and I am sick of his "ooo, here is a surprise ending for you" that rarely makes any sense and always feels like a trick. The ending of 6th doesn't work when you really observe the film. And from what I have heard, The Village is a great little creepfest, but the ending is such a terrible ending that people that love the film to begin with, end up hating it with a passion due to what a cheap rip-off the ending is. But I will be there to see it for myself.

I enjoyed Unbreakable well enough because I like that stupid comic book logic. But when I saw that some of the best scenes from the DVD outtake stuff was what was deleted for the theatrical release I really began to doubt the guy's storytelling ability. There was this scene with the Samuel Jackson character as a kid getting all busted up on a carnival ride that was so intense and really would heve propelled the film, and it ended up on the cutting room floor.


I really tried to like Signs but there were too many things about it to let it be so. Basing the film on the now-debunked crop circles myth was a bad beginning, and the stupid "tell your brother to swing away" cryptic crap from Mel's dying wife sucked because I don't think M. Night very successfully mixed the sci-fi genre he was trying to dabble in with the supernatural genre he normally works with. The beauty of sci-fi for sci-fi folks is that once you accept the story's physical universe rules, then everything should work. In signs, accepting the attacking crop-cutting aliens isn't enough to make the film work - you also have to accept a supernatural order where a dying person is granted a vision of how to stop the aliens (to top it off, the big from-the-dead secret is 'hit them with a $%*%# baseball bat,' something they should have tried anyway I figure). The crowning (under)achievement in signs was that we are never told what the ancient weapon was that the world used to repel the invasion while we focused on the local events around Mel's farm. I get what Night was trying to do – personalize events that were supposedly happening on a global scale – but IMO he fell way short of pulling it off.


Sounds like The Village is going to be more M. Night shock-ending formula from your assessment. It's like the old EC horror comics from the 50s, where they had 8 pages to tell the story and after you read a few dozen of them you knew exactly when they would have to pull the old shock-a-roo ending to fit it in. I love those old rags but they're not great literature. And thus far, M. Night's post-Sixth Sense offerings haven't been great cinema either.

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I didn't like 6th Sense, didn't really make sense. I really didn't like Unbreakable, and I f***ing really didn't like Signs. I am amaised that people like these things, nothing ever happens in his movies and then they pop a bulls*** surprize ending.

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