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Attention downtown Chicago workers


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Now you are arguing something totally different..

No, it's all part of the same problem. We are stating on one hand that salespeople have a moral responsibility to judge the economic condition of the person in front of them, and only take as much money as the person wants to give, especially if the person appears homeless. Hello and welcome to McDonalds, before you order, may I see your net worth statement? You appear homeless and should be buying fresh food at Jewel, not overpriced fats and sugars at McDonalds. God help the McDonald's clerk that asks if he wants fries with that. That would be asking for more money than he wants to spend.


On the other hand we are saying that the same homeless person that must be protected from solicitors asking for $2, should be allowed to fend for themselves. That seems wrong to me.


If we have people in our society that cannot make a $2 decision, they should be given some help and not left to fend for themselves. They are incapable of surviving.

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The question is how do you help them. So many of them are so screwed up in the head that the only way to help them is to put them into some sort of institution, but without permission and what not thats not something we can do and I think a lot of people would be inredibly upset if the US started doing that.


Personally I think institutionalizing those that are way screwed up wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, because I think it would be expensive, but at the same time cut costs of af lot of other things like crime and what not down (What can I say, I really don't have that much respect for a lot of homeless people...their are some I do have respect for, but its few and far between). Too often have I handed a dollar or two only to see the guy go across the street and by some booze to solve his problems.


After that I basically stopped giving out anything. I'd rather just do something that helps the poor without giving them my money directly.


Plus, I just have to ask this question...how hard is it to get off your ass and get a job at McDonalds? Sure your not going to make a lot of money, but damn it its a job.

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The question is how do you help them.  So many of them are so screwed up in the head that the only way to help them is to put them into some sort of institution, but without permission and what not thats not something we can do and I think a lot of people would be inredibly upset if the US started doing that. 


Personally I think institutionalizing those that are way screwed up wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, because I think it would be expensive, but at the same time cut costs of af lot of other things like crime and what not down (What can I say, I really don't have that much respect for a lot of homeless people...their are some I do have respect for, but its few and far between).  Too often have I handed a dollar or two only to see the guy go across the street and by some booze to solve his problems.


After that I basically stopped giving out anything.  I'd rather just do something that helps the poor without giving them my money directly.


Plus, I just have to ask this question...how hard is it to get off your ass and get a job at McDonalds?  Sure your not going to make a lot of money, but damn it its a job.

Can I have a dollar?

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Pssst.  Yea.  With those 19,000 posts it's obvious you don't have a job. :ph34r:

LMAO...the beauty of loan processing. Lots of down time, so I might as well entertain myself. I've often thought about getting Xtra innings online just so I can watch the games from my office, but then I thought about it and realized I wouldn't get anything done.

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LMAO...the beauty of loan processing.  Lots of down time, so I might as well entertain myself.  I've often thought about getting Xtra innings online just so I can watch the games from my office, but then I thought about it and realized I wouldn't get anything done.

And that's a problem?

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