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12 Iraqi Soldiers.....


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surrendered to British soldiers today while the Brits were undergoing a training exercise near the Kuwait/Iraq border. Seems the Iraqi soldiers heard gunfire and thought the war was beginning and ran to the Kuwait/Iraq border to surrender to the soon-to-be Allied Liberators of Iraq. If this is any sign, the impending Iraqi conflict may be over before it even starts. Oh yeah..... as reported by the Channel 9 News at Noon, Monday, March 10, 2003.

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I heard about that yesterday from British broadcasting. But Channel 9 really gets the scoops, haha.


They are smart. They don't wanna die but how much you wanna bet that there won't be too many prisoners taken. Cuz there was a massacre during GW I where the trojectories of the bullet wounds in the Iraqis showed that they had their backs to the U.S. troops and were running away when they were shot after they had given up to go back to Iraq.

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I heard about that yesterday from British broadcasting.  But Channel 9 really gets the scoops, haha.


They are smart.  They don't wanna die but how much you wanna bet that there won't be too many prisoners taken.  Cuz there was a massacre during GW I where the trojectories of the bullet wounds in the Iraqis showed that they had their backs to the U.S. troops and were running away when they were shot after they had given up to go back to Iraq.

Who cares where I heard the news. It was reported and I reported it..... obviously it was correct since you heard it from the high-brow BBC :rolleyes:

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Who cares where I heard the news. It was reported and I reported it..... obviously it was correct since you heard it from the high-brow BBC  :rolleyes:

I just like bashing the American media whenever I can because they usually do a very s***ty job of covering the real stories.

I became more than fed up with it when, after the DC sniper was apprehended...MSNBC decided to do a media special asking the question "Was our coverage of the sniper case over the top?" So they were covering the coverage of the sniper case. Meanwhile a 6 year old girl in Flint Michigan was shot to death in school and that didn't make the news.....obviously because she wasn't killed by the sniper.

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When a six year old girl in Flint Michigan was shot and killed by a classmate in February of 2000 it was the lead story for several days in the national news.

Was that really in 2000? I was thinking it was longer ago than that but only by a year or so. I yield to your date, however. It was a heartbreaking story.


The New Yorker did a very good extended piece on that whole story probably then in 2001, or late 2000. I am sure that the New Yorker piece was not printed in 2002.

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surrendered to British soldiers today while the Brits were undergoing a training exercise near the Kuwait/Iraq border. Seems the Iraqi soldiers heard gunfire and thought the war was beginning and ran to the Kuwait/Iraq border to surrender to the soon-to-be Allied Liberators of Iraq. If this is any sign, the impending Iraqi conflict may be over before it even starts. Oh yeah..... as reported by the Channel 9 News at Noon, Monday, March 10, 2003.

Hopefully Saddam's troops have more common sense than he does.


But WGN? :puke

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When a six year old girl in Flint Michigan was shot and killed by a classmate in February of 2000 it was the lead story for several days in the national news.

I watch a lot of MSNBC, CNN, and FOXNEWS and I didn't see that story air one time in the hours upon hours I watched.

apu and CK...thanks for the info on mumia....of course ive heard of him and his situation but im pretty ignorant on the subject so cant comment intelligently on it either way..


wouldnt surprise me if he was innocent..its not like we havent been finding out lately alot of innocent people are in jail...also wouldnt surprise if millions get behind the movement only to find out they are supporting a vicious cop killer...


the one thing i do know for sure is a cop was killed defending the citizens of philly..in these kinds of stories alot of times those things get lost in everyone's zeal to see justice served...thats a shame

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You never know how you are perceived on these boards. I've tried to be civilized but Mumia is a real hot button for me. I worked for 4 and a half years in a jail. Most prisoners who voiced an opinion one way or another about their guilt or innocence insisted they were innocent. Often despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I've seen prisoners on more than one occasion deny their identity despite being revealed by their fingerprints. I know about the other side of the coin. In 1974 I was arrested and charged with a felony. The police realized their mistake almost from the start but tried to cover their asses at my night court hearing. Luckily for me the judge saw through it and me and my case were dismissed. That is peanuts compared to being on death row for a crime you didn't commit. Mumia is not one of those people and only the most delusional or ideologically blind will refuse to see this. A dispassionate review of Mumia's case might show some procedural problems with his original trial but nothing else. It is hard to understand how the pathetic punk at the trial morphed into this cult figure of today. The search for a mystery gunman is a fraud and charade of the worst kind. What now, OJ was innocent too? I have tried with everything in my power to be kind and generous to the poster who calls himself sideshowapu. Enough. He posts more bulls*** than anyone on this board. He probably has more friends than me here so enjoy him and his endless fantasies. Does anybody on this board do any research related work? Can you look for the facts despite whatever ideology you might have? Mumia is not innocent. Not even close. Bye Y'all!

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Hey SI or anyone else. Does anyone have info on the case, etc. I don't have a clue who he is and I think there are definate flaws in the legal case, but just because I hear something I don't believe it to be true, Case in point, I don't necessarily agree this guy is innocent. Hell, I hear so many freaking people always claim their innocence and part of the reason is they are f***ed up. Thats why a lot of these people are in prison. On some occassions you'll have some smart people in prison, but typically the people in their got serious mental problems or weaknesses and they did sick and disgusting things. I know their are plenty of drug dealers etc in there and many believe thats a bunch of bs, but we shouldn't have people doing drugs all over the place. It would be a great improvement in the sense we could tax them and that fast food stock would go through the roof since everyone has munchies but the punk drug dealers belong where they are and so do most of the people in prison - NOT SAYING ALL - cause I don't know every case.


One bulls*** case is that one from New York. The guy had just moved their from Florida and there was a stranger in his son's room (His son was really young, I Think 9 months). He asked who the stranger was, then the stranger said there are more of us downstairs. The owner of the house called to his girlfriend downstairs to call the cops. The stranger charged towards him and he shot him in the leg. Now the DA is going to be sending the owner of the gun (The guy who shot the intruder) because the gun wasn't registered. He was in the process of getting it registered too. He had just moved and need to re-register it. It was registered in Florida. I'm sorry but this is complete BULLs***. This DA is so full of crap. Hell, these aren't the only cases where the owner of the house gets screwed by some burgular. Thats plain bulls***. They intrude, they face the defense of the owner. It isn't like they knocked on the door asking to borrow some butter and they were murdered.

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You never know how you are perceived on these boards. I've tried to be civilized but Mumia is a real hot button for me. I worked for 4 and a half years in a jail. Most prisoners who voiced an opinion one way or another about their guilt or innocence insisted they were innocent. Often despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I've seen prisoners on more than one occasion deny their identity despite being  revealed by their fingerprints. I know about the other side of the coin. In 1974 I was arrested and charged with a felony. The police realized their mistake almost from the start but tried to cover their asses at my night court hearing. Luckily for me the judge saw through it and me and my case were dismissed. That is peanuts compared to being on death row for a crime you didn't commit. Mumia is not one of those people and only the most delusional or ideologically blind will refuse to see this. A dispassionate review of Mumia's case might show some procedural problems with his original trial but nothing else. It is hard to understand how the pathetic punk at the trial morphed into this cult figure of today. The search for a mystery gunman is a fraud and charade of the worst kind. What now, OJ was innocent too? I have tried with everything in my power to be kind and generous to the poster who calls himself sideshowapu. Enough. He posts more bulls*** than anyone on this board. He probably has more friends than me here so enjoy him and his endless fantasies. Does anybody on this board do any research related work? Can you look for the facts despite whatever ideology you might have? Mumia is not innocent.  Not even close. Bye Y'all!

Who needs proof when you have overzealous commentary, eh SI?


I think it is pretty big when the DA can't even tie him to the murder weapon. That's a pretty big thing pointing to his innocence. But who needs to debate that, right SI?

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I heard about that yesterday from British broadcasting.  But Channel 9 really gets the scoops, haha.


  Cuz there was a massacre during GW I where the trojectories of the bullet wounds in the Iraqis showed that they had their backs to the U.S. troops and were running away when they were shot after they had given up to go back to Iraq.

Boo frickidy hoo! :lol:

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Who cares where I heard the news. It was reported and I reported it..... obviously it was correct since you heard it from the high-brow BBC  :rolleyes:

I just like bashing the American media whenever I can because they usually do a very s***ty job of covering the real stories.

I became more than fed up with it when, after the DC sniper was apprehended...MSNBC decided to do a media special asking the question "Was our coverage of the sniper case over the top?" So they were covering the coverage of the sniper case. Meanwhile a 6 year old girl in Flint Michigan was shot to death in school and that didn't make the news.....obviously because she wasn't killed by the sniper.

yea thats sad that little kids are getting shot in school now.

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