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Everett and the dinosaurs


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You know I think this has been blown way out of proportion. Certain religious groups do not believe dinosaurs existed becuase they were not mentioned in the Bible. They will also not believe in life on Mars if anything was ever found there or in aliens in anyway. He is part of one of these religious groups. They believe that all the fossils and everything that has been found are man made. He is certainly not the only one that follows these beliefs and I am sure he is not the only one in baseball that believes that. He is just very honest and open and has no problem with who he is or what he believes. I say good for Carl.

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I dunno.  It just seems like a stretch.  Is bacteria mentioned in the Bible?


How about an Octopus?  Or a Buffalo?  Or the Dodo?

I'm just letting you know why he believes the way he does. I am not debating it with you. I actually see where dinosaurs are mentioned in the Bible. People like Everett do not see it the same way. Why must you look to argue someone's beliefs or poke fun at someone's beliefs? As long he is not hurting anyone or forcing his beliefs upon other people then I really don't see the harm in it. Do you?


By the way the bible does mention sea creatures that can be an octupus, it does mention buffalos and it does mention birds. Do do birds specifically? I don't believe that it went into specifying any type of a species, but I could be wrong. Others may know the answer to that one.

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By the way the bible does mention sea creatures that can be an octupus, it does mention buffalos and it does mention birds. Do do birds specifically? I don't believe that it went into specifying any type of a species, but I could be wrong. Others may know the answer to that one.

Buffalo?!? How is A North American species in the Bible? Can you provide the chapter and verse, please.


I'm not necessarily doubting your authority on the subject, it has to surpass mine at any rate. But how is a buffalo in the bible? I can see travelers telling stories about wildabeasts from Africa, and the Romans certainly brought lots of exotic animals back from Africa and Asia, but a statement as matter-of-fact as the Bible "does mention buffalos" struck me as interesting.


Of course if the reference is to a generic 'behemoth' ala' the generic 'leviathan' I will be somewhat less impressed.

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Buffalo?!?  How is A North American species in the Bible?  Can you provide the chapter and verse, please.


I'm not necessarily doubting your authority on the subject, it has to surpass mine at any rate.  But how is a buffalo in the bible?  I can see travelers telling stories about wildabeasts from Africa, and the Romans certainly brought lots of exotic animals back from Africa and Asia, but a statement as matter-of-fact as the Bible "does mention buffalos" struck me as interesting.


Of course if the reference is to a generic 'behemoth' ala' the generic 'leviathan' I will be somewhat less impressed.

SOrry FlaSoxx, I should have been a lot more specific, yes it is behemoth.

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baseball isn't mentioned in the Bible


but the Bible is not a book of science nor history but the story of a people's journey in life with their God and on that note I think this thread get moved to SL&P

But Carl knows baseball exists. He plays it. Everyone living today can see that baseball exists.

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But Carl knows baseball exists. He plays it. Everyone living today can see that baseball exists.

But this empiricist/experiential acceptance that baseball exists should hold for the existence of dinosaurs in the geologic past as well.


We can see, feel, and study fossilized bones that are perfectly comperable in form and function to those of living vertebrates. we can date those based on known and almost-certainly constant physical laws (isotope decay rates) to tens-hundreds of millions of years of age. We can see gradual change in the body plans of these animals as we examine progressively younger geological strata.


This all qualifies as observational evidence indicating the existence of dinosaurs and other animals in the far geologic past, and a gradual change in those lineages over time. Without invoking the God-as-Trickster scenario this is as readily observable as a baseball game to anyone who takes it upon him/herself to observe.


None of which is intended as knock against Carl who I genuinely like as a ballplayer for the intensity he brings. I just wouldn't let my kids take a natural history class taught by him (get beat by him?).

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