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Just wondering if anybody on the board has ever been in a fight? I bring this up cause I saw one today that was a classic..lol

It happened today at around 4:30..

I went to visit somebody at the apartment complex across from my complex and we went walking around the complex talking and s*** when we noticed some commotion at the playground area so we went to see what was up


When we got there we saw two guys shoving and pushing each other yelling something.."why you gotta" something like that.


I think it had something to do with a girl that was there cause she was trying to hold back the one guy, but that didn't work..cause he then lunged at the guy giving the guy a few punches to the side of his head then did a choke hold on him..


It was freakin unbelievable...the other guy got loose and punched the guy in the face..then they went to the ground..and started wrastling..more punches being thrown..and their faces were bloody as hell..gushing..


There was a crowd of about 8 people there cheering and s***...my mouth fell to the ground cause it was brutal..these two guys had to be on something cause they kept going at each other....I guess somebody had called the police cause they showed up about 7 minutes after the fight had started..but when the one guy had the other guy pinned to the ground choking the damn guy he was pulled off and held down by I guess was his friend or somebody..the cops showed up a minute later..ambulance then showed up and were taken to the hospital..


But some vicious blows were being exchanged..I never seen a fight this brutal up close like this..I was stunned..


I've been in one fight where punches were thrown, but it ended quickly...we each landed one punch..I was about 15


Anybody else witness a all out fight in their lives like this or been involved in a fight?

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I broke up a fight outside of my work featuring two white trash girls...


In this case, I ran down there, much to the dismay of my manager (who later said if I ever ran to break up a fight again to clock out) and found two 16 yr old or so girls in a little ruckus. Anyhow, it all started when a customer came in and said there was a fight outside, so I run out there and I notice everuone cheering it on.


At that point, being the anti-violence person that I am, I immediately grabbed the chick who was delivering the beating and she got off. The girl on the ground got a pretty nice beating, who knows how long it was going before I got there. Then as I began to walk away, she all of the sudden takes a hard kick to the chest of the other girl and I'm like what the hell. So I grab the girl again and tell her to stay off and help the other girl up. Girl ran off shortly after and the cops came and did nothing.


I've seen a lot of girl fights over the years and they are pretty brutal, but the thing that got me about this one was the cheap kick after I'd already stopped it. Plus, what sick sadistic f*** wants to sit there and watch someone get their brains beat in? I'm okay if the other person is still throwing haymakers back, but if someone is taking a beating, I've gotta step in.

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I saw a fight between two girls one time and they were pulling hair and ripping each other's shirts off and then they rolled into a fountain and started making out and...oh wait, that was a beer commercial. Damn!

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