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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 15, 2006 -> 03:01 PM)
You'll find no one on the fence about Radiohead. It's love or hate.


*waves from the fence*


I found OK Computer, the Bends and even Pablo Honey to be Brilliant to good in that order. Since then, I've found them to be average to boring and weird. I admire their inventiveness, I just wish it was better quality inventiveness.

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After braving the mainstream enslaught of Audioslave, I decided to revisit a CD I never gave much time to when it came out.


"Euphoria Morning" by Chris Cornell



Wow..this CD is excellent...I'm partially biased, but I still think Chris' solo work, without the loud guitar of Morello behind him, is some of the best.

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QUOTE(DePloderer @ May 15, 2006 -> 06:09 PM)
You must be a glutton for punishment. I think Mark is way past his prime, they were great in the early 80's around the time of Grotesque and Hex Enduction Hour but they're a bit long in the tooth nowadays.


Fall Heads roll wasn't bad at all, late nineties were horribly rouhg....but the 00's haven't been bad. Plus infotainment scandal was relaly good...


I want to see MES before its all over...and i liked fall heads roll so i think this tour will be fun. Despite the rest of the band leaving it'll still be a sight to see MES.

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QUOTE(Capn12 @ May 15, 2006 -> 06:16 PM)
After braving the mainstream enslaught of Audioslave, I decided to revisit a CD I never gave much time to when it came out.


"Euphoria Morning" by Chris Cornell

Wow..this CD is excellent...I'm partially biased, but I still think Chris' solo work, without the loud guitar of Morello behind him, is some of the best.



Hell yeah, good stuff, but I really like Cornell's voice. One of the few true singers left in rock music.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 15, 2006 -> 08:12 PM)
Hell yeah, good stuff, but I really like Cornell's voice. One of the few true singers left in rock music.


In "popular"/"radio played" Rock music. There are thousands out there (Pepper Keenan from Corrosion Of Conformity sings circles around Cornell for example), it's just a matter of finding them.

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ May 15, 2006 -> 08:48 PM)
In "popular"/"radio played" Rock music. There are thousands out there (Pepper Keenan from Corrosion Of Conformity sings circles around Cornell for example), it's just a matter of finding them.



The little bit of COC I've heard didn't make me want to listen to any more, so I must not have been impressed with the vocals. :huh

There are a lot of good vocalists and guys that can scream in a decent pitch, but true good singers are hard to come by, which is too bad.

Edited by LosMediasBlancas
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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 15, 2006 -> 10:22 PM)
The little bit of COC I've heard didn't make me want to listen to any more, so I must not have been impressed with the vocals. :huh

There are a lot of good vocalists and guys that can scream in a decent pitch, but true good singers are hard to come by, which is too bad.


If you heard early COC, it's understandable why you would move on. But Pepper does have one of the most impressive "singing" voices. He's not a screamer most of the time.


Check out their My Space page for some song samples:



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All a matter of opinion I guess. After hearing it, I'm still a much bigger fan of Cornell's crooning. His slower, more voal driven stuff a la Euphoria Morning showed me alot about him. As long as there ARE some true 'singers' in the industry, we can all be content!

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QUOTE(Capn12 @ May 16, 2006 -> 06:42 AM)
Yes because telling all of us how corrupt the US Govt and structure is, more than 5 times, is a surefire sign of musical ambition and talent.


i'd rather hear lyrics about that then cornells b****ing and whining that is done a lot better by more quality song writers than himself.

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QUOTE(bmags @ May 16, 2006 -> 01:27 AM)
i think cornell has wasted the talent of morello and wasted one of the most fun political bands of the 90s...horrible mistake.


I think Cornell is great by himself, and Rage Against the Machine were great by themselves, but Audioslave is just a quick check for the remaining members of RATM. I never heard Zach De La Rocha's solo album, but I did hear that it wasnt all that good. I wonder if RATM comes back together in time for another election.....again.....

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QUOTE(Capn12 @ May 15, 2006 -> 11:39 PM)
All a matter of opinion I guess. After hearing it, I'm still a much bigger fan of Cornell's crooning. His slower, more voal driven stuff a la Euphoria Morning showed me alot about him. As long as there ARE some true 'singers' in the industry, we can all be content!


Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking Cornell at all. I can't stand Audioslave, and lost interest in Soundgarden after Louder Than Love, but the guy has an amazing voice. I was just saying that there are many, many, many people out there that still do sing, and without studio trickery. If this thread has shown us anything, it's that there are millions of bands out there we all have yet to be exposed to.

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QUOTE(bmags @ May 16, 2006 -> 01:58 AM)
i'd rather hear lyrics about that then cornells b****ing and whining that is done a lot better by more quality song writers than himself.



Who cares about lyrics, most rock bands don't have s*** to say anyway. That doesn't take away from his singing ability.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 16, 2006 -> 11:02 AM)
I'm not really a Pearl Jam fan, but I keep hearing good things about the new disc. Anyone give it a listen yet?

It's not bad, it's a little "rougher" sounding, production-wise, than some of their other stuff.

I find it kind of forgettable, aside from Unemployable, Life Wasted and World Wide Suicide.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 16, 2006 -> 02:11 PM)
Who cares about lyrics, most rock bands don't have s*** to say anyway. That doesn't take away from his singing ability.


I care about lyrics. There are loads of great songwriters, a band with terrible songwriting can completely take me out of their music. i.e. coldplay, muse.


QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ May 16, 2006 -> 01:39 PM)
My official Summer 2006 song is Junior Senior - Happy Rap from the domestically unreleased brilliant album Hey Hey My My Yo Yo


right on, the bass from "We R the Handclaps" is so brilliant. So many fun songs on there.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 16, 2006 -> 11:02 AM)
I'm not really a Pearl Jam fan, but I keep hearing good things about the new disc. Anyone give it a listen yet?


My take on it from my blog:


Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Jam...jam...decent food...that's about it.



Yup, checked out the new Pearl Jam CD the other day, entitled Pearl Jam...or Avacado...not sure really. But yup, I listened.


First, let me come clean here. I first got into Pearl Jam back when they were called Green River, then I fell in love with them when I saw Mother Love Bone open for The Dogs D'Amour. It was an amazing performance, only topped by the one that followed. An incredible night that only got better when after the show I hung out with both bands and they all turned out to be great guys. I still wear my Dog tags that Jo Dog gave me to this day. It's been probably about 16 years.


But then Andy passed away.


I went to see Mind Funk do a record release party. I ran there as Pat Dubar was the vocalist for them. Pat was the former voice for a great old Straight Edge band called Uniform Choice. So, being a fan of UC, I had to go see them.


During the show the record exec's handed out a bag of goodies. One of those goodies was the Pearl Jam advanced demo single for "Alive". I've brushed over this event on the blog entry for Monday, April 24, 2006. I got the demo, was told it was the new MLB band, and I was ecstatic.


I admit I fell for the band. But they wore out their welcome with the songs done for the soundtrack for the movie Singles, and then with the subsequent releases. Over the years I have grown to hate Eddie Vedders voice and his whole damn "arteest" ways. His grandstanding and whatnot. But I have always admitted a respect for the band as a whole for being on to of their popularity, and yet sticking to their guns and doing it all their way. Nobody tells them how they should do things, or what they should sound like. They also pay a ton of respect to their fans, and show an unmatched love for their fans. For those reasons I will never speak too poorly of them, as they are a perfect example of how people should be when they strike it good in this life.


So I sat down with my neighbor and the CD. He was pumped to have me check it out, and I was doing my best to keep an open mind. An idea of the size fan he is? He's a member of the fanclub and is hitting three shows this summer. So he is in love with them. For his sake, and his love of the band, I was hoping I would like it.


The first three songs really reminded me of the early 80's West Coast Punk scene. I'm not sure why, it just did. I kept think Dead Kennedy's in the music, I think it was the chords chosen.


Eddie screams his guts out at times, or most of the time. My problem is that his vocals don't seem to fit, atleast not to my ears. He is a singular style, and nobody else does it like him, and that is where you are either a fan or not. It doesn't really work for me. I am pretty sure though that I would like the material more with a different voice on it, but this is my problem, obviously.


Musically this is a pretty full on rock album, with only one real mellow song on it, I am pretty sure it was the song "Parachutes". It's a tad on the Beatle side of life. You'll get what I mean when (if) you hear it.


For me the best song was the tune "Unemployable" which has a bunch of hooks going on, even in Eddie's voice.


In the end of the disc I admit to liking some of it. I'll probably give it a few more spins before I make a final decision on it. It has it's moments, there is no doubt about that. It also proves why they have survived while all the other bands from that time period have faded. They knew how to handle their success, and to keep it their (and their fans) success. The lables may have made the money, but the band kept their dignity.

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QUOTE(bmags @ May 16, 2006 -> 11:32 AM)
I care about lyrics. There are loads of great songwriters, a band with terrible songwriting can completely take me out of their music. i.e. coldplay, muse.

right on, the bass from "We R the Handclaps" is so brilliant. So many fun songs on there.


I'm the total opposite. Sound great first and if you have something to say, it's a bonus. If you have something to say, but can't sing worth a damn, go write poetry or a book. Leave the singing to singers.

Edited by LosMediasBlancas
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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 16, 2006 -> 06:00 PM)
I'm the total opposite. Sound great first and if you have something to say, it's a bonus. If you have something to say, but can't sing worth a damn, go write poetry or a book. Leave the singing to singers.


yeah, what the f*** was bob dylan thinking

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QUOTE(bmags @ May 16, 2006 -> 01:41 PM)
yeah, what the f*** was bob dylan thinking



I bet you forgot the green, but that's a perfect example. Dylan the songwriter, good, Dylan the singer, not so much...... and like I said we are the complete opposite on this.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 16, 2006 -> 11:02 AM)
I'm not really a Pearl Jam fan, but I keep hearing good things about the new disc. Anyone give it a listen yet?


i heard one of the new songs on the radio


it was total crap


but i'm not really a Pearl Jam fan in the first place

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QUOTE(mr_genius @ May 16, 2006 -> 02:49 PM)
i heard one of the new songs on the radio


it was total crap


but i'm not really a Pearl Jam fan in the first place


I've heard most of the new CD...I'm still kinda "Meh" on it....this is from a huge PJ fan. But, IMO "Binaural" was the last good CD they put out. "Riot Act" was too much of a political brujhaha for me, didn't enjoy it at all.

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