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todd hundley quote


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"Everything's fine in Wrigleyville if the Cubs lose and Sammy (Sosa) hits 2 home runs. Everything's copacetic. They sell out every day. As long as they're drunk and happy...'' - Todd Hundley, as quoted in Barry Rozner's column today.

LOL...truer words have never been spoken.



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Yeah, but that guy is the LAST one to talk! He was half the reason that the Cubs lost all the time!

Sounds like somebody has that "jilted ex-girlfriend feeling" where he has to talk s*** after he gets dumped. This is the same guy who talked ALL KINDS of s*** about LA and their fans after they got rid of him, and now he goes back like he never said anything. That loser will never admit, even to himself, that he had ONE good year and milked it for all it was worth. Pitchers figured him out, and he's just too dumb to adjust. As a catcher, he's a bad DH, and as a DH, he can't hit s***.

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Yeah, but that guy is the LAST one to talk! He was half the reason that the Cubs lost all the time!

Sounds like somebody has that "jilted ex-girlfriend feeling" where he has to talk s*** after he gets dumped. This is the same guy who talked ALL KINDS of s*** about LA and their fans after they got rid of him, and now he goes back like he never said anything. That loser will never admit, even to himself, that he had ONE good year and milked it for all it was worth. Pitchers figured him out, and he's just too dumb to adjust. As a catcher, he's a bad DH, and as a DH, he can't hit s***.

Saying he's half the reason they sucked last year might be a bit of a stretch...


But, what he's saying is that as long as Sammy goes yard, that's all they care about. Winning is secondary -- and that is unacceptable.

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I understand what he was trying to say, and there is merit to it.

I'm just saying that you have to consider the source, and he is NOT a very credible source for any type of criticism.

Since he is every bit the drunk that anyone else in the park is, you'd think he would relate to them. He hit like he didn't care if the Cubs won or lost either.

One of the worst signings in Chicago sports history, period.

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I do not need TH to tell me that , every Sox fan has known this forever.

Very true. Similar musings about ShamME hitting a dinger and the Cubs losing but everything being all right in CubDumb have been posted here WAY before this. But it's good to see an ex-sCrUB talk bad about his old team..... and his daddy's old team :headbang :headbang

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