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A failure of imagination


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So they used official government training for hand to hand combat but used US flight schools? Come on, which was going to get them caught easier? Taking a martial arts class in the US or a flight school? Why would they train in hand to hand combat in a state sponsored training program and then not train them to fly a plane? It doesn't pass the common sense test. The Saudis have an Air Force and if it was state sponsored could have trained the pilots.

You don't consider the Saudis allies, do you???

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You don't consider the Saudis allies, do you???

Now you are going off in another direction. You claimed in this exact case that the terrorists on those planes were trained by Saudi Arabia in a state sponsored manner. That just doesn't make sense to me.


Allies in this world are here today, gone tomorrow, and back again as it suits them and us.

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Now you are going off in another direction. You claimed in this exact case that the terrorists on those planes were trained by Saudi Arabia in a state sponsored manner. That just doesn't make sense to me.


Allies in this world are here today, gone tomorrow, and back again as it suits them and us.

All of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudi nationals...coincidence???

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All of the Oklahoma bombing culprits were Americans, coincidence?

Either you are missing the point completely, are just plain stupid and/or are just trying to piss me off.


Out of the hundreds of millions of Muslims in the world, what would the odds be that the eighteen 9/11 terrorists were Saudis? Not Iranians, Iraqis, Syrians, SAUDIS!!!

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Either you are missing the point completely, are just plain stupid and/or are just trying to piss me off.


Out of the hundreds of millions of Muslims in the world, what would the odds be that the eighteen 9/11 terrorists were Saudis? Not Iranians, Iraqis, Syrians, SAUDIS!!!

If you were gathering up a group and could fill the entire group in one spot would you bounce all over the place recruiting?? Bin Laden could find everyone he needed in one spot, why go anywhere else? That doesn't mean the Saudis trained and sponsored these men.


Or should Bin Laden say. I want 6 Saudis, 8 Egyptians, 6 Syrians, etc.? Of course he wouldn't want to skip all over the middle east recruiting and of course he could have stopped in anyone of several countries and recruit more than enough people. The entire middle east is full of people who hate us for protecting Israel.


Plus he was trying to put together a team. Having something in common make sit easier to form a team. Having everyone from one country makes it easier.


Just because they were all Saudis doesn't prove the Saudi government trained them or sponsored them, any more than McVeigh being in the Army means the US sponsored his terrorist act.

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I am not taking sides in this


they were not all Saudi.


not all 19 of them.


off hand IIRC it was like 15 out of 19 were Saudi.


chnages the math a tad but doesn't obscure the central elements of this debate


now, back to Point CounterPoint

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Oh well, the official 9/11 report says no state sponsor, our resident Arab hater believes there was. I've learned my lesson and will shut up. 4E would refuse a life saving transfusion if it meant Arab blood. :headshake :banghead

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:headshake So why even involve Bin Laden? Did you even read what I wrote? Why would Bin Laden skip all over the middle east recruiting?

A. He doesn't need to recruit, people voluntarily go to his training camps (IN SAUDI ARABIA!) to learn to be "freedom fighters".


B. I don't believe that the ONLY reason that Muslims hate the US is because of support for Israel. The US gives Egypt as much, if not more, financial support than we give to Israel (and Egypt is in no way an ally!). Muslims hate our way of life, our prosperity, technological advances, freedoms, etc.,

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Oh well, the official 9/11 report says no state sponsor, our resident Arab hater believes there was. I've learned my lesson and will shut up. 4E would refuse a life saving transfusion if it meant Arab blood.  :headshake  :banghead

And (one of) our resident Israel hater(s) once again takes any occasion to show his support for the Arabs.



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You show no love for the US or Israel...you're always right there to pound on them!

LMAO at this broken record and poor hateful man. And how did Israel fit into this discussion? Oh yes, if I do not hate the Saudis, and blame their government, I must hate Israel. So much hate in your life. :headshake


Once again you are calling me anti Israel with zero evidence of posts to back it up. Just because I believe that a group of Americans, Canadians, Saudis, or Israelis can get together and do something criminal and have it NOT be state sponsored, I hate the US and Israel? That is stupid.


I really feel sorry for your poor hateful existance.


I can love a country without hating others, you cannot. You express your love for Israel by never visiting, only making racist, insilting remarks about Arabs. You express your love of G*D by never attending Temple.


Keep hating.

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OK guys here is the deal. This is a relavent thread. I want both of you to drop the arguement in public. If you wish to continue please revert to PMs. And with that I am going to reopen this thread, with the emphasis that this is about 9-11, and not to be a continuation of what was occuring.


Any questions or statements can be PMd to me.


Thanks all, Michael

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