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Forgettable Sports Momemts

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In honor of today's "Friday Fung" (Ozzie Guillen: Fung is winning and winning is fung) on the Boers and Bernstein show (today at 1:00), i thought it'd be cool to share some of our own forgettable sports moments.


The one i can think of off the top of my head happened during summer high school baseball of my sophomore-going-into-junior year. Get up there and smacked one to the RCF gap, got almost to 2nd and decided to stretch it to a triple. Beat the throw in sliding headfirst. I was pumped. What a day to start off the game.


Taking my lead off of third i put my head down to make sure i'm in foul territory. As i look back up, the third baseman is holding the ball in his mitt and gently tags me in the chest. The left handed pitcher was watching me the whole time and fired over right when i put my head down.


Hey, sweet triple. All for nothing because i'm out before a pitch was even thrown.


Feel free to share some stories.

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Well - this didn't happen to me, but a buddy of mine (it was fifth grade IIRC), got a steal and scored his first ever basket! He was so pumped and excited. Unfortunately, it was in the opponent's basket. He later went on and cried about it as he sat on the bench for a while... Good memories, as I think of more, I'll post 'em.


Oh yeah, another one - at Marian Catholic this summer, it was pretty sweet, I just buried a three in this big-guy's face (I'm only 5"7 or so) - my first basket for varsity basketball (the first of many, this summer :headbang ). As I was backpeddaling down-court, I happened to trip right at halfcourt, falling right on my ass, slamming my head on the ground. And basically everyone on both sides, as well as the fans that were there, happened to see it. So - there's my embarrassing moment of the summer. :lol:

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My senior year, 2002, our girls varsity team was in the regional semifinal or final against Lake Zurich, at Lake Zurich. Both schools had a ton of student fans there.


We had a superstar, Lindsay Richards, who was friends with a lot of us. She now plays for Iowa.


Anyway, great game. About 30 seconds left, we have the ball up by 1. Ball under our own hoop coming back from a timeout. So basically we are going to control the ball and wait to be fouled. The inbounds pass goes to our class valedictorian, Megan, right under the basket, slightly to the right. She proceeds to put the ball off the glass and into our own hoop. LZ's students absolutely erupt. We sit there with blank stares - no one even says a word, we are so stunned. Just blank stares. Megan realizes she put the ball in the wrong hoop after the LZ crowd goes nuts, and starts balling all over the place. LZ takes the lead.


We go on to lose. "Only in girls basketball," i said in the parking lot.


This will probably go down as my #1 memory from high school.

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I played on a travelling all-star team in Lake County way back in the 70s. We played in Mike's Memorial Brinco League. My first year 5 of the 12 or 13 kids were all named Jim. So everyone except Jim Adkins wound up with nicknames. One guy was speedy like Konerko and was called LBJ as in lead bottom Jim.


I had avoided an obvious label for many days until I took a mighty (for me) rip at the ball and the coach exclaimed, you swung like a grandma! Years later guys on the team would call me grandma.

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One of my best moments from this year came when we were playing softball for our last practice of the year in HS. Our firstbaseman kept being annoying as hell and chanting and singing and then a line drive hit him right in the nuts, he didn't even get a glove on it. We were all on the ground laughing at him.


On a similar note, I was catching for our summer league team. There was a pitch in the dirt and I slid over to stop it, but the pitch was a slider and spun right into my nuts. Ouch did that hurt, at least I had a cup on unlike the other guy.

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I was in junior high school, 6th grade to be exact, and we were playing softball in my coed PE class. The score was tied and it was the 4th or 5th inning, iirc. I came up to bat and hit a rocket to the outfield where a bunch of girls were talking in a little circle. I started rounding the bases...rounded first, second, then third...I was coming home for an inside-the-park home run!!!


Or was I?


Instead of going to home plate, I touched the "on deck" circle, and the guy from CF throws a cannon to the guy who was catching. I obviously thought I had hit an inside-the-park home run, even celebrating with one of my friends who thought I had accomplished a feat never done in our PE class before. But the guy who was catching stood there with the biggest grin on his face, ran over to me, and tagged me out, and started laughing.


The moral of the story: Don't confuse the "on deck" circle for home plate!

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I was in junior high school, 6th grade to be exact, and we were playing softball in my coed PE class.  The score was tied and it was the 4th or 5th inning, iirc.  I came up to bat and hit a rocket to the outfield where a bunch of girls were talking in a little circle.  I started rounding the bases...rounded first, second, then third...I was coming home for an inside-the-park home run!!!


Or was I?


Instead of going to home plate, I touched the "on deck" circle, and the guy from CF throws a cannon to the guy who was catching.  I obviously thought I had hit an inside-the-park home run, even celebrating with one of my friends who thought I had accomplished a feat never done in our PE class before.  But the guy who was catching stood there with the biggest grin on his face, ran over to me, and tagged me out, and started laughing.


The moral of the story:  Don't confuse the "on deck" circle for home plate!

LMAO :lolhitting


They're only totally different geometric shapes Heather.

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One of my best moments from this year came when we were playing softball for our last practice of the year in HS. Our firstbaseman kept being annoying as hell and chanting and singing and then a line drive hit him right in the nuts, he didn't even get a glove on it. We were all on the ground laughing at him.


On a similar note, I was catching for our summer league team. There was a pitch in the dirt and I slid over to stop it, but the pitch was a slider and spun right into my nuts. Ouch did that hurt, at least I had a cup on unlike the other guy.

catchers are the coolest!

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First game of 7th grade rec league, I hit a three, then stole the ball down low on the other end, I saw my teamate running down court, I didn't notice he wasn't looking and I threw a rocket down there hoping for to see him lay it in, unfortunately the pass drilled him in the back of the head :lol:


Another basketball moment...Micheal Jordan basketball camp I was 11. We were short on balls during a shoot around and a kid plopped underneath the hoop waiting to rebound a full court shot I was about to take. I threw it toward the hoop, but it fell short and hit the kid waiting for the rebound square in the back...needless to say he was to stunned to turn around and chase after the ball, so I got it back. :lol:

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First off whitesoxfan247 great band on your avatar.


Now my bad sports story is about my temper lol. I played basketball since I was about 5 years old. One game when I was 13 I was running down for an easy layup, but out of nowhere this kid comes flying in and knocks me to the wall and I miss the layup. Unbelievably no foul was called either, but unfortunately that set my temper off. So I ran down the court as fast as I could and I was flying, I layed down a Brian Urlacher type tackle on the poor kid. Completely blind-sided him. Needless to say the refs were stunned, but they didn't even give me a technical, much less throw me out. They were just asking me to calm down. I guess that wasn't the refs best day either :bang


Also another funny/sad type story. When I played T-ball back in kindergarten we had this kid that was always huge. He as probably 120 pounds in kindergarten. Anyways, he was on the team also and EVERY time he would hit the ball he would completely crush it and we didn't have fences so the ball just kept rolling and rolling past 300 feet. They would have 3-4 kids out there running after it every play and the big kid would run the bases but unfortunately as no suprise, he wasn't very fast at all. Every single at-bat it would be a race to see how fast they could get to the ball and get it back in and seeing our kid lumber around the bases. It was about a 50-50 chance of a homer or a throw-out at home.

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two moments:


this year in intramural softball i managed to make contact with the ball but my leg was planted and i fell to the ground in the batters box but i luckily got up and made it to first somehow thanks to an error


secondly i was in 8th grade and i was boxing out the shooter and i went to get a body on hit and laid him out i thought he was going to come after me but nothing much happened

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I forgot one earlier.


It was the second game of a double-header and I was tired after catching the first one so I played LF the second game. Everything was going good for the first 5 innings or so. I had a few hits made a few catches ect. But then a kid hit a huge pop fly deep to left. I broke in initially but then the wind kept carrying it. I was drifting back far and then realized I had to turn and sprint to get to it. Little did I know the fence was right there and I ran into it at a sprint. None of my teamates warned me. I had a cut on my face and bruises all over.


A forgetable moment for me happened yesterday as well because I threw my arm out on a snap throw to first. I got the out, but my shoulder snapped out of place and I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and will see how much damage there is.

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Mine would have to be in basketball playing at around age 12 in a league I was in. There was id say around 20 seconds left and we are down 2, so we pass it to the post he kicks it out to the top of the key and he passes to me wide open in the corner for 3, and I hit the side of the backboard and turn it over, and ofcourse we end up losing ;) that sucked.


Also droped a few routine fly balls playing in left field little league baseball, but I guess thats gotta happen to everyone at that age.

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I got three physical stories from the unphysical game of golf:


A couple years back I was golfing with my girlfriend's dad and a couple of his good friends. I was shooting my second shot on a par 5, 3 wood in hand. Swung the club and hit a screaming low shot. All of a sudden I see his buddy's cart come hauling ass across the fairway just in time to meet my golf ball. The ball hit the passenger on the thigh and he rolled out of the moving cart in pain. Luckily her dad thought it was funny.


I was a freshman in high school and my grandparents had been trying to get me into golf. I'd been going with my grandma for a couple of weeks to play alongside her in her league, ya know, just kinda tagging along and playing out the holes. Well, one day I hit my ball onto a teebox and, being new to the game, thought I'd just take the cart right up onto the tee box to hit my next shot. Grandma, about 60yrs old at the time, yells to me not to drive on the box just as I'm approaching it. I quickly whip the wheel to the left to avoid the box....and there went grandma, tumbling out of the cart doing a beautiful 3-4 roll dismount before finally coming to a complete stop. I felt like such an ass.


And finally, about 2 years ago my buddy Mike and I decide to go play a round. We got stuck with this old dude, had to have been pushing 70-75yrs old. Wore thick glasses and was really hard of hearing. There's this one par 3 that's WAY up on this hill, like a good 50-60 yds downhill. The old guy hits his ball. We hit our balls. He takes off down the hill on the S shaped cart path engraved in the trees. I forgot my head cover so had to run back onto the tee box then returned to make our way down the hill. Mike is driving the cart and decided to be "funny" and take one of the 180 degree turns on the path a little quick. The cart tips my way. I try to put my foot down but the momentum was too much. I looked beside me and saw nothing but woods on the steep hill. I use my right foot to try to push myself out of the way, no luck. The cart crashes over and luckily only skids a few feet. Clubs everywhere. Beers everywhere. Balls rolling down the hill. My f***ing right foot golf shoe buckled from the pressure in the arch and I had shred marks on the right side of my shirt, as well as plenty of scratches on my arm. Mike pretty much comes out unscathed. So we flip the cart back over, toss everything back in, and head down to the green. We were kinda worried that the old guy might say something to the pro shop so we didn't want to let him in on what had happened. The old man asked where we went and we fed him some bulls***. He bought it, apparently not noticing my beaten appearance and scratched up golf cart. Incidentally, Mike had taken over driving duties that day after I got us stuck in some mud on the 2nd hole. Mike and some other old guy pushed the cart out, but the old guy, who was pimping a nice white jacket, fell into the mud once the cart moved. Hilarious day.

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Not me, but a guy I ran cross country with wasn't paying attention, and false started a 6.2 mile road race. He was 25 yards down the course when he realized no one else had started. He tried to look like it was a little warm up sprint, but we knew and a couple hundred people started laughing.

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Damn I have had so many....


Got a technical foul in Jr High for hitting a ref in the back of the head with a basketball.


Sprained my foot by tripping over a hurdle-while making fun of the hurdlers. At least I redeemed myself by learning how to run the hurdles and ending up finishing 3rd at confrence.


Trying to stop a swing during a softball tourney and losing the bat, which flew and hit the ump in the shins.


I am sure there are plenty of others...

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