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breaking news from the UN


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looks like there is a compromise comming where a resolution will pass...it looks like the canadian version of a 3 week deadline is getting a lot of support...in the version after the 3 weeks there will be a list of everything iraq has done in that 3 weeks and will saddam a chance to speak to the counsel to try and convince the counsel he is serious about complying...


if this passes there still might be a chance we could avert war...its slim..but its another chance for saddam if he is serious and wants to avoid war...

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f*** him.. how many chances does this make now... blast his ignorant ass now and let him know we mean business..... im sick of dicking around with this f***er........get it f***in over with already and get our troops home where they belong..............

HSC..at this point the element of surprise is over...tony blair, who has been a great allie for the US, especially since 911 , is really hurting in england..his popularity in latest polls is 15%...


he won two elections there by landslides...mainly on the premise that he was very skeptical of big governments...911 really seemed to change him..he really changed his politics after that and has been with US on the war on terror 100%..this has just killed him politically...polls in england have it split 50/50 for going to war if there is a UN resolution...he has to have this mandate...


if it takes 3 weeks to get a resolution passed then for tony's sake we need to do it...i really believe we have to show loyalty to tony blair right now...we are looking to build a new coalition outside the UN..we have to show our allies that if youre on board with us you have our loyalty.


even if there wasnt any advantaged to be gained its still the right thing to do...my respect for blair has gone up 10 fold...he is taking a huge risk here for something he really believes in...we have to honor that

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hey he can always come here and work in government.... he is well respected and would fit right in.... i just want this s*** over with... im sick of it.. .and i want all of our people home... i think that one of the things that piss me off about this is we were not the only ones who lost people in 9-11.. there were people from all countries i those buildings/ on those planes... why those countries cant defend the honor of those citizens of theirs is beyond my comprehension.. its like their governments are saying oh well .. your expendable... i dont get why we arent getting more backing on this ...stop suddam and stop bin laden and any other folks like them.....enough is enough already......if we (meaning all the countries) band together then maybe assholes like them in the world will think twice before doing some s*** like this again to show their cause........;f*** i just want it all over with .. and now........

you are 100% correct...i agree with everything you said...and to me thats all the more reason why we need to help tony blair right now...he is one of the few leaders who have stood up and done the right thing...the world needs more leaders like tony blair


the only reason i see to push it is if our military leaders feel 3 weeks reallt hurts the war effort..my feeling is since the element of surprise is over..as long as we dont wait too much longer so we get into the 110 degree days and the daily sandstorms then i actually think waiting helps us...it plays into the physchological effect on the iraqi soldiers...plus , like i nthe first conflict i doubt the front lie soldiers are getting much food since some of them are trying to surrender already...3 more weeks will have many more giving up w/o a fight...


3 weeks seems like a long time but it could be worth it in diamonds when its all over...but thats for the military commanders to decide

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you are 100% correct...i agree with everything you said...and to me thats all the more reason why we need to help tony blair right now...he is one of the few leaders who have stood up and done the right thing...the world needs more leaders like tony blair

Blair admitted to helping Powell lie to the UN (plagiarized info from 1992 in his dossier about Iraq)


A lying politician would fit right in here in the US of A.

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you are not allowed to piss me off tonite.. i already have one little duckie boy from the other boards on ignore tonite cause hes a moron .... dont be the next................if you think its so bad here apu then f***in leave the country and go where youll think it be better for your cause..........otherwise instead of bashing everything that america stands for and does why not offer help the situation ................... :nono  dont be a  hater  :nono  espically to the very country that allows you to spew all over it..........

Dissent is democratic. It is a key part of the Constitution. If I wanted, I could go drop trousers and take a massive dump on the American flag. It's freedom of speech and I don't appreciate the curtailment of my civil liberties by Ashcroft and his neo-Cold War Keystone Kops.


I am offering help. I'm working to impeach the wannabe war criminal, AWOL from the army solider, crown prince of the oil barons, got thru Yale and Harvard with a C average cuz his daddy went there, man who can unapologetically send troops off to die while running away when he was going to serve son of a b**** that is George W. Chickenhawk...excuse me, George W. Bush.


I am not anti-America. I see America as a great but misguided nation. I envision a f*** of a lot better for this country then the corporate feudalism that we have now. I envision a lot better country where our CIA doesn't overthrow governments and get in bed with dictators. I envision an America where we aren't waging war with countries for the "possibility" of having certain weapons. I envision an America where people are guaranteed health care (like every other industrialized nation). I envision an America that will sign onto CEDAW (UN declaration saying that countries will work to improve womens' rights and curb the discrimination of women....only Iran, Afghanistan, and the US have yet to ratify this) I envision an America where people will be able to stand and laugh at the KKK instead of buying into their racist and sexist bulls*** propaganda. f***, I envision an American government that doesn't have to lie to us and a government that isn't a bunch of corporate whores getting money to turn tricks for Monsanto et al.


I have just had enough of seeing America become so entirely s***ty when it should be a great nation.

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you are 100% correct...i agree with everything you said...and to me thats all the more reason why we need to help tony blair right now...he is one of the few leaders who have stood up and done the right thing...the world needs more leaders like tony blair

Blair admitted to helping Powell lie to the UN (plagiarized info from 1992 in his dossier about Iraq)


A lying politician would fit right in here in the US of A.

Its hard for me to believe this whole plagarizing bit. Wouldn't the news say something about this? It isn't like the news is afraid to say something bad about the president. I know you've told me Blair admitted to this or something, well where is any of this stuff. I want to see it out of some mainstream people please? Its just hard for me to fathom that no one has heard of this. This would be something serious if in fact it were true, yet no one talks about it.

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Its hard for me to believe this whole plagarizing bit.  Wouldn't the news say something about this?  It isn't like the news is afraid to say something bad about the president.  I know you've told me Blair admitted to this or something, well where is any of this stuff.  I want to see it out of some mainstream people please?  Its just hard for me to fathom that no one has heard of this.  This would be something serious if in fact it were true, yet no one talks about it.

It's all over the British media. Check out the BBC, the Guardian, et al. All their major newspapers have covered the story. But our media is "Support the President or we're helping the terrorists" mentality so they won't say jack and s*** that is bad about the President.








The British intelligence report can be read here:



The essay by Ibrahim al-Marashi can be read here.



"According to the story from Channel 4 News (a British news station), which was later augmented by

an Associated Press report by Jill Lawless, the duplicate text was first spotted by a Cambridge, England academic named Glen Ranwala. Apparently, Ranwala read the British dossier when it became available and believed he had seen it before. As it turns out, he was correct. Entire sections of the al-Marashi essay, including six full paragraphs in one section, had been cut and pasted into the British dossier, including several spelling and grammatical errors that are identical. According to the Associated Press, al-Marashi had no idea his paper was being used by the British. "It was a shock to me," he told the Associated Press, and expressed the hope that the British would credit his work "out of academic decency.""



There you go. How's that for some mainstream sources. Just like the "Give me a standing ovation or I won't come, the American media would rather worry about Harry Potter books, LeBron James and his jerseys than giving us real important news like this. Can you imagine of these stories cracked in the US how much the pro-war movement would decrease and the same with the pro-Bush sentiment.

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if it takes 3 weeks to get a resolution passed then for tony's sake we need to do it

Absolutely. 100% agreement here Baggs. God Bless Tony Blair for standing up for what he believes to be true..... approval polls be damned. Sometimes the right thing isn't the popular thing to do.

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like i said you are not allowed to piss me off... so take your cop killer lovin, s***ting on the flag, kkk discriminating,stupid ass and get the f*** out of my country.... the country i put my life on the line for the protection of the very freedoms you use to your advantage....you dont like what goes on here leave.. i dont care..............but you cant tell me that my country is wrong about everything, espically those things you dont like...... f*** you ............you, me , we all  elect the officials that run it you, me , we all have to abide by the choices they make.. dont like it? run for office or shut the f*** up.......or get the f*** out.. theres other places for you to go.......... :fyou  long live the kkk.. they have rights to speak freely as you do.... so wrap your ass in your s*** filled flag...........

Good old American fascism at it's best. :D


Who needs facts when you have baseless propaganda, eh HSC? ;)


So, what would you have said to Eugene V. Debs and Socialist reformers who helped to get the 8 hr. work day? Tell them that if they didn't like the horrible work to leave the country?


How can you be such an incredible nationalistic fascist? I guess HSC forgot to read the Constitution where I get to petition the government, peacefully assemble, et al. I never said America was wrong about everything....just a lot of things. Don't put words in my mouth.


Don't worry, I've already thought about Canada or Sweden as substitutes for moving in the future. At least they get national health care and have gun control laws unlike the states.


And "long live the Klan"? Are you seriously a racist fascist HSC or did I take that out of context?

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like i said you are not allowed to piss me off... so take your cop killer lovin, s***ting on the flag, kkk discriminating,stupid ass and get the f*** out of my country.... the country i put my life on the line for the protection of the very freedoms you use to your advantage....you dont like what goes on here leave.. i dont care..............but you cant tell me that my country is wrong about everything, espically those things you dont like...... f*** you ............you, me , we all  elect the officials that run it you, me , we all have to abide by the choices they make.. dont like it? run for office or shut the f*** up.......or get the f*** out.. theres other places for you to go.......... :fyou  long live the kkk.. they have rights to speak freely as you do.... so wrap your ass in your s*** filled flag...........

Good old American fascism at it's best. :D


Who needs facts when you have baseless propaganda, eh HSC? ;)


So, what would you have said to Eugene V. Debs and Socialist reformers who helped to get the 8 hr. work day? Tell them that if they didn't like the horrible work to leave the country?


How can you be such an incredible nationalistic fascist? I guess HSC forgot to read the Constitution where I get to petition the government, peacefully assemble, et al. I never said America was wrong about everything....just a lot of things. Don't put words in my mouth.


Don't worry, I've already thought about Canada or Sweden as substitutes for moving in the future. At least they get national health care and have gun control laws unlike the states.


And "long live the Klan"? Are you seriously a racist fascist HSC or did I take that out of context?

canada's immigrations laws are seriously tough...my understanding is you have to have a job offer that cant be filled by a canadian...its not like in vietnam when you could just make a run for the border...so get some good schooling

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hey you get to spew your vile around the site why shouldnt the kkk have the same rights??? they are afterall americans like you.. hold voters cards like you... ect. ect.. or is the free speach only for you  and your stupid s*** you spit out like a broken record... i like my right to carry a gun.. wanna take that away from me??? just try..... youll be lookin down the wrong end of the barrel.....tell me something apu... when was the last time you made a baseball post on here??? or do you even know anything about baseball???? you must not cause all you talk about is your hatred for the american ideals and american government.. why dont you run to canada or wherever it is you plan to go now and leave us all the hell alone already with your vile hatred.. open up your own site to talk this vile bull s*** america bashing crap and leave this site that jas and mario and murc have worked so hard to maintain  alone and free from your political bull s*** crap ...... we dont care about it anymore.......

Wait wait wait....you're talking about shooting me with a handgun and I'm supposedly the one with the hatred?


I never said that they should not have rights to speak. I said that the people should be educated enough not to fall for their racist sexist bulls***.

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canada's immigrations laws are seriously tough...my understanding is you have to have a job offer that cant be filled by a canadian...its not like in vietnam when you could just make a run for the border...so get some good schooling

That's a joke right? Our immigration is really easy. Painfully slow in some cases, very quick in others, depends who you work for. We charge criminals with lesser crimes here so not to affect their status in this country, it's bloody ridiculous. I'm sure he could get in and stay out his days without trouble, but nobody would listen to U.S. rants he'd have to get some Canadian ones, and Apu should definately stay out of the West though, Alberta's guns are very abundant and their politics are further right than George W's.

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you are 100% correct...i agree with everything you said...and to me thats all the more reason why we need to help tony blair right now...he is one of the few leaders who have stood up and done the right thing...the world needs more leaders like tony blair

Blair admitted to helping Powell lie to the UN (plagiarized info from 1992 in his dossier about Iraq)


A lying politician would fit right in here in the US of A.

you are not allowed to piss me off tonite.. i already have one little duckie boy from the other boards on ignore tonite cause hes a moron .... dont be the next................if you think its so bad here apu then f***in leave the country and go where youll think it be better for your cause..........otherwise instead of bashing everything that america stands for and does why not offer help the situation ................... :nono dont be a hater :nono espically to the very country that allows you to spew all over it..........

Love it or leave it.... The most anti-American statement ever.


That little lying, warmonger Blair would fit right in once he gets himself a drinking problem coupled with a cocaine addiction. Maybe he could bang a couple of interns and smoke some pot? Or is that too much?

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Long live the KKK? Oh dear Lord. The same group of ass backwards, uneducated f***faces who use violence and murder as a way of forwarding their agenda? I'm all for freedom of speech, but there's a line that's drawn when you use violence and genocide as as way to get something done. Didn't that crazy guy in Germany try that s***? f***, I thought that the USA was against Nazism. Maybe if those brain dead f***s would learn a thing or two, they'd realize they're poor not because all the blacks and Asians and Hispanics are stealing their jobs, but because rich whites are playing them like the ignorant fools they are. Racial warfare isn't going to get anyone anywhere except a delapodated house and an early grave.


I don't care if people wanna be racist dingleberries. s***, I wish I had a dollar for every time I've been called a "s***" or for every time someone called me a terrorist because I contemplated (and sometimes still do) converting to Islam.


Apu is the most pro-American poster on this board. The ability to change is what has made America great in the past. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr., etc. are great Americans because they changed the system, not because they stuck their thumbs up their asses and twiddled their fingers and pretended everything was OK.

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canada's immigrations laws are seriously tough...my understanding is you have to have a job offer that cant be filled by a canadian...its not like in vietnam when you could just make a run for the border...so get some good schooling

That's a joke right? Our immigration is really easy. Painfully slow in some cases, very quick in others, depends who you work for. We charge criminals with lesser crimes here so not to affect their status in this country, it's bloody ridiculous. I'm sure he could get in and stay out his days without trouble, but nobody would listen to U.S. rants he'd have to get some Canadian ones, and Apu should definately stay out of the West though, Alberta's guns are very abundant and their politics are further right than George W's.

thats what ive heard..but since you live ill definately take your word for it..

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Ok everyone, the tempers have flaired to a point and now we all need to calm down. The political talk has gotten way too heated and I beg that when political topics come up, people stick to the issue, no personal attacks and all that type of stuff. We just all need to take a few deep breaths :D

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Secondly, the 2nd amendment says that it authorizes guns for a "well trained militia".  Didn't know that you were part of a militia movement.  ;)

you position on gun control makes no sense...you are the biggest conspiracy theory believer ive ever met..everything the gopvernment does is evil and against the betterment of its population..with an attitude like that how in the hell could you be for gun control??....if your correct and most of our political leaders are either sell outs , zealots , whatever then how in the hell could you be for the government going door to door to take everyone's guns away..therefore leaving the only people in america with guns is the group you are so sure of is behind all these conspiracies???..dont you think w/o an armed populace they will come and take even more of your freedoms???


as far as the 2nd amendment goes...when it was written the only well trained militias were men (and probably some well trained women as well , right HSC ;) ) from eachcity town and rural areas..there was no national gaurd...everyone member of the community was expected to take up arms against any enemy "foriegn or domestic "....you can not take guns away from the individual and be able to fight a domestic enemy....the forefathers were protecting us against our elected leaders should they go off the deep end...

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Secondly, the 2nd amendment says that it authorizes guns for a "well trained militia".  Didn't know that you were part of a militia movement.  ;)

you position on gun control makes no sense...you are the biggest conspiracy theory believer ive ever met..everything the gopvernment does is evil and against the betterment of its population..with an attitude like that how in the hell could you be for gun control??....if your correct and most of our political leaders are either sell outs , zealots , whatever then how in the hell could you be for the government going door to door to take everyone's guns away..therefore leaving the only people in america with guns is the group you are so sure of is behind all these conspiracies???..dont you think w/o an armed populace they will come and take even more of your freedoms???


as far as the 2nd amendment goes...when it was written the only well trained militias were men (and probably some well trained women as well , right HSC ;) ) from eachcity town and rural areas..there was no national gaurd...everyone member of the community was expected to take up arms against any enemy "foriegn or domestic "....you can not take guns away from the individual and be able to fight a domestic enemy....the forefathers were protecting us against our elected leaders should they go off the deep end...

Well said, Baggs.

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