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Ashlee Simpson's CD debuts at #1


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Can't sing, can't perform, spoiled, whiney, need I say more? Kind of sad to see people like her, Britney, and others go straight to #1 with little or no talent at all.

I still wouldn't kick her outta bed for eating crackers.

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I have a hard time deciding whether or not I think she's hot or not. Sometimes I'll see her and think that "hey, she's not that bad," and then other times I'm like "uh, she is that bad". As for her singing ability, I'm not sure. I don't think she's that bad. I know one thing for sure, I'd buy her CD before her sister's anyday.

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:banghead  :banghead people are idiots.  She's semi-hott, but quite possibly is the most annoying person on TV.

I dont think she's hot at all. But I love watching her say "all the pieces pieces pieces of me"

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Not surprised at all that her CD debuted at #1 - since the advent of SoundScan, most ultra-hyped CDs debut at #1 from that initial burst of curiosity. You rarely see anyone having a record stay at #1 for months at a time anymore. That's why a #1 CD doesn't mean much anymore, but yet SoundScan is more accurate than the old method of contacting select record stores to get their sales totals. The old way was much more vulnerable to payola, deception and trickery.

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