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The Trade I'd Make


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If the Sox could negotiate a window to sign him long term or felt confident they could do that (Thats right, meaning Magglio is gone at the end of the year), then I would use Crede, Borchard and two more prospects (Not named Brian Anderson or Ryan Sweeney).


Reportedly the Astros want a 3rd baseman (even though they have Ensberg) and Crede could fit that. I'd also hold off on giving up Neal Cotts, I think he's going to be valuable down the stretch and has a bright future as a starter.


They gave up some good things to get Beltran, but who knows if he's on the block. However, offer him 14 mill a year for 5 years and see if he bites. HE is a better all around player then Magglio and plays a tougher position, so I say go for it. Plus he's really looking like he'll develop 50 HR power to go with very good speed.


If Maggs makes it back this year, fine, you end up having him, Beltran, Thomas and company in the postseason which is sick. IF he doesn't, you still have a start studded centerfielder and what will be a pretty good OF with Beltran and Rowand in CF and RF, helping out Lee who is solid, but lacking range.


I'd say Crede, Borchard, Munoz, and another player for Beltran if the Sox would realistically go after signing him the next year. Then you get 2 picks for Maggs, which will somehow help to bring in talent and have Anderson and Rowand capable of playing RF, plus Everett under contract next year, in case, Thomas walks or he can play RF at times.


This would be my plan.


Harris - 2nd

Uribe - 3B

Beltran - CF

Lee - LF

Everett - DH

Konerko - 1st

Jose - ss

Rowand - rf

Burke/Davis/Alomar - C


If Thomas and Maggs make it back, even better, now you have Rowand and Everett off the bench.

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While Crede is a loss, the Sox have Fields in AAA and Uribe and Jose can play everyday with Wilson Valdez coming up to the majors to come off the bench or Dransfeldt.


Beltran is a freaking stud, and if their is one thing this lineup now lacks, it is that major piece that can carry an offense. I think Lee and Konerko are capable of doing it, but I don't know if I want to rely on that fact when this team is going for it all.


Beltran is young, way better then Crede and well with Rowand stepping up this yera and Anderson looking like a player, Borchard is expendable, considering Beltran and Lee would be in the OF for a while.


THen Munoz may be a loss, but so what, your getting a freaking all star centerfielder, who may very well be the best centerfielder in baseball. This guy has every bit of ability to be a hall of famer and he is exciting to watch. He may not be hitting for much of an average with Houston, but he is still hammering the hell out of the ball and has had a ton of clutch hits.

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I say NO.. because the Sox will not re-sign Beltran because Beltran will not sign with them at the price they want.


He wants to go to a bigger market and make $15-18 million plus per year.


Thus we are giving up a decent RF prospect, our starting young 3b and a still up-and coming SP for a rental.



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My only problem is that the Sox are out a UTL infielder again. Kelly Dransfeldt sucks. However, I'll take Beltran over a UTL player. :)

Valdez, the guy they got for Koch, is hitting like .344 and plays shortstop. He doesn't draw much anything in the walk department, but he's at least an option as a backup infielder.


Heck, maybe the Royals give us Graffy back to come off the bench.


I know one thing, I'd do whatever it took to get Beltran in a Sox uniform for this year and another 5-10.

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Hell yes I would do that deal....that is a good enough deal looking from both teams that the Astros would probally bite on that deal as well..Crede has probally the most potential out of any young third baseman they could get and he has showed signs of being very good. Munoz would be a loss but hell for Carlos Beltran added to our already depleting line-up sounds pretty good to me...that is if we can sign him, if we cant then screw the deal

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I say NO.. because the Sox will not re-sign Beltran because Beltran will not sign with them at the price they want.


He wants to go to a bigger market and make $15-18 million plus per year.


Thus we are giving up a decent RF prospect, our starting young 3b and a still up-and coming SP for a rental.



Well if they were willing to go around 14 mill a year for Maggs, then I say why not offer 15 mill a year over 5 years and see if Beltnra takes it. The Sox would have a nucleus of players signed and he'll be on a winning team, one that could compete for the Series the next few years.


Plus he'll be playing in a major market, although I realize the Yanks may come a calling.

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Valdez, the guy they got for Koch, is hitting like .344 and plays shortstop.  He doesn't draw much anything in the walk department, but he's at least an option as a backup infielder.


Heck, maybe the Royals give us Graffy back to come off the bench. 


I know one thing, I'd do whatever it took to get Beltran in a Sox uniform for this year and another 5-10.

UTL players are often overlooked. I've always thought of them to be big contributers down the stretch and even bigger come the playoffs. Maybe it's just me, but I don't want this Valdez guy swinging his inexperienced bat in the ALDS.


Getting Graffy back would be a steal, and I'd welcome him back with open arms. He knows he made a mistake in going to KC, I mean, how many UTL infielders say, "I've never been on a team where everyone stinks"?

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Well if they were willing to go around 14 mill a year for Maggs, then I say why not offer 15 mill a year over 5 years and see if Beltnra takes it.  The Sox would have a nucleus of players signed and he'll be on a winning team, one that could compete for the Series the next few years. 


Plus he'll be playing in a major market, although I realize the Yanks may come a calling.

Because Beltran has shown no willingness to do anything other than wade the free agent waters after the season. With Boras as his agent, he's not going to re-up with a team now. It's not like the Sox have a warm and fuzzy relationship with Boras so he might help their cause by getting his client to sign.

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If the Sox could negotiate a window to sign him long term or felt confident they could do that (Thats right, meaning Magglio is gone at the end of the year), then I would use Crede, Borchard and two more prospects (Not named Brian Anderson or Ryan Sweeney).


Reportedly the Astros want a 3rd baseman (even though they have Ensberg) and Crede could fit that.  I'd also hold off on giving up Neal Cotts, I think he's going to be valuable down the stretch and has a bright future as a starter. 


They gave up some good things to get Beltran, but who knows if he's on the block.  However, offer him 14 mill a year for 5 years and see if he bites.  HE is a better all around player then Magglio and plays a tougher position, so I say go for it.  Plus he's really looking like he'll develop 50 HR power to go with very good speed.


If Maggs makes it back this year, fine, you end up having him, Beltran, Thomas and company in the postseason which is sick.  IF he doesn't, you still have a start studded centerfielder and what will be a pretty good OF with Beltran and Rowand in CF and RF, helping out Lee who is solid, but lacking range.


I'd say Crede, Borchard, Munoz, and another player for Beltran if the Sox would realistically go after signing him the next year.  Then you get 2 picks for Maggs, which will somehow help to bring in talent and have Anderson and Rowand capable of playing RF, plus Everett under contract next year, in case, Thomas walks or he can play RF at times. 


This would be my plan. 


Harris - 2nd

Uribe - 3B

Beltran - CF

Lee - LF

Everett - DH

Konerko - 1st

Jose - ss

Rowand - rf

Burke/Davis/Alomar - C


If Thomas and Maggs make it back, even better, now you have Rowand and Everett off the bench.

I'm with ya. But ONLY if we can sign him long term.

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There is no way we sign him long term so lets get that out of the way right now...

The Yankees will sign him for 18 Mil a year and you can book that.

Secondly there is no way we give up that much for a rent-a-player.

There is no way we can give up Crede right now.

Even struggling the way he is he's better the Juan Uribe at this point.

Plus he can only get better from here.

I say we make a package of Munoz and Fields.

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There is no way we sign him long term so lets get that out of the way right now...

The Yankees will sign him for 18 Mil a year and you can book that.

Secondly there is no way we give up that much for a rent-a-player.

There is no way we can give up Crede right now.

Even struggling the way he is he's better the Juan Uribe at this point.

Plus he can only get better from here.

I say we make a package of Munoz and Fields.

lol. You're funny Jeckle. Nobody said make the trade if we can't sign him. Only if we could sign him. Trade Munoz and Fields? For who?

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I agree it is unlikely that the Sox could sign him, but maybe he likes Ozzie or has heard good things about Ozzie and its worth trying and seeing if they can get him to a long term deal.


Maybe 15 mill a year long term is enough to convince him to skip free agency, whose to say. I doubt the Royals ever stepped up and offered him something like that and if he had that guaranteed it could be better for him to sign it, knowing the he's financially secure the rest of his life.


However, I think for someone like Beltran, if your getting him long term, then I'd give up quite a bit to get him, because he is that good of a player and is just entering his prime.


I should also say, I'd give up a similar package for Barry Zito, but only if the Sox could then acquire a semi decent bat for the end. Zito would be an awesome pickup and once again this would be contigent on locking him up (I'm assuming he becomes a FA and thats why the A's have him on the block).

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Sounds like it would at least perk the Astros' attention. Assuming Maggs and Thomas come back, with a healthy Beltran:












Guys, you have Konerko hitting in the goddamn 7 hole. This offense would absolutely annihilate anything in sight. Add to the fact that you have both Rowand and Everett on the bench if either Maggs or Thomas cannot come back.


Would I do it? Yes, in a heartbeat. But with the organization's love affair with both Rowand and Borchard, I doubt it will happen.


Damn, that lineup looks straight out of a Roto league.

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Why not do this...agree to the trade in principle with Houston, and then have Houston give us 72 hours to reach an agreement with Beltran on a contract extension. If we can't, we don't make the deal, simple as that.


I am all for the trade...no doubt about that. But if we can't get him signed, we could be in a bad position.



BTW, Jas...I'm not so sure we get draft picks for Maggs. We have to offer him arb for that, and to do that, he would get atleast $14 mill, and with him being injured as much as he has been this year, he may end up accepting arb. I'm not sure you can take that risk...but maybe you can, I don't know. I don't own the team.

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A couple of things.

First: Beltran is almost a lock to hit free agency. I've read in a couple of places that the only way he will sign an extension is if he gets an idustry-changing deal, something STARTING in the neighborhood of 6 years $100 mil. That's the main reason the Royals didn't get a whole lot of offers to start with. They were demanding several top level players for someone virtually every GM knew was gone. He has even less value now since there is less of the season left. He's a great player, but I don't think you give up guys currently on your MLB roster to get him. If we dealt Crede we either have to play Uribe(who has about 5 hits since May) everyday or find another player out there. We might be b****ing about his hitting, but he is a good defender and has had several hits in his last couple of games, maybe he's coming around. Plus, I think Beltran(or any outfielder of his stature) causes some problems down the road. Right now it looks good because you can move Rowand to right. But as soon as Frank or Maggs come back you have to start benching guys. In the end it would be almost like throwing Everett in Rowand in the deal since they won't be playing everyday. I know someone like Beltran can make a major impact, but we'd have to give up quite a bit for someone that will force us to make tough decisions later. Unless we get a catcher, I think the better answer is to get someone cheap that won't necessarily command a starting spot when Maggs/Frank comes back, like Cattalanato. Unless of course we could totally fleece them and get him for like Borchard, Munoz, and another minor leaguer not named Anderson or Sweeney(or Gonzalez, but we can't trade him yet anyways).

Second: I would be shocked if we don't offer Maggs arbitration and get the draft picks for several reasons. First, we want to keep him, so I don't think we'll complain too much if we have to give him a bunch of money. We're trying to do that anyways. Second, neither the Sox nor Maggs have to accept it. He can decline, and once the Sox figure out what he would make they can decline.(Please correct me if someone who knows better finds an error) Also, he probably won't get $14 mil this year because of injuries and lower production(caused by the previous), and I really think we'll get an extension done, now that the injury is dropping his value.

Third: Zito is not a free agent at the end of the year, he is locked up through 05 with a 7 mil team option for 06. They aren't really shopping him, people are speculating because he has fallen off a bit and the A's could use some other pieces.

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While Crede is a loss, the Sox have Fields in AAA and Uribe and Jose can play everyday with Wilson Valdez coming up to the majors to come off the bench or Dransfeldt. 


Beltran is a freaking stud, and if their is one thing this lineup now lacks, it is that major piece that can carry an offense.  I think Lee and Konerko are capable of doing it, but I don't know if I want to rely on that fact when this team is going for it all.


Beltran is young, way better then Crede and well with Rowand stepping up this yera and Anderson looking like a player, Borchard is expendable, considering Beltran and Lee would be in the OF for a while. 


THen Munoz may be a loss, but so what, your getting a freaking all star centerfielder, who may very well be the best centerfielder in baseball.  This guy has every bit of ability to be a hall of famer and he is exciting to watch.  He may not be hitting for much of an average with Houston, but he is still hammering the hell out of the ball and has had a ton of clutch hits.

fields is already in charlotte?

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There is no way we sign him long term so lets get that out of the way right now...

The Yankees will sign him for 18 Mil a year and you can book that.

Secondly there is no way we give up that much for a rent-a-player.

There is no way we can give up Crede right now.

Even struggling the way he is he's better the Juan Uribe at this point.

Plus he can only get better from here.

I say we make a package of Munoz and Fields.

You must be talking about the pitcher Josh Fields, because Josh Fields, the third baseman cannot be traded right now. MLB rules specifically do not allow any player to be traded within their first year.

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