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A-Rod takes a beating

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I don't really like Arod that much either, but this just showed desperation by the Red Sox to me. Takes real guts by Varitek to hit someone when you are wearing what almost amounts to riot gear. If I recall, Arod then grabbed Variket in a headlock. Arod didn't start the fight, Varitek did. How is getting sucker punched by a catcher wearing padding a bad role model? Arod shold have grabbed the mask and pulled it tight, then let go.


What baseball SHOULD do is change the rules for fighting. If you leave the bench, $100,000 fine, no appeal. This way, the batters can decide if it is worth it for him to go after the pitcher 9 on 1. The players usually look like pussies when they run in from the bullpen or something. Fine 'em all, no appeal.

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From the looks of it, ARod started it. You can clearly see his mouth saying "f*** you, f*** you" to Varitek and then motioning with his hand to "come on". Then later on, what Sturtze did was chicken s***. He grabbed Kapler from behind, around the neck in a headlock and pulled him out. Of course Ortiz is gonna try and jump in. How Kapler got tossed and not Sturtze who knows. It kinda looked like Schilling was going after someone too. There'll be quite a few suspensions. I'd say ARod and Varitek get between 4-8 and Sturtze gets 5. Ortiz, Kapler, Schilling and several others will probably get fines or 1-2 games

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