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The Soapbox (3/12/03)


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To Whom it May Concern:


I am Andrew D., Human Being #0119198208261984103120003. I have been a member of your society for a little over 21 years now, and it is my regret to inform you that I am turning in my membership card and resigning.


While I feel the idea of the Human Race is good, the organization clearly needs some major overhauls. To the point that if changes are not made, the entire group will fold. I’m a rat deserting a sinking ship of sorts.


Look at how things are run today. You have families with children as young as 9 years old running around, wanting to hurt and kill people, smoking and drinking. Little girls who’s aspirations in life are to be strippers. Mothers who weep and grieve over the fact that their 12 year old is sneaking out of the house to have sex with older men. And what do these mothers do to seek help? The one thing that we have gone to solve our problems for decades now…




I’m not talking about sappy self-help shows like Dr. Phil… oh no no no… Jenny Jones is the name of the game. Actually pay attention to your kids and show a little backbone? Nah… we’ll get a hyperactive motivational speakers that like to play dress up in camouflage and call themselves drill sergeants. Yelling in the face of 10 year old Billy will surely instantly fix the sociological problems he has and keep him from lighting cats on fire. And maybe a few push-ups will give 13 year old Suzy the confidence and support she needs so she no longer feels like she has to show 25 year old men her tits.


Or.. how about this? The parents actually do their job. They make sure the kids aren’t staying out all odd hours of the night. Or maybe they provide for the things lacking in their live.. And X-Boxes don’t count. They’re pieces of s*** anyway. I’m talking attention, I’m talking about emotional support. To keep tabs on their kids and make sure they aren’t making the same mistakes that they did (since chances are that Slutty Suzie’s mom was a slut too). I got news for you mom and dad… Maury isn’t the answer.


Now, you might find this a bit rash of me to just up and quit humanity because of this. Oh yeah, well shut up! You don’t know me! Whatever! Shut up! You’re the ho! YOU’RE THE HO! Whatever! Whatever! Kiss my ass! You don’t know me!


Also, kids growing up too fast isn’t my only beef, so is the “grown -ups” that act like kids. No, I’m not talking about the middle-aged people that blame everything that goes bad on everyone but themselves. You know the ones. They refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions. Rather, it’s another group of people we all know well.


Out government.


Now, I could talk about this war bulls*** until my fingers are worn down to the to the knuckles and bleeding, but I’ll save that for later. Don’t you worry. Rather, here’s three pieces of beauty from recent events.


1 - During a recent news talk show, someone was quoted as saying “I kindda hope we have a war. I wanna see some of our new weapons in action!” (More or less)


2 - Our hard earned tax dollars are going to.. *drum roll* A brand new set where our special military type people will go and tell us how evil everyone is and that the war is going just peachy-keen! *thumbs up*


3 - The French are being mean and don’t want to play along… well.. We know how to get back at them.. No.. it’s not holding your breath until you turn blue in the face. Something just as good though. We won’t call French Fries French Fries anymore! We’ll call them Freedom fries! Take that you Frogs!



Notice something here? We don’t see war for what it is anymore. It isn’t death.. It’s a pageant.. A play. We make really cool slogans and sound bites and s***! Why… we’ll have images of a jet taking off on a aircraft carrier and an American flag blowing in the breeze. Pump you up with so much patriotic goodness that you vomit red, white and blue! Hot damn, this will be great during sweeps month! And yet loosing sight of the thousands of innocents killed and affected by this. And when the first coffins come home stateside, will the reality sink in? No.. we’ll just have their military pictures with the flag waving in the background, carry the funerals live.. And well, make a show out of their deaths.


And my, my, I could go on, but once again, I’d loose track and the point of this resignation letter. The fact is, I’ve had it with people in general. I’m done, I’m finished. Thank you for the room and board while I was here, but I’m going to see if the local wolf den has an opening now.




Andrew D., #0119198208261984103120003




“The Soapbox” is a Bi-Monthly ranting by Andrew D.. It is carried in Syndication at:


Broken World - Shadows Forum - http://www.sheabennett.com/brknwrld/wbboar...d.php?boardid=5


White Sox Interactive - Parking Lot Forum -http://www.whitesoxinteractive.com/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=6


SoxNet - Off Topic Forum -http://www.soxtalk.com/index.php?act=SF&f=1


And is sent out via e-mail. To unsubscribe to “The Soapbox” send an e-mail to Idontgiveas***@pissoff.com

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