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hola everyone

dave matthews band is playing a FREE show in san fransisco, CA at the polo fields in the bay bridge park


tickets started being handed out today (sat. july 24th) @ www.davematthewsband.com


all you have to pay is the service charge and shipping ($9.00 total per ticket) you can purchase 2 at a time, but repeat the process endlessly.... i just got 6 general admission tickets (meaning i could get up front if i wanted) for $55.00!!!!




if anyone here lives in CA, and wants to see dave matthews free, do it!


show is sept. 12th (sunday)


:headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang

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best band in the world.

My wife or sister-in-law might agree with that statement, I would not.

IMHO, The Wildhearts are, but they're so far stylistically from DMB that it's total apples-to-oranges.

That's a cool thing to do for his fans, though, gotta give him that.

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My wife or sister-in-law might agree with that statement, I would not.

IMHO, The Wildhearts are, but they're so far stylistically from DMB that it's total apples-to-oranges.

That's a cool thing to do for his fans, though, gotta give him that.

I would agree with that statement, up until that last piece of crap The Wildhearts Must Be Destroyed. I don't like that one at all! IMO, Ginger should have left the band for dead, and just stuck to SilverGinger 5. TWMBD is full of too many pussy songs that are the complete opposite of what the band was once upon a time about. I asked a buddy who went and saw them (I am not a Darkness fan and was too upset that they drop the Dragons tour for The Darkness, I know the money and all, but the ticket prices also shot way up) just when they did that new songs "Because Of Love" or whatever it is called, I asked if it was before or after "Love s***" and just where they placed "My Baby Is A Headf***" in the context of the safe new stuff.


Sorry, if the new album had had more of the stuff that made up the US edition of Riff After Riff (how rare it is also that a US version of an album would be superior to the Import, as Riff After Riff After Mother f***ing Riff was just mediocre), I would have been happier with it. But as is, even musically, it comes across as forced and like Ginger was TRYING to write a Wildhearts album, not that one just happend.


But hey, any Wildhearts release is STILL better than 99% of the stuff I get to listen to on the radio now days!!! Godbless the other Wildhearts fans out there! :cheers :cheers Are you in the area? Due to what I have found out as of late, I think we should hit the games together and spend the between innings talking tunes!!! :D

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I would agree with that statement, up until that last piece of crap The Wildhearts Must Be Destroyed. I don't like that one at all! IMO, Ginger should have left the band for dead, and just stuck to SilverGinger 5. TWMBD is full of too many pussy songs that are the complete opposite of what the band was once upon a time about. I asked a buddy who went and saw them (I am not a Darkness fan and was too upset that they drop the Dragons tour for The Darkness, I know the money and all, but the ticket prices also shot way up) just when they did that new songs "Because Of Love" or whatever it is called, I asked if it was before or after "Love s***" and just where they placed "My Baby Is A Headf***" in the context of the safe new stuff.


Sorry, if the new album had had more of the stuff that made up the US edition of Riff After Riff (how rare it is also that a US version of an album would be superior to the Import, as Riff After Riff After Mother f***ing Riff was just mediocre), I would have been happier with it. But as is, even musically, it comes across as forced and like Ginger was TRYING to write a Wildhearts album, not that one just happend.


But hey, any Wildhearts release is STILL better than 99% of the stuff I get to listen to on the radio now days!!! Godbless the other Wildhearts fans out there!  :cheers  :cheers Are you in the area? Due to what I have found out as of late, I think we should hit the games together and spend the between innings talking tunes!!!  :D

Thread hijack in progress....


HOLY CRAP, another Wildhearts fan!!!!

( Where's the fainting smilie? )

Oh well, I'll settle for this:

:headbang :headbang


I agree about TWMBD, but the worst all-time WH disc is Endless Nameless, because of the crap production. There are some GREAT songs buried in that murk, and I for one wish they'd re-record that CD properly. I had to drive to Milwaukee to see them after they dropped the Double Door show, and I lost my ticket money from that show ( I had an identity theft problem - didn't cost me anything but I had to change my CC number ). I wanted to see them at Summerfest, but I was at the Sox game that day and couldn't take the 4-hour round trip after that.

"It's Only Love" can NEVER be mentioned in the same sentence as "Loves***" or "Headf***". But since Ginger got hitched, he's a lot less cynical about relationships, so the songs will reflect that, I guess. He's turned his venom on the record industry, a very valid target as always. They didn't play either of those songs, nor did they play "TV Tan", "Suckerpunch" or "Caffeine Bomb", which bummed me out a lot.

Rumor is that they're coming back in January on a headlining tour, bringing along Therapy? - I can't WAIT! If that happens, you gotta go - we'll figure out how to meet up!


You going to the August 21st game? I'll be there with my nephew, although we're stuck in the upper deck. Most of the time, I go with my wife and daughter, which keeps me too occupied to talk tunes all that much. 4-year-old = multiple trips to concession stands and bathroom.


Here are the only games I have on my schedule for the rest of the year:

Saturday, August 21

Wednesday, September 1

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While I do not like Dave at all and think his music is nothign special, this is a very cool idea by him. Even though the concert isn't "free" per se, it's a step in the right direction by charging only 9 bucks for a huge band like his. Atta boy, Dave.


P.S.: I bought Explosions In The Sky tickets yesterday, you have no idea how giddy I am.

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what the hell is this band, never heard of them before






damn, that kinda sounds like some rich stuck up b****, like, THE OLSEN TWINS! =D heh


naw, really

can one of you fans tell me a good cd to go check out as an intro to them?


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what the hell is this band, never heard of them before






damn, that kinda sounds like some rich stuck up b****, like, THE OLSEN TWINS! =D heh


naw, really

can one of you fans tell me a good cd to go check out as an intro to them?


If you can find "Earth Vs. The Wildhearts", that IMO is their best disc.

Most of their stuff is very hard to find, either imports or out-of-print.

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Yeah, slight Wildhearts fan. Infact, so much so that I got my copy of "Riff", the original version, from Ginger himself. Along with my SilverGinger 5 shirt coming from Ginger. I write for a Horror website that is one of Ginger's favorite sites, and he and the site owner have become buddies. Alan, the owner, isn't a Ginger fan musically, so everything Ginger sends to him is addressed to Alan or the "fanboy", being me. I would have gone to the shows also to introduce myself to Ginger, but other past encounters with him may have resulted in a punch to my face. So I passed on those accounts also. :unsure: I'll stop bragging now. :D


Have you ever heard their first demos with Snake from Tobruk? Great stuff.


I personally like Endless for what it is. I fully agree with the noise getting in the way of some brilliant songs, but I still find the coolness in there. Maybe I was just desperate for more Wildhearts at the time.


Oh, and I think it was the kid that softened him up more than the lady. He talks about the kid all the time on his site, and never the lady. Understandable that his kid could change him though.


I will have to check on the 8/21 game, as my daughters birthday is a few days after that, I am betting we will be doing the party on that day, and since the Sept. game is during the week, that is a tough one for me to get to. But maybe I will convince my wife to go to the 8/21 game as a birthday present for my daughter. :P


I haven't made it to any games yet this year, thanks to being out of town on almost every friggin' weekend and coaching my kids softball team this year. Shame on me.


But you commented on the music thread that you liked many of the bands I mentioned. I will PM you a link you might like. It's my home on the 'net.

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what the hell is this band, never heard of them before






damn, that kinda sounds like some rich stuck up b****, like, THE OLSEN TWINS! =D heh


naw, really

can one of you fans tell me a good cd to go check out as an intro to them?


Actually, look for The Wildhearts "Riff After Riff". It is domestic, and you can get an idea of what they used to be like from that. If you like that one, you will LOVE the old stuff. But beware, they are NOTHING like Dave Matthews!!! LOUD guitars, and song arrangements that make your head swirl as you try to figure out how the hell he got from one riff to another, and as smoothly as they do. Ginger is an unreal songwriter, and one of the most respected working today, but you will not find much about him in the US.


As for Matthews, I lost interest after "Under The Table". He got too safe, and the drummer forgot how good he really is.

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Definitely PM me the link - I'd be very interested in seeing the site.

I was stunned to see Hardcore Superstar on your list, as well as great bands like Hanoi, the Dolls, and the Quireboys. I don't have much of their stuff anymore - my Hanoi Rocks stuff was on cassette and my NYDolls and Quireboys were on vinyl, revealing my advanced age - but I like a lot of that glammy stuff, even the new faux-glam like Star Spangles and The Glitterati.

I have not heard the demos - I may have to beg for a CD-R of that!!!


As far as DMB, "Under The Table And Dreaming" is a very good disc, but I've never been that big of a fan.


And just in case you can make it on 8/21, I will wear my WH shirt for identification purposes. I'm in section 529 that day, UD behind the plate.

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ive never been a huge dave fan... hes good.. but im in now way a fanatic =D

free show with some hippies and friends, sure!


after hearing that descripiton (arangements that make your head swrill)

i might like that band more the dave


im more of a tool/opeth/dredg/mars volta fanatic then a dave fanatic =D

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Those clips arent' a good representaion. They are off the album that I was complaining about. Find yourself a file sharing program (ahem) and check out the songs "Sky Babies", "Suckerpunch", "My Baby Is A Headf***" or anything off of "Earth Vs. The Wildhearts", "P.H.U.Q." or "Fishing For Luckies".

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