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My Letter

The Beast

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Dear Chicago White Sox,


Okay. I went to the game on Friday and from where I was sitting I couldn't see with all the people going down the aisle. This went on for majority of the game, but that is not what bugged me. What continues to bug me is immature fans. They don't realize what they say is indecent, and when they don't realize that little kids are there, hearing every word that they say. Two months back a poster on the message board of www.soxtalk.com was beaten severely for trying to tell them to stop. At what level must we as the true diehard White Sox fans stand for this?


Also. I'd like to ask what are the rules of autographs before the game, because the ushers and security crew are very indirect in their rules for autographs. I know as a 16 year old White Sox fan, I just want to collect autographs to hand over to my kids when I get older. I can live with being ignored by the players, but also, if I don't get a response from this feedback email, there is a sad excuse of corruption in the White Sox organization.



Ross Meister


Now this doesn't mean that I am displeased with the White Sox, but I just wanted to voice a few opinions to them. I believe that there should be some security who listen to half the bull s*** that is said there. As for the autographs, I think the people who are there are very indirect with the rules, as they kick people out at different times before the ballgames, and it really bothers me that they do not have a standard set of rules for the ballpark.


Oh, and I like my last line. "If I don't get a response back from this feedback email, there is a sad excuse of corruption in the White Sox organization."

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Is the Burbank police office a poster here?

Or was someone else beaten that I can't remember?


Oh, and I like my last line. "If I don't get a response back from this feedback email, there is a sad excuse of corruption in the White Sox organization."


This line makes you sound very immature and undermines any points you attempted to make. No one would take your letter seriously with this kind of statement included.

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What do you want the sox to do? Hire a personal security guard for every fan? Yeah, some people are assholes, thats life. It happens at every park, every sporting event, no, every PUBLIC event. Not everything is going to be perfect.

And your still on the autographs thing? Who the hell cares, I cared about them when i was like 8, that's about it.

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Oh, and I like my last line. "If I don't get a response back from this feedback email, there is a sad excuse of corruption in the White Sox organization."


You may like that line, but the person that receives that letter won’t.

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Oh, and I like my last line. "If I don't get a response back from this feedback email, there is a sad excuse of corruption in the White Sox organization."

Not only does that line make you look like a whiny punk kid(which probably means they'll toss your letter in the trash), but it also shows a supreme lack of understanding of the English language.


a "sad excuse of corruption?"


That ain't making no good sense.

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Ross... and Jason and Co. let me know if I'm out of line here... please don't use Soxtalk's name like you are a rep of theirs (ours). Your views are surely not mine, and I don't want you expressing things like you speak for me.

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Ross... and Jason and Co. let me know if I'm out of line here... please don't use Soxtalk's name like you are a rep of theirs (ours). Your views are surely not mine, and I don't want you expressing things like you speak for me.


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Dear Chicago White Sox,


Okay. I went to the game on Friday and from where I was sitting I couldn't see with all the people going down the aisle. This went on for majority of the game, but that is not what bugged me. What continues to bug me is immature fans. They don't realize what they say is indecent, and when they don't realize that little kids are there, hearing every word that they say. Two months back a poster on the message board of www.soxtalk.com was beaten severely for trying to tell them to stop. At what level must we as the true diehard White Sox fans stand for this?


Also. I'd like to ask what are the rules of autographs before the game, because the ushers and security crew are very indirect in their rules for autographs. I know as a 16 year old White Sox fan, I just want to collect autographs to hand over to my kids when I get older. I can live with being ignored by the players, but also, if I don't get a response from this feedback email, there is a sad excuse of corruption in the White Sox organization.



Ross Meister


Now this doesn't mean that I am displeased with the White Sox, but I just wanted to voice a few opinions to them. I believe that there should be some security who listen to half the bull s*** that is said there. As for the autographs, I think the people who are there are very indirect with the rules, as they kick people out at different times before the ballgames, and it really bothers me that they do not have a standard set of rules for the ballpark.


Oh, and I like my last line. "If I don't get a response back from this feedback email, there is a sad excuse of corruption in the White Sox organization."

All that last line of the letter does is make you instantly lose credibilty. It puts the reader on the defensive, and you on the attack. If you want to open a dialogue with the team about issues, this isn't the way to do it. I would almost bet that you recieve no response from the organization.


And definately don't lend Soxtalk's name to stuff. It isn't your name to give. Even as an administrator to the site, I ask Jason and company if they mind if I mention the site. It shows a lack of respect for the people who actually do own and operate this site.

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Is the Burbank police office a poster here?

Or was someone else beaten that I can't remember?


I was also curious about this, I'll admit I'm not the most dilligent reader here but when you consider some of the topic that get 50+ pages here...............


.......unless he's talking about himself in the 3rd party, then the whole point of the letter and any reference to soxtalk is just wrong.

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I agree with all the comments about the final line.


I do not believe he positioned soxtalk like he's the board owner or anything. It would be the same as if he said he read it on cnn.com or chisox.com. He named his source. If he wrote suntimes.com would you think he worked for the suntimes?


Two months back a poster on the message board of www.soxtalk.com was beaten severely for trying to tell them to stop.
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I agree with all the comments about the final line.


I do not believe he positioned soxtalk like he's the board owner or anything. It would be the same as if he said he read it on cnn.com or chisox.com. He named his source. If he wrote suntimes.com would you think he worked for the suntimes?

Yeah I agree Tex, I don't think he was tryin to come off as a representative. Not that big a deal.

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I do not believe he positioned soxtalk like he's the board owner or anything. It would be the same as if he said he read it on cnn.com or chisox.com. He named his source. If he wrote suntimes.com would you think he worked for the suntimes?

with this I agree and thank you Tex. Ross was not misrepresenting as I read it.

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I agree with all the comments about the final line.


I do not believe he positioned soxtalk like he's the board owner or anything. It would be the same as if he said he read it on cnn.com or chisox.com. He named his source. If he wrote suntimes.com would you think he worked for the suntimes?

So be it.


I do not want someone who threatens the Sox into responding to him directing people here. Just me. And that's JMO

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Beastly, Sorry for saying this but don't send it. I have made some corrections myself for your letter. I know how to make this sound nice while putting your foot down. 11th grade English kicks ass! You are trying to do a persuasion essay right? If you our you gotta have nmore facts than that. Don't use any sites or people that do not follow your same views. I'll post your new letter later. Wow, I never thought I would really use my english class outside of school. :bang

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This thread is going to turn into something stupid. So be it.


No, he wasn't representing soxtalk.com, but to name drop and then say something stupid (IMO) at the end gives this place a bad name.


It's an honest mistake, I'm cool with that. But for some of you so-called educated people out there, if this were your business name that was dropped in there, would you be so quick to defend the letter? This site represents all of us, and to name drop, it better be ALL done with a side of humbleness when you write an organization.



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what's next you go to Woodfield Shopping Center and here some teenagers swearing and decide to write a letter to Woodfield?


How about walking down the streets of Chicago and hearing the same. Do you write a letter to the mayor?


I agree with the inquiry into autographs, that's a fair question.. but complaining about people swearing... TFB.

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with this I agree and thank you Tex.  Ross was not misrepresenting as I read it.

Exactly my point. I didn't want to stir anything here. I wanted to voice feedback. I know whenever I go to the park there will be morons, but I really just wanted to point out to them that there are kids there who can over hear that and I do not believe that is how they should handle things in their life.


As for soxtalk. That is the source of one issue that I am not sure if they have heard about. I had no intentions of representing us as a whole, but just reading the site and using it as an example.


Lastly, the last line was not to be threatening the White Sox. I just stated if this wasn't noticed by the White Sox, there would obviously be a serious level of corruption on their part. I didn't mean to make it sound like a bad thing, I was just pointing out that in general.


My main point was for them to realize that they aren't correct when they have no serious rules laid down for autographs, and I wanted them to remember that there is a rule to "respect the fans around you."

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