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My Letter

The Beast

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To me the one difference is, this is being sent to Sox managment and in no way do I want them to look down upon this site.  This site is affiliated with FutureSox, which has credentials with the minor league teams, and is working on setting up a few things with some people that are affiliated with the minor leagues but considered with the parent club. 


Otherwise, I typically could care less what someone outside the board thinks.

Gee, are some people embarassed by some of the threads?


To really protect the reputation and everything else, you have to control the content. The thread in question was allowed to continue, what in the thread would be embarrasing? At anytime, anyone, including the people you are concerned about can log in and read the posts.


How many "guests" view the posts? How many of them have written letters mentioning things they read here? We may not like it, but that's the reality. Police what gets posted, delete the stuff you find embarrasing, and do not worry about anyone viewing the cite.

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personally, if I ever sit behind you, I will go see my old friend Nancy and ask her to play "The Victors" so I can stand and sing along and watch security drag your sorry ass out of there when you attack me!  :lol:  :lol:  :headbang  :headbang  :headbang  :cheers  :cheers  :cheers

Oh my.......

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Dear Chicago White Sox,


Okay. I went to the game on Friday and from where I was sitting I couldn't see with all the people going down the aisle. This went on for majority of the game, but that is not what bugged me. What continues to bug me is immature fans. They don't realize what they say is indecent, and when they don't realize that little kids are there, hearing every word that they say. Two months back a poster on the message board of www.soxtalk.com was beaten severely for trying to tell them to stop. At what level must we as the true diehard White Sox fans stand for this?


Also. I'd like to ask what are the rules of autographs before the game, because the ushers and security crew are very indirect in their rules for autographs. I know as a 16 year old White Sox fan, I just want to collect autographs to hand over to my kids when I get older. I can live with being ignored by the players, but also, if I don't get a response from this feedback email, there is a sad excuse of corruption in the White Sox organization.



Ross Meister


Now this doesn't mean that I am displeased with the White Sox, but I just wanted to voice a few opinions to them. I believe that there should be some security who listen to half the bull s*** that is said there. As for the autographs, I think the people who are there are very indirect with the rules, as they kick people out at different times before the ballgames, and it really bothers me that they do not have a standard set of rules for the ballpark.


Oh, and I like my last line. "If I don't get a response back from this feedback email, there is a sad excuse of corruption in the White Sox organization."

Which member was beaten from this site?

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It's quite simple, really


The person reading it is going to say "What a jackass this kid is"...see that soxtalk is even referenced in there and then say "Soxtalk must be full off this kind of crap (after assuming that the letter was sent from a soxtalk poster)"


That's not how they should interpret it, but it's almost guaranteed that's how they will

Those Sox employees must really be stupid to jump to that conslusion from one letter. Perhaps someone can clue them in that anyone can post on web sites, and all sorts of people from seriously deranged to very inteligent use the internet. Do they ever read the official MLB boards? Maybe they should get with technology and get wired to the internet instead of being so ignorant about what's out there.

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It is an honest mistake. Thats what I want to be recognized here.

Yes, I agree it was a "mistake" - and if you truly didn't send it, that's good that you get the chance to correct.


But, I might as well just be very blunt. I think some people are defending Ross just because others took offense to it. (That would never happen here, now would it?) That's why I used the if this were your business, would you object to the name dropping associated with this letter, with a veiled threat at the end of it?


Take that part out, and then maybe the reference is not so bad... but I think for a letter of this nature, general information is better then saying a "poster at soxtalk.com", for example, "a fan that I have an acquaintance with" or something of that effect sounds better, IMO.

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Those Sox employees must really be stupid to jump to that conslusion from one letter. Perhaps someone can clue them in that anyone can post on web sites, and all sorts of people from seriously deranged to very inteligent use the internet. Do they ever read the official MLB boards? Maybe they should get with technology and get wired to the internet instead of being so ignorant about what's out there.

I know, i'm just saying that's what could happen.


If nothing else, it just plants a little seed in their head that has something negative to them affiliated with soxtalk in some manner, that's all

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... but I think for a letter of this nature, general information is better then saying a "poster at soxtalk.com", for example, "a fan that I have an acquaintance with" or something of that effect sounds better, IMO.

Yes. That's a much better way to phrase it.

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Oh my.......

back in the old old old old old days I'd stop at her booth and ask her to play certain songs between certain innings, I'd have a written list I'd leave with her - then sit in the left stand grand stand and bet people what Nancy might play... ;)











disclaimer: yes, I have known Nancy since forever in that she and I went to the same college of then about 1,100 students and in that she was and remains very close to one of my cousins, my favorite cousin... Nancy has been kind to three generations of my family at USCF which means she and we have been around a long time

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I know, i'm just saying that's what could happen.


If nothing else, it just plants a little seed in their head that has something negative to them affiliated with soxtalk in some manner, that's all

So we'll confuse them and write a nice letter and reference soxtalk.com


Bottom line, you cannot control who references threads here. The only certain defense is to control what get's posted and delete or close the offending stuff. That's the same for any web site.

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Thank you for helping me with my rough draft.


I will send my corrected version with this being said in it.


Instead of soxtalk, I will name this a fan site instead.


I also promise to re-state the last sentence.

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back in the old old old old old days I'd stop at her booth and ask her to play certain songs between certain innings, I'd have a written list I'd leave with her - then sit in the left stand grand stand and bet people what Nancy might play... ;)











disclaimer: yes, I have known Nancy since forever in that she and I went to the same college of then about 1,100 students and in that she was and remains very close to one of my cousins, my favorite cousin... Nancy has been kind to three generations of my family at USCF which means she and we have been around a long time

Speaking of songs from way back she can play, ask her to play her version of Suite: Judy Blue Eyes by CS+N. :headbang

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Yes.  That's a much better way to phrase it.

In this case I do not think either will make a difference.


However, in other situations, specific refernces carry more weight than a cannot be proven reference. I know someone who was beat up at the ballpark is not as good as stating I was with Bob Jones on June 5 when he was attacked. Customer Service wants to deal with facts, not vague references. In these types of letters objective evidence always trumps subjective.

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Yes, everyone is jumping on beastly for insulting the white sox to get them to respond, and you did the same thing to people in this thread but nobody cared.

Oh really? I probably should take this off line, but you know...


Just so you know, "so-called educated" was used toward others besides the writer himself because this letter came from a 16 year old. That's his right, and he will learn. However, for people who have college degrees and have "business sense" to condone a letter like this as written is just a little over the edge.


Maybe it's my own background (this will get me in trouble for the finish of this sentance but you should understand), but it really irrates me when people flaunt their education, etc. and then turn around and be ignorant over something like this. That last sentance is, in my opinion, is classless and over the edge (no offense meant, Ross, you'll learn, and your passion will get you a lot out of life - so it's all good...).


My last post said why I thought what I did. Before I start anything else I should shut up now.


/jumping off soapbox and exiting this thread now...

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Thank you for helping me with my rough draft.


I will send my corrected version with this being said in it.


Instead of soxtalk, I will name this a fan site instead.


I also promise to re-state the last sentence.

Excellent Beastly. This shows some maturity on your part and a desire to do what is best for the soxtalk community. Have you considered doing something really unique and mailing it instead of email? Very old school, but in many cases better.

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Mailing a personal, typed and carefully proofread letter to a specific person in the Sox organization will definitely get you a response, assuming the letter is well thought out and professional. Guaranteed.

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cw, ask Nancy if she knows "f*** f*** f***ity f***" by the s***f***s...


...wait, I forgot - are we FOR or AGAINST vulgarity at the ballpark?


;)  :D

The days when I can request songs is long over, hence the reference to the old old old old old days, before pizza races and ATM machine races between innings, when she actually played music between innings and didn't have all that pre recorded stuff to play for player intros.


Her "set list" is almost established before she gets to the park.


I agree those are some great song choices but to hear them now, your best bet is to write to her. I stopped giving her requests about 1987 (in fact it was in 1987 and why I remember that is personal); I realized it was getting to be an impsotion on her because of the changes in the nature of her job.


But back in her first days ... when it was her in the outfield ... it was a different era in many ways from today' ball park experience.

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