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My Letter

The Beast

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That would be a bit hypocritical, considering how many were outraged by beastly's letter to the white sox.  If something is wrong, it's wrong.  Right?

Well.. he didn't say "all you un-educated people".. where beasty said "if you don't respond there's a sad corruption of the organization..", which, IMO, means they are all corrupt..


I suppose if kap had lumped everyone in the un-educated group there might be some screaming going on..



BTW.. I'm LMAO writing this. This is hysterical.. :lol:

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It's quite simple, really


The person reading it is going to say "What a jackass this kid is"...see that soxtalk is even referenced in there and then say "Soxtalk must be full off this kind of crap (after assuming that the letter was sent from a soxtalk poster)"


That's not how they should interpret it, but it's almost guaranteed that's how they will

Oh, that's already been done... :ph34r:

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If that was your draft, here are some ideas for your finished copy.


First, tell them who you are. My name is, I am this age, I have been to this many games, this is where I normally sit. Just give them a background of who you are, and what type of things you have witnessed. As an anonymous email, they really have no grasp of who you are. Letting them know who you are, puts a face on your email, and their response could be more personal, instead of just a form letter they send to all emails.


Second, do not threaten them about a response. Instead you should probably do the exact opposite and preface, I understand that you are busy right now as the White Sox are involved in a very exciting season, but that you hope these issues are resolved quickly, and that you would like to hear back from them as soon as possible.


Third, grammar, punctuation, and all of that is less relevant than the tone of your email. If you are condescending, they will be less likely to listen to what you have to say. If you act like a person who just wants the best for the White Sox, they will be less likely to be on the defensive. I doubt that anyone would have a serious problem over a 16 year old's writing style, its not like you are writing your thesis paper.


Fourth, just be yourself. People are more likely to listen if they truely think you care, and are not just complaining. I know this is kind of a repeat of the others, but theres no need to be fancy or anything. Your a Sox fan, just be that.


Anyways, good luck, hopefully they respond.



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Dear Sirs,


I am emailing you for details regarding the procedure with which I can attain autographed baseballs at your ballpark.


PS - f*** you, you corrupt assholes.


Thank you,

R. Miester.




rotflmao!!! :lolhitting

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To borrow a line...


f*** you


:P  :lol:

Shove it!

:lol: :headbang












Did you see John Edwards running around the Senate the other day saying f*** You to everyone? That was Senator Edwards practicing being Vice Presidential. :lol: :usa

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50th birthday???

:P  :lol:

:fyou :lol:


no, that came much, much, much later.


It was the last time I had both my boys together at Comiskey. That is not something you forget. Little did we know then it would be the last time we were all together at Comiskey, or indeed, just about the last time we were all three together anywhere.


Sox played the Tigers.


Nancy was very good to us both days.


Red Heat was being filmed at Comiskey that same time and Jim Belushi and Arnold Schwarzenegger were both at the park. Clips from that game appear on the bar in the tv at the end of the movie.


My younger son insisted I buy him a Tigers hat.


I fixed his ass. His son is my die hard Sox fan grandson.

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