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Torii go bye bye


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Where is the character on this team? Torii gives one of our players the biggest f***ing cheap shot this year and no one says a word. There was no fire afterward, no nothing. We didn't even make any decent comeback.


We better come out the next two days ready to play harder than ever. You cannot let your division rival do that to you in your own home and then just lay down.


I also want to see Hunter hit in the f***ing head by a fastball before the series is over.

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f***ing scum bag hunter pulls that cheap s*** and doesn't even pay for it. Hunter better start looking for that pitch that is going to hit him because I think it is coming very soon in this series. f*** you hunter you sack of monkey s*** I hope someone kicks the s*** out of him if they see him around town. God that pissed me off

Those are the comments of a loser. Hunter is laughing all the way to first place - again.


Don't get so pissed off about a hard ass legal play. Win the f...ing game or go home crying.

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It SUCKS that Jackson didnt drill Hunter.


The game was out of hand, he is a veteran pitcher, and now it's left to tomorrow's game.


How stupid would it be if Garcia drills a guy tomorrow and some trigger happy ump ejects him, ala Bonderman yesterday?


Absolutely embarassing to me that Hunter was allowed to do that with no immediate repurcussion.


Embarassing, and wrong.

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It SUCKS that Jackson didnt drill Hunter.


The game was out of hand, he is a veteran pitcher, and now it's left to tomorrow's game.


How stupid would it be if Garcia drills a guy tomorrow and some trigger happy ump ejects him, ala Bonderman yesterday?


Absolutely embarassing to me that Hunter was allowed to do that with no immediate repurcussion.


Embarassing, and wrong.

I couldn't say it better myself

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Burke was not blocking the plate, he did not have the ball yet, and Hunter turned out of the basepath to intentionally hit Jaime.


He's a little b****. You can call that playing hard baseball, but you'd be a mind-numbing dolt to do so. Hitting a catcher who has the ball and anticipating a collision is hard baseball. That was 100% cheap.

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Those are the comments of a loser.  Hunter is laughing all the way to first place - again.


Don't get so pissed off about a hard ass legal play.  Win the f...ing game or go home crying.

Quit arguing just to argue.


It was a blatant cheap shot, anyone who knows the game of baseball could see he had a clear lane to slide and decided to drill the catcher.


Hunter needs to get drilled, and/or one of their other players.


If you don't see the need to do that, you don't understand the nuances of the game.



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Burke was not blocking the plate, he did not have the ball yet, and Hunter turned out of the basepath to intentionally hit Jaime.


He's a little b****.  You can call that playing hard baseball, but you'd be a mind-numbing dolt to do so.  Hitting a catcher who has the ball and anticipating a collision is hard baseball.  That was 100% cheap.

And two wrongs don't make a right.


Don't f*** up this series by making any bonehead plays to single out Hunter.


Make a statement by WINNING the next two games.


He made a cheap shot move, luckily Burke isn't hurt, but as fans, there is really nothing accomplished by repeatedly calling Torii Hunter an asshole all night. He acted like one tonight, big deal, get over it and move on.

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What a total asshole, is Burke ok? Here's something from me to ALL the god damn Twins :fyou , they either always had or have b**** players. I hated Hawkins, Pierzynski and I hate Hunter. I hate all of them but that is some bulls***. Even though Hunter needs something to come at him the best way to piss them off is to just shatter them the next couple games.

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And two wrongs don't make a right.


Don't f*** up this series by making any bonehead plays to single out Hunter.


Make a statement by WINNING the next two games.


He made a cheap shot move, luckily Burke isn't hurt, but as fans, there is really nothing accomplished by repeatedly calling Torii Hunter an asshole all night.  He acted like one tonight, big deal, get over it and move on.

I'm not saying we have to f*** up the series to make a statement.


The number one priority is winning the next two games. That is the biggest message you can send. If we have the opportunity to get back at Hunter though, we need to do so in my opinion. I just don't like the idea of him doing that without any kind of repercussion.

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Quit arguing just to argue.


It was a blatant cheap shot, anyone who knows the game of baseball could see he had a clear lane to slide and decided to drill the catcher.


Hunter needs to get drilled, and/or one of their other players.


If you don't see the need to do that, you don't understand the nuances of the game.



You can talk all you want about how you know the "nuances of the game". The Twins kicked the Sox's ass in every phase of the game in front of a huge crowd. The Sox gagged big time and Hunter drilled Burke to top it off.


They won, the Sox lost. Stop crying. Win the game or shut up.


I'm sick and tired of crying about the Twins and coming in second.

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Whats to stop every team from cheap shotting us all the time aboz? If you don't stand up for yourself then its gonna keep happening. There is no room in baseball for what Tori did, he could have given Jamie a concussion for no reason. Its not something you just move on with. As Jim said, its a nuance of baseball. You not only protect your own players, but you protect the integrity of the game.

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And two wrongs don't make a right.


Don't f*** up this series by making any bonehead plays to single out Hunter.


Make a statement by WINNING the next two games.


He made a cheap shot move, luckily Burke isn't hurt, but as fans, there is really nothing accomplished by repeatedly calling Torii Hunter an asshole all night.  He acted like one tonight, big deal, get over it and move on.

You protect your players.


Boston just did it against the Spanks and don't be surprised if they get back in that race in a heartbeat.


I'm not saying that's going to be the case for the White Sox, but you have to protect your players.


I agree, don't do any bone head moves to single Hunter out, but something has to happen. Be it a plunk, or going out of your way on the paths.

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Whats to stop every team from cheap shotting us all the time aboz? If you don't stand up for yourself then its gonna keep happening. There is no room in baseball for what Tori did, he could have given Jamie a concussion for no reason. Its not something you just move on with. As Jim said, its a nuance of baseball. You not only protect your own players, but you protect the integrity of the game.

I don't have a problem with retaliation, just don't go out of your way to do it when we have business to take care of.


He will get his, you can be sure of that.


But seriously, what's the point of posting Torii Hunter is an asshole all night?


He made a cheap shot, we are all in agreement on that, to just sit here and bash asinine all night is stupid.

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Remember there are a lot more games vs. Minnesota this year. If those guys think they can get away with stuff like that, with no repurcussion, it adds an element of confidence to their game.


Jackson is a veteran, it was raining and that was the PERFECT time to get something done. There was no reason to let it carry over, and now it has.


Doesn't matter if it's Hunter or which Twins player. Any of them go out of their way to drill the catcher, somebody needs to understand that two people can play that type of "hard nosed baseball".


Part of playing small ball is doing the little things, like making a guy pay. That brings teams together. What they've done is give the Twins more confidence, and that is a mistake.


Should've been handled right there and then by Jackson.

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And two wrongs don't make a right.


Don't f*** up this series by making any bonehead plays to single out Hunter.


Make a statement by WINNING the next two games.


He made a cheap shot move, luckily Burke isn't hurt, but as fans, there is really nothing accomplished by repeatedly calling Torii Hunter an asshole all night.  He acted like one tonight, big deal, get over it and move on.

That is fine with me - someone mentioned, we might just get a boneheaded ump who throws Freddy/Esty out of the game. Go out, win the games. That will shut Torii the f*** up.

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Should've been handled right there and then by Jackson.

Agreed, 100%.


There was no doubt in my mind Jackson was going to get him on that first pitch, then he didn't.


Maybe it doesn't happen today, but it certainly needs to happen before the Twins leave.

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I agree about that. Doesn't need to be out of their way, doesn't even have to be tomorrow, just sometime when we are up and a pitcher is in the game that isn't that important. But what does it matter about calling him an asshole all night long? What else is there to say? We got our beat by our biggest rivals and had a cheap shot in the game also, personally I feel a little better ranting and calling him names lol.

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Remember there are a lot more games vs. Minnesota this year.  If those guys think they can get away with stuff like that, with no repurcussion, it adds an element of confidence to their game.

I don't think the Twins needed any more confidence against the Sox.


I'm certain they know they will come out on top of this division once again. That's why they have no problem coming in here and literally kicking ass. The only way to shut them up is to win this division. If the Sox plunk Hunter and lose, the Twins have every right to laugh in our face.

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