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Doug Mankeivich and a prospect for Benson


i thought that benson/kendall deal from the pirates was the best thing out there for our club, but i also knew that JR wound have to open up his wallet, pirates would have to eat some of kendalls contract... so i just didnt see it happening


bummer, KW make our team better this week please

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With our latest rash of injuries, ineffective 3-4-5 pitching and the Benson pickup, you have to say the Twins are the favorite to win the division.


Look at Benson's latest few starts, he's been lights out.



There is this one thing that I'm confused about, though. Many of y'all are saying that Benson will help the Twins win the division, etc. and I agree w/ you. But if we had traded for Benson, many people would be b****ing about the guys we gave up to get him and that he's gonna suck in the AL w/ a 5+ ERA. So, I just don't get why people said they didn't want Benson b/c he'd suck in the AL, yet many of those same people didn't want the Twins to get him b/c he'll help them win. I don't get it? :huh

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Benson is decent, but could be a glorified NL pitcher, a la Suppan.

Speaking of Suppan, I remember when Boston traded for him last year and Gammons was going estatic for it. Go figure two months later he's left off the playoff roster he was so bad. :lol: Atta boy, Pete!

Edited by Cerbaho-WG
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Well that sucks. Some of you need to realistically look at things. Benson is young and getting better and the Twins can now put Morneua at first. They are getting better, a lot better. Now it's time for the Sox to band together and take the next two games and then run all over the AL Central and prove that we deserve this.

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I saw that comparrason on SC last night. NL to AL, and how bad he was. Could very easily happen. Who knows, mabye the Benson deal could end up hurting the Twins. My hope is Benson just gets shelled, but the Twins wont take him out of the starting staff because this was there "Big Move" so he keeps getting pounded.


Just a little dreaming on my part.... :unsure:

That's not too far fetched. I can't wait until we face him...

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am i wrong, or haven't the twins been favored to win the division all along? i only really know of two guys (rob neyer and rob dibble) who picked the sox. even once the sox picked up garcia i heard a lot of commentators say this improves the sox's chance in the division, but i didn't hear anyone say it made them the out-and-out favorites.


on benson, i agree with many above. i could definitely see us b****ing if the sox traded for him. i'd rather have garcia any day of the week, plus we got garcia for three more years, while benson will go to the highest bidder (most assuredly not minnesota) this offseason.


but the twins have improved themselves with this signing.


make a move kenny.

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