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Jim Rome


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All you need to understand Rome's brain is the fact that he thinks Jose Lima is the only person to have ever sung the National Anthem well. Lima's rendition is terrible, and Romes opinion on even that is clouded in his friendship with Lima. Rome is a tool and a victim of his own ego and fame.

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All you need to understand Rome's brain is the fact that he thinks Jose Lima is the only person to have ever sung the National Anthem well. Lima's rendition is terrible, and Romes opinion on even that is clouded in his friendship with Lima. Rome is a tool and a victim of his own ego and fame.

I heard this on a commercial for the Retard Nation:

"Good things happen to people who come on the program, and bad things happen to people who don't."

That's not delusional.....

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looks like i'm the only one on here who's going to stick up for rome.


i like rome. rome is no different than any other radio talk show host, except for that his takes actually are:


1) logical

2) well thought out

3) funny


people b**** about mariotti, skip bayless, stephen s*** smith and others because their ways of getting over are by getting louder. rome is an entertainer, and anyone who doesn't understand that will never understand him or his show.


sure, he went off on a rant, and it would have been nice for him to rack the sox when they swept minnesota on the road, but they didn't. did you expect him to rack the sox when they got swept by the twinkies at home? i hope not. people say rome is aloof (i disagree), but he's not going to prop the sox after they got spanked at home in convincing fashion.


while i don't agree with rome on everything, i think he does a great job talking about sports. his interviews with athletes i could really care less about, but some guests he has are top notch. they way he interacts with the clones (through email and phone) is what makes a lot of the show, he plays off them very well.


the people who hate rome are people who aren't down with the so cal lingo, the "takes", and the jungle as a whole. which is too bad, because I find rome quite funny and think he does a great job. you could listen to garbage hometown duos from 12-3pm EST or you could listen to rome, a smart articulate dude who isn't over the top and is actually funny once in a while.

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He is also a big pussy. Remember when he kept calling Jim Everett "Chrissy"? Everett told him if he did it one more time, he was gonna kick Rome's ass. Rome did it, then ran for his life behind staff as Everett turned over the table and went nuts trying to get at him. Grow some balls, douche bag! (Rome, that is.) :finger

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He is also a big pussy.  Remember when he kept calling Jim Everett "Chrissy"?  Everett told him if he did it one more time, he was gonna kick Rome's ass.  Rome did it, then ran for his life behind staff as Everett turned over the table and went nuts trying to get at him.  Grow some balls, douche bag! (Rome, that is.) :finger

That was f***ing awesome. I have the clip downloaded on my computer, and love watching it from time to time.

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