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Latest scoop on Mets-Bucs-Sox deal


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Sweeney really struggled early, but he's been on a tear lately. He'll be in AA soon enough, at least by the start of next season. Of course if KW thinks Cliff Floyd is the difference between us making the playoffs or not making it then he should go for it. Otherwise if it doesn't work out, I'm sure people like Steff and Alex will definitely question him on this one at SoxFest.  :lol:

I just talked about this last night with Mikster... if he (Kenny) DOESN'T do something I will bite his head off. I want something, anything. Sitting around holding onto prospects isn't cutting it with me anymore... nor my hefty check I write every year.


I will however make sure I remind Kenny and DJ about the stellar Harris experiment. :puke

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I would prefer not to see sweeney go, however I don't want to wait another year to win, Floyd would help the offense a great deal this year. It would be tough to swallow seeing Ryan gone but I'm all for it, forget about the future right now, lets go win the division this year.

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I don't think this deal is going to happen. It all starts with a little Gasoline from Gammons and now it is out of control. The Pirates are still listening to offers for Benson.


Look at this little tidbit from Rotoworld:

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that while talks with the Twins regarding Kris Benson have stalled, Minnesota is not out of the running. The Braves could also make a play for Benson.

The Rangers aren't dead either. Oddly enough, the one team the article doesn't mention is the Mets, who as of last night were considered the frontrunners for Benson, and want to sign him to an extension if they get him. As for the Braves, who are a sudden mystery guest, ''I know they're interested,'' a baseball official said. ''They just like to stay under the radar. Their people don't talk.'' The Braves might trade RHP Jose Capellan and third baseman Andy Marte for Benson, the Post-Gazette reports. If that's the case, which frankly would be hard to believe, the Pirates should jump and not look back.


If the Braves offer Capellan or Marte, both are Stud prospects (better than Sweeney). If they offer both the Pirates will be loving life.

Marte is the Braves TOP prospect.

Capellan is their TOP pitching prospect.

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If KW deals Ryan, he is an incompentent moron who should be fired when this team fails to win the division for the fourth straight year.

Amen, KW has taken a 2000 AL central team with a great future and good farm system and the team has not won s*** since he took over. Now, he looks to be depleting our farm system while overpaying in nearly every trade he makes.

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The reason I like Cliff for Sweeny is because Sweeny is being used as a piece to block the Twins from getting Benson.

Why is everyone so worried about Benson going to the Twins? He's not that good, and should have troubles in the AL compared to the NL. Also, the Twins would be giving up some of their future for a rental. Also, the Sox are not in a position where they can worry about something like this. They need to improve their team a lot more than the Twins do.

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Amen, KW has taken a 2000 AL central team with a great future and good farm system and the team has not won s*** since he took over.  Now, he looks to be depleting our farm system while overpaying in nearly every trade he makes.

How many of those guys from that farm system are producing anywhere? How about players off of that 2000 team? And what would you have done differently?

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How many of those guys from that farm system are producing anywhere?  How about players off of that 2000 team?  And what would you have done differently?

I think KW has given this team the tools to win. The problem is the players haven't been living up to expectations. Maybe if things don't go as KW planned (WS), it's time to blow up the core of the team. :huh

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How many of those guys from that farm system are producing anywhere?  How about players off of that 2000 team?  And what would you have done differently?

You beat me to it. All those "great" arms we've had in the minor leagues for the most part have amounted to nothing. Kenny really hasn't traded away any real good young players except kip wells.

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You guys who are so anxious to trade Sweeney are nuts.  14 months ago he was in high school.  He goes straight to High A Ball and succeeds.  It's not like he is hitting .280 in Great Falls.  If we have to trade him, do it next year and we can get a lot more than Cliff Floyd for him.  Anyone who thinks Old Cliff will put us over the top are naive.

Sweeney has a very, very big flaw in his swing right now. He literally lunges towards the ball, which is the exact opposite of what you want to do with the ball. I think he might have corrected this due to his latest surge in AVG.


And aboz, is this the same incompetent moron who you praised for keeping your boy JB and trading away Jeremy Reed? Flip...flop.

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People dont want to trade Sweeney or Anderson but everyone says we have to resign Maggs to a long term deal. Rowand is turning into a super star and has alot of fans and at least i wanna see him in a sox uni for a while. Carlos is still pretty young and people want him around for a while. Now that covers all the outfield positions. Where is there room for Sweeney, Anderson,Borchard, Brice etc.


But still, I dont know about Cliff Floyd but im not gunna really say anything about the deal because if it happens, it happens and b****ing does nothing.

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People dont want to trade Sweeney or Anderson but everyone says we have to resign Maggs to a long term deal. Rowand is turning into a super star and has alot of fans and at least i wanna see him in a sox uni for a  while. Carlos is still pretty young and people want him around for a while. Now that covers all the outfield positions. Where is there room for Sweeney, Anderson,Borchard, Brice etc.

That all may be true, but I feel at the least that Sweeney can be a more valuable chip to us later, if we give him time.

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People dont want to trade Sweeney or Anderson but everyone says we have to resign Maggs to a long term deal. Rowand is turning into a super star and has alot of fans and at least i wanna see him in a sox uni for a  while. Carlos is still pretty young and people want him around for a while. Now that covers all the outfield positions. Where is there room for Sweeney, Anderson,Borchard, Brice etc.


But still, I dont know about Cliff Floyd but im not gunna really say anything about the deal because if it happens, it happens and b****ing does nothing.

Rowand is turning into a superstar...?

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Rowand is turning into a super star and has alot of fans and at least i wanna see him in a sox uni for a  while.





Aaron Rowand...superstar? Oh my God.....ROFL

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That all may be true, but I feel at the least that Sweeney can be a more valuable chip to us later, if we give him time.

In the meantime, the Sox should sit on their hands and wait as the offense tanks and they miss the playoffs.....Count me out as one who wants to wait.


Few teams will trade valuable, talented everyday players for an A ball player. Most teams want a guy almost ready for the majors. Sometimes the perfect is the enemy of the good.

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What the hell. Sweeney for a 32 year old who is prone to major injuries and has a big time contract.


Gimme a freaking break, the Mets would unload his contract for nothing. This would piss the hell out of me. You don't give up a guy thats 19 and ripping A ball. The past 3 weeks the guy is hitting around .360 or so.


His power is going to develop. This guy was in high school 14 months ago, like oldsocks pointed out, and has as high of upside as anyone in the minors (not just in the Sox system) offensively.


The guy can be dealt, but for Cliff Floyd, HELL NO.

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ok, maybe i phrased it wrong but he is turning into somethin good.


He is batting over .300

He has decent speed

He can hit for power

He has a great glove


I dont know what more you can ask for...

Turning into a right handed version of Trot Nixon :D

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