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Kerry's Speech to the Convention . . .


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BTW, I sent Kerry and Bush emails asking them to define "middle class" we'll see their responses. Both candidates seem to require signing up for their campaigns to ask a question. Interesting.


In the mean time I did receive this from the Kerry campaign


Dear James,


Thank you very much for signing up at JohnKerry.com. Your support is instrumental to the success of our campaign -- and you've taken the first step by signing up today.


Our organizers have fanned out across the country, linking up with activists and volunteers like you who have been working in the field for months. Person-to-person communication is critical to spreading the Kerry-Edwards positive vision for a new America: stronger at home, respected in the world. With your assistance, we will create a field program whose size and reach are unmatched in the history of presidential elections.


We need your help in this tremendous effort. Please FORWARD THIS EMAIL to five friends and ask them to get involved in our field program by clicking here:




Face-to-face contact is the best way to get voters to the polls for the Kerry-Edwards ticket. We need a huge number of grassroots volunteers -- you are our #1 recruiter. Forwarding this email to just five of your friends will help grow our field program into an unstoppable force. Tell your friends to get involved here:




Again, thank you for your support.




Kerry-Edwards 2004

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And for those who wish to support the man from the great state of Texas and former minor league baseball executive


Thank you for your interest in Bush-Cheney '04! With your commitment to re-electing President Bush you can be a leader in his campaign. As a Bush Volunteer you will be a key member of the President's grassroots team. We challenge you to accomplish up to six important tasks:


Recruit 5 Other Bush Volunteers

Sign Up 10 Friends or Family to Receive Bush Email Updates

Write Letters to the Editor & Call Talk Radio Shows

Host a Party for the President

Help Turn Out the Vote for President Bush

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Sign up now to be a Bush Volunteer!   

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Tex.. he said this..:


"If you have an income of 50-75,000 and you are married with a couple kids....I'm sorry that is not rich....."


Which is not only a good point.. it's a fact.

And Kerry agrees with that.

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And the dissapointing reply from the challenger


Kerry - Edwards - Stronger at Home, Respected in the World.




Dear Friend,




Thank you for sending John Kerry your questions and concerns about the economy, jobs, taxes, and the deficit.  There is a fundamental difference in this election: George Bush has no real economic plan for long term prosperity and higher standards of living.  John Kerry does. 




John Kerry's plan will contribute to the following results in his first term as President:




-Create 10 million new jobs


-Cut the deficit in half while paying for all proposals


-Provide affordable and accessible health care for all Americans


-Improve education, including universally accessible college


-Move America towards energy independence




Here are the four principles of John Kerry's plan:




Cut Middle Class Taxes: 98% of individuals - and 99% of American companies and small businesses will pay lower taxes under John Kerry's plan. This will include tax cuts to make health care and education more affordable.




Restore PAY-AS-YOU-GO: John Kerry will return to the principle of paying for new initiatives without increasing the deficit.  John Kerry will make health care and education more affordable and accessible for all Americans by rolling back the Bush tax cuts for people making more than $200 thousand per year.




Restrain Discretionary Spending: John Kerry will restore the discretionary spending caps of the 1990s to ensure that spending - outside of education and security - does not grow faster than inflation.




Cut Corporate Welfare: John Kerry will push the McCain-Kerry Corporate Welfare Commission to eliminate unnecessary corporate welfare. John Kerry's plan will eliminate all tax breaks that encourage companies to move jobs overseas.  Those savings will reduce the deficit and encourage companies to create jobs here in America.




Here is a link to our Economy and Jobs webpage, where you will find more information on John Kerry's vision for getting the American economy back on track:  http://www.johnkerry.com/issues/economy/




Also, the following is a report from the John Kerry for President campaign uncovering the state-by-state impact of the Bush administration's secret budget plan to cut major spending in 2006 if the President is reelected.






Get straight answers to attacks and distortions about John Kerry's record

at: http://blog.johnkerry.com/rapidresponse/




Read what other Kerry supporters are saying anytime at:





Become a supporter!  Click here to join the growing network of John Kerry supporters at:  http://volunteer.johnkerry.com/profile/new/




Again, thank you for supporting John Kerry.




The Kerry - Edwards Team




This email address has been registered at JohnKerry.com.  If you do not want further messages about John Kerry, just reply to [email protected] with "Remove" in the subject line.




Paid for and authorized by Kerry-Edwards 2004, Inc.

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Kerry plan in summary:


Take back the Bush tax cut for people making over $200,000. Close any tax breaks for companies sending jobs overseas. Take that money and cut taxes for the people that Choas talks about, the hard working Americans making $25,000 to $200,000.

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Kerry plan in summary:


Take back the Bush tax cut for people making over $200,000. Close any tax breaks for companies sending jobs overseas. Take that money and cut taxes for the people that Choas talks about, the hard working Americans making $25,000 to $200,000.

At $195,000 I just make it.. whew! :lol:

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Cut those tax loopholes on companies abroad, EXCEPT FOOD COMPANIES.  Now why would he do that?................................. (Jeapordy music).....


The question is, who is Teresa Heinz, Alex?

That and the fact we like fresh strawberries in January. I don't know how to roll this back but we can no longer support our food requirements from home grown products. We could, except the US population doesn't want to hear about "seasons" or increased prices.


I would love to see more production brought back to the US. I think it is cool when some fruits all of a sudden start appearing on grocers shelves because they are in season.

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Kerry plan in summary:


Take back the Bush tax cut for people making over $200,000. Close any tax breaks for companies sending jobs overseas. Take that money and cut taxes for the people that Choas talks about, the hard working Americans making $25,000 to $200,000.

A little tiny loophole in that plan to close tax breaks for corporations

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I'm gonna say this for the record.


After watching all this, seriously, John Kerry and John Edwards are good people. They're even likeable... they are a lot more soft-spoken and eloquent then our current administration.


I think these guys genuinely want to better America, I think their hearts are in the right places.


I just simply disagree with their ways to get there.


Kudos for the DNC. They did a great job.

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Are any of us working for corporations we feel are unjust, or doing something not in the best interest of its employees, the neighborhood, or the citizens of the US?



Most will say no. Then is it no surprise as politicians you will favor policies that benefit those market sectors? I would have been more surprised had President Bush not favored oil interests or offered contracts to Haliburton. Hell is W thought Haliburton was a bad company, why pick its CEO as a VP mate?

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I'm gonna say this for the record. 


After watching all this, seriously, John Kerry and John Edwards are good people.  They're even likeable... they are a lot more soft-spoken and eloquent then our current administration.


I think these guys genuinely want to better America, I think their hearts are in the right places.


I just simply disagree with their ways to get there.


Kudos for the DNC.  They did a great job.

Another difference in our opinions, I do not find Kerry likable. I place Bush far further up that scale than Kerry. There is just something about him that I cannot warm up to. That inner voice is probably 90% of the reason I'm still undecided and closer to pulling the level for Bush and knwoing what I'll get, than Kerry and onl guessing.

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Another difference in our opinions, I do not find Kerry likable. I place Bush far further up that scale than Kerry. There is just something about him that I cannot warm up to. That inner voice is probably 90% of the reason I'm still undecided and  closer to pulling the level for Bush and knwoing what I'll get, than Kerry and onl guessing.

I gotta agree with Kapkomet on the likeableness (is that even a word? :D ) on the candidates. Cheney makes me sick and Bush, well, he just seems to come off as a putz (not saying he is, just that he comes off that way to me).

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