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Kerry's Speech to the Convention . . .


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Are any of us working for corporations we feel are unjust, or doing something not in the best interest of its employees, the neighborhood, or the citizens of the US?



Most will say no. Then is it no surprise as politicians you will favor policies that benefit those market sectors? I would have been more surprised had President Bush not favored oil interests or offered contracts to Haliburton. Hell is W thought Haliburton was a bad company, why pick its CEO as a VP mate?

Personally it doesn't surprise me at all. As a matter of a fact if they DIDN'T it would surprise me.


The point is the sterotype is out there of Cheney only working for Hali, but where is the stereotype the other way. I keep hearing that Republicans only pander to big business. But here is an example of a Democrat who wants to rewrite the tax code for his own personal gain, just like they are railing against the current administration for.


And I work for a company that has no interest in what is best for its employees, neighborhood or the country as a whole. I work for a company whose single interest is profit. Nothing else.

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And I work for a company that has no interest in what is best for its employees, neighborhood or the country as a whole.  I work for a company whose single interest is profit.  Nothing else.

Makes two of us. I've only worked for one company that did seem to care about something other than profits. And I miss that job greatly. :crying

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The point is the sterotype is out there of Cheney only working for Hali, but where is the stereotype the other way.  I keep hearing that Republicans only pander to big business.  But here is an example of a Democrat who wants to rewrite the tax code for his own personal gain, just like they are railing against the current administration for.

It's because there are never two sides to anything when it's for their own good. Hence my signature... THEY ALL DO IT.

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SS and Queen, would you like your companies to supply ambulance service to your town? I always think of those types of companies when someone starts telling me how great privatizing government services would be.

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SS and Queen, would you like your companies to supply ambulance service to your town? I always think of those types of companies when someone starts telling me how great privatizing government services would be.

God no. They would be sued for neglegence in a heartbeat.

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LOL!  So true.


The company I am at is taking a step in the direction of environmental safety.  We will be lead free by mid next year. It's a start.

Are they still making carbon comp resistors?

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Are they still making carbon comp resistors?

We sell them, but we don't make them. We only have about 1/2 the line available that we used to have as well. They are slowly going the way of the dinosaur. The problem is that some engineers are having a tizzy about using cermic style instead (electrically similar part).

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I was flipping through the channels and came across Kerry saying "I will not mislead this nation into war!" and had to turn it off in disgust. He was privy to all the same information that GWB had, and he voted for the war, often using stronger language for the need for war, and he has the nerve of accusing the President of misleading us? Sickening.

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I was flipping through the channels and came across Kerry saying "I will not mislead this nation into war!" and had to turn it off in disgust. He was privy to all the same information that GWB had, and he voted for the war, often using stronger language for the need for war, and he has the nerve of accusing the President of misleading us? Sickening.

Really, I always hoped that the President had more information. Does that also mean that Congress and the Senate had all the same information on Bin Laden that Clinton had?

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Really, I always hoped that the President had more information. Does that also mean that Congress and the Senate had all the same information on Bin Laden that Clinton had?

As far as I know, the Senate Intelligence Committee, is presented the same intelligence information as the President. I would imagine that the same would go for bin Laden and Clinton. Of course, there is no question that bin Laden was always considered dangerous. The question was what to do about him, which wouldn't have anything to do with the Senate Intelligence Committee.

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Of course Bush and Co. was not responsible for the wrong information.


WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of State Colin Powell conceded Friday evidence he presented to the United Nations that two trailers in Iraq were used for weapons of mass destruction may have been wrong.


  Colin Powell says he has discussed the trailer claims with the CIA. 

By Benoit Doppagne, AFP


In an airborne news conference on the way home from NATO talks in Brussels, Powell said he had been given solid information about the trailers that he told the Security Council in February 2003 were designed for making biological weapons.


But now, Powell said, "it appears not to be the case that it was that solid."


He said he hoped the intelligence commission appointed by President Bush to investigate prewar intelligence on Iraq "will look into these matters to see whether or not the intelligence agency had a basis for the confidence that they placed in the intelligence at that time."


Powell's dramatic case to the Security Council that Iraq had secret arsenals of weapons of mass destruction failed to persuade the council to directly back the U.S.-led war that deposed the Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. But it helped mobilize sentiment among the American people for going to war.

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I think the problem is where a lot of the intelligence was coming from.


Hussein Kamal was used by the admin. to get info about their weapons. In his testimony he stated that the programs were destroyed by the UN after the Gulf War and that everything was gone by 1994-1995.


Ahmed Chalabi is a convicted felon in Jordan. According to Knight Ridder news wire, the Pentagon has set aside between $3 million and $4 million this year for the Information Collection Program of the Iraqi National Congress, or INC, led by Ahmed Chalabi, said two senior U.S. officials and a U.S. defense official.


This is just me thinking out loud...but a convicted felon and a group of disgruntled anti-Saddam Iraqis willing to do anything to get him out of power may not be the best group to get unbiased information from. It says something about our government that they got fleeced so damn badly. (Although this intelligence did play into the hands of the neo-conservatives and neo-liberals in PNAC who have been advocating the conquest of the mid-East in order to control/stabilize world oil resources since the early 1990s when PNAC was created.)

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