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KW again


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Kw knows how to get rid of a good vibe with SOX fans, KW again is crying about not having any money to get KR. The dam Twins got him over us, TWINS. KR does not upset me the worst though, KW says even if OTHER guys are availiable he has to wait till MID SEASON can't blow my limited budget early. Sox tickets and parking are both raised again this season. I got the bad feeling

just making the playoffs and a little extra revenue in those games is all KW, JR give a dam about. :fyou

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The Sox dont realize that all their crying about money when we all know damn well they're all rich because of the middle class people paying rediculous prices to go to the games.


They're going to make a s*** load of money thins year and they know it. i wish he'd shut the hell up about money already. :angry:

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The Sox dont realize that all their crying about money when we all know damn well they're all rich because of the middle class people paying rediculous prices to go to the games.


They're going to make a s*** load of money thins year and they know it. i wish he'd shut the hell up about money already.  :angry:

Yep....JR & KW will stop crying poor...that'll happen....any day now....just you wait and see..... :rolleyes:

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Kw knows how to get rid of a good vibe with SOX fans, KW again is crying about not having any money to get KR. The dam Twins  got him over us, TWINS. KR does not upset me the worst though, KW says even if OTHER guys are availiable he has to wait till MID SEASON can't blow my limited budget early. Sox tickets and parking are both raised again this season. I got the bad feeling

just making the playoffs and a little extra revenue in those games is all KW, JR give a dam about. :fyou

once an idiot..always an idiot

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KW doesn't set the budget.  He has to work within the budget set by JR.  Someone asked him a question and he gave an honest answer in response.  I don't see where he was crying or whining about it.  Just stated a fact.

Some people are against him no matter what he does. That is unfortunate, and those people will probably never give him credit no matter what he does.

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KW doesn't set the budget.  He has to work within the budget set by JR.  Someone asked him a question and he gave an honest answer in response.  I don't see where he was crying or whining about it.  Just stated a fact.

Some people are against him no matter what he does. That is unfortunate, and those people will probably never give him credit no matter what he does.

KW didn't get off to a very good start, but he has done a much better job lately. I know he gets hammered a lot for the Durham deal, but I have a feeling that he was ordered to move Ray. That kinda put him over a barrel. KW hasn't done a bad job.

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KW doesn't set the budget.  He has to work within the budget set by JR.  Someone asked him a question and he gave an honest answer in response.  I don't see where he was crying or whining about it.  Just stated a fact.

Some people are against him no matter what he does. That is unfortunate, and those people will probably never give him credit no matter what he does.

KW didn't get off to a very good start, but he has done a much better job lately. I know he gets hammered a lot for the Durham deal, but I have a feeling that he was ordered to move Ray. That kinda put him over a barrel. KW hasn't done a bad job.

myself i dont buy into these theories that JM had to play clayton because KW said so....or kw had to move durham becaue JR said so...if that was the case then KW should become the field manager and JR should also wear the hat of the GM..


if KW was ordered to move durham by JR and he did it then he deserves to be called an idiot...you stand up to your bosses in those situations and suffer the consequences...kw should have said you hired me to be the GM..let me do the job i wa hired to do the best way i can..same would go for JM to KW...maybe thats a reason why the sox are mediocre at best under JR's ownership


as for what williams said...it was stupid...he knows damn well the money excuse drives fans away...what he should have said was we made rogers what we felt was a very fair...but unfortunately he and his agent took what they felt was a better offer...


i believe with incentives the sox offer was about the same as the twins..kw could have also said we offered rogers a very similiar contract that minnesota offered but he chose not to play here..


anything but the "i only had 50 cents in my pocket and needed a dollar" excuse


he's an idiot because its the 3rd year of his GMship and he hasnt figured this out yet...

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KW sucks and the one's on this thread praising him , I do not want to see you in July If they are under .500 ripping KW then, suck him off now and suck him off then. Whitesoxpride3035 keep living the lie on Colon deal.

Let it be known that I just deleted a response to you in which I resorted to the classless garbage you throw out in your posts. I decided that I didn't want to leave that on this board. I take great offense to your remark about sucking KW off. Baggio disagreed with me, but he offer an intelligent rebuttal. That must be beyond your capabilities so you resort to vulgarities. That, of course, is a crutch for people that cannot use logic and reason to form their opinion. By the way, I have an opinion of KW and I am entitled to express it at any time. I also have the option of changing my mind whenever and however I feel like doing so. So, if, in the event that I do decide KW has made a mistake or screwed up big time, I will express that opinion regardless of what you have to say about it.

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Kw ass kissers like are what Sox brass love. I guess we all should skip over all your post since as you say "Change my opinion If I choose to do so". because HELL you cannot make up your mind where you stand on any subject. Wind is out of the South today, and may be out of the North tommorrow I think I will change my opinion. I love KW .. NO I hate KW.. DAM. I now know what it is like to be you and gee it sure SUCKS :fyou

I have always been a defender of KW. I just stated I had the right to change my opinion. Get some class. you are in desparate need of it.

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Kw ass kissers like are what Sox brass love. I guess we all should skip over all your post since as you say "Change my opinion If I choose to do so". because HELL you cannot make up your mind where you stand on any subject. Wind is out of the South today, and may be out of the North tommorrow I think I will change my opinion. I love KW .. NO I hate KW.. DAM. I now know what it is like to be you and gee it sure SUCKS :fyou

I have always been a defender of KW. I just stated I had the right to change my opinion. Get some class. you are in desparate need of it.

i think yasny has a good point..while everyone here is free to voice their opinoons anyway they want..a big reason for this sites success has been that quite a few fans from WSI and chisox boards got tired of the "if you dont agree with my opinon youre a dumbass" mentality that at times has invaded those sites...


we dont have to all hold hands and sing kumbaya :lol: but we shouldnt be attacking each other personally either....jmo..take it for what its worth

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KW's idiocy debate.... always fun :P



Personally i am not a very big fan of KW, Since hes taken over hes made MANY questionable moves. Trading away some great talent and getting back NADA! (we got adkins for durham... tyler houston fetched more then that at the deadline last year). Overall i would say that hes getting a C grade so far... and thats mainly because of the great off-season he had this year. Everyone is quick to point out the Colon trade. Lets not forget how the yankees jumped in to help us out on that one to screw over the bosox. Also lets not forget that minyana overplayed his hand....


A lot still remains to be seen on how hes done. I would say the thing that erks me the most about him is his consant interference in the clubhouse....

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KW doesn't set the budget.  He has to work within the budget set by JR.  Someone asked him a question and he gave an honest answer in response.  I don't see where he was crying or whining about it.  Just stated a fact.

Some people are against him no matter what he does. That is unfortunate, and those people will probably never give him credit no matter what he does.

Well, I call it like I see it and I think he's done a pretty good job this offseason. He went out and landed an ace pitcher for pretty much nothing. Before that he brought us in a guy that is happy being a closer, and was one of the top closers in the majors last year and is very young. Him and Foulke are both good, but Koch will be here a longer time, which shows it was not just him thinking shorterm which is what so many have thought one of his problem was in some of his previous trades. After that he could of said hey, I call it an offseason, but he signed Flash Gordon to fill a slot in the bullpen and when Flash is healthy he's one of the best in the game. Then he signed Rick White who was dominate with the playoff bound Cardinals last season, once he joined the team. He didn't just sit there and say, we have prospects, so I'm just going to hand them the job. He's going to make those guys earn the job and I think thats the best way to do it. A bullpen is a place where you want a real good mixture of guys. We got two lefties, one throws pretty hard the other softer, both god odd motions. Then we have one righty in White that doesn't throw too hard. Glover who has 3 pitches, well pretty much 3 in a fastball change and curve. Then you get Flash and his fastball curve combo. And of course Billy Koch.


With the rotation, now that he had 4 guys he could of said hey thats enough, but once again he thought, lets go out and sign some more guys in this case, Heredia and Loiaza to minor league deal and now people are talking about Loiaza being the 4th guy in the rotation ahead of the "sore" Danny Wright. He also brought in Brian Daubach and Armando Rios really strengthening the bench, especially compared to what it was last year, where we had absolutely nothing on the bench.


To me he's showing signs that he's really learning. In previous years we probably wouldn't have Flash or White or Loiaza and potentially Daubach, but this year he's learned that a team needs a ton of depth and you can never have too much and he's done just that. He realizes you can't rush prospects and this is going to be good for the Sox prospects. They will get their time to learn in the minors, so when they finally come up, they'll be ready.


Of course what happens in the season who knows, but I seriously could see KW winning a gm of the year award of things go RIGHT and I'm talking World Series.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

ahh i see your talking about my favorite subject....lol........everyone knows how i feel so i guess i dont have to waste space up saying how i dont agree with the things he does.. how i did commend him for a job well done in the minor system and how much i wish he would go back there..........other than that .. this season hasnt started yet.. so i cant judge the moves hes made on spring training games alone... if we do well by the all star break then he should get a pat on the back.. if we suck then of course you know he then becomes our favorite whipping boy and if jr doesnt fire him.. then look to see buehrle, colon, thomas, konerko, and possibly maggs being moved out of chicago........dump and rebuild will be the name of the game...........

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