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Mets win Benson sweepstakes


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Well - it's hard to sign a guy when you don't have any money.  JR was telling Kenny he actually needed to decrease payroll by a couple million, so if you want to blame someone, blame JR.


We'll get off YOUR ass, when you get off Kenny's ass...  ;)

Never said I hated Williams I just hate other teams getting good players and the majority of them being out of our reach. It blows.

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Your the one b****ing. If you cant take the heat, dont shell it out. KW made 2 good, solid moves, it just wasnt at the deadline. We needed help a few weeks ago, so he made some deals. I know you just want to get all excited because the deadline is today, but its not going to happen. If you really want excitment, go be a Dodger fan.

Why don't you read above. Before you s*** yourself figure out what I actually meant. I don't hate Ken Williams. I hate the way the game is where we there are good players available but we usually don't have the budget to get them and they go to inflated teams such as the Yankees or Mets. Being mid-market in Chicago is pathetic, and I blame our owner for most of it. I am 16, my Dad has season tickets and I see at least 40 games a year with him, so if you're criticizing me for loving the White Sox and wishing they could get these players, you're getting a little angry at me for no reason whatsoever.


EDIT: I mean seriously, I came here to talk White Sox baseball with other White Sox fans in a Cubs city. Didn't come here to argue. Get over yourself.

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Why don't you read above. Before you s*** yourself figure out what I actually meant. I don't hate Ken Williams. I hate the way the game is where we there are good players available but we usually don't have the budget to get them and they go to inflated teams such as the Yankees or Mets. Being mid-market in Chicago is pathetic, and I blame our owner for most of it. I am 16, my Dad has season tickets and I see at least 40 games a year with him, so if you're criticizing me for loving the White Sox and wishing they could get these players, you're getting a little angry at me for no reason whatsoever.


EDIT: I mean seriously, I came here to talk White Sox baseball with other White Sox fans in a Cubs city. Didn't come here to argue. Get over yourself.



People are DYING to see this team elevate it's status, and in the middle of a 5 game losing streak, it's becoming apparent what the holes are. People are desparate to see a weak division for the taking, and management needs to do something, now.


Hence, it's a little sensitive right now if people think we're not doing anything.


I know you know all this, but your "edit" comment made me say this anyway.

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Well - it's hard to sign a guy when you don't have any money.  JR was telling Kenny he actually needed to decrease payroll by a couple million, so if you want to blame someone, blame JR.


We'll get off YOUR ass, when you get off Kenny's ass...  ;)

Both KW and Jerry said that money was not an issue.


The issue is that the team is basically done and KW and Jerry know it. There is no point in throwing good money after bad. Nothing on the market would make this team any more likely to win this division or the wild card, so Kenny should just stand pat or possibly look to dump ELo or Valentin for young talent. Hopefully, Maggs or Frank will come back and the Twins will somehow miraculously collapse.


They key was the series against Minnesota. As much as many of you "IN" guys didn't want to believe it, it didn't matter how many games were left, strength of schedule or Carl Everett. That critical series determined whether KW would go for broke or back out. He's backed out. And he's right.

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Money is really not an issue. Kenny Williams is showing us what he wants to do. He already got the White Sox the much needed starter in Freddy Garcia, and the 3rd outfielder (when Thomas gets back) in Carl Everett.


We b****ed, he went out and got something.


What else do you want, Big Jurassic? A cookie? Here's an oreo.


Maybe he is happy with what he has. You should be happy too, count your f***ing blessings on this team.


All I think the White Sox would need is a catcher or a relief pitcher.

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Money is really not an issue. Kenny Williams is showing us what he wants to do. He already got the White Sox the much needed starter in Freddy Garcia, and the 3rd outfielder (when Thomas gets back) in Carl Everett.


We b****ed, he went out and got something.


What else do you want, Big Jurassic? A cookie? Here's an oreo.


Maybe he is happy with what he has. You should be happy too, count your f***ing blessings on this team.


All I think the White Sox would need is a catcher or a relief pitcher.

Wow seriously, chill. You have nothing better to do than try to be tough by cursing me out. You're cool. :dips***


What gives you the right to curse me out anyway? Just because you've got more posts on a message board? I've been going to at least 30-40 games a season cheering my heart out for the White Sox and watch pretty much every game on TV. You don't need posts to have an opinion and you don't need to go to a lot of games to be a White Sox fan. Respect my feelings toward our situation and I'll think of respecting you. But if you don't, your words mean jack s*** to me.

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Both KW and Jerry said that money was not an issue.


The issue is that the team is basically done and KW and Jerry know it.  There is no point in throwing good money after bad.  Nothing on the market would make this team any more likely to win this division or the wild card, so Kenny should just stand pat or possibly look to dump ELo or Valentin for young talent.  Hopefully, Maggs or Frank will come back and the Twins will somehow miraculously collapse.


They key was the series against Minnesota.  As much as many of you "IN" guys didn't want to believe it, it didn't matter how many games were left, strength of schedule or Carl Everett.  That critical series determined whether KW would go for broke or back out.  He's backed out.  And he's right.

Right, this team is done. rolleyeyes.gif The sox are four f***in games out, they aren't done and kw doesn't believe their done. If there is a move to make, he'll make it, meanwhile go the f*** away, your negativity is real annoying.

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Levine was just on AM1000 just after 5 p.m. and said he wouldn't be surprised if the Sox stood pat.  But he also indicated they have been looking hard for a right handed bat (yes, right handed) and there are a couple players they're trying to land.  Bautista of Arizona was mentioned.

You know Jim, I really don't think we know what we are doing. We got Willie harris,and Ross Gload on our team. Does this look like a team destine to the playoffs? Jackson, Cotts, Adkins, and our starting catcher is jamie Burke. again does this look like playoffs? Its nuts, this team is a 500 ball club without Maggs and Thomas. its just that simple. 3rd place.



A shame...... By the way have I told you how much I hate Harris and Gload? Well I do. They are nothing.

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I'll agree that there are few if any players that can make a major difference on this team. Most of them either will cost us too much in talent, have a no trade clause, or both.

I don't think we are done yet, but we obviously need to start playing better. I think Detroit's park is a bad place to play at this time. Their park is very deep in the power alleys and in center, and the ball doesn't seem to carry. This means we have to put several hits together to get runs, which is not happening in this lineup right now. It can happen, but the way Valentin, Jose, Crede, and our catchers are currently hitting, it's going to be hard. We still have two more games with Detroit with our two best starters pitching, followed by 3 games with KC. Even if we fall short in the playoffs, I'm not with some of these people in giving up season tickets(sorry, don't have them, although before this recent streak my Dad was talking about getting some) or switching loyalties or whatever. It stopped being our year when Maggs went back on the DL. I think if we resign Maggs this team will have a good shot, especially if we add someone in FA. Stay with us man!

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Both KW and Jerry said that money was not an issue.


The issue is that the team is basically done and KW and Jerry know it.  There is no point in throwing good money after bad.  Nothing on the market would make this team any more likely to win this division or the wild card, so Kenny should just stand pat or possibly look to dump ELo or Valentin for young talent.  Hopefully, Maggs or Frank will come back and the Twins will somehow miraculously collapse.


They key was the series against Minnesota.  As much as many of you "IN" guys didn't want to believe it, it didn't matter how many games were left, strength of schedule or Carl Everett.  That critical series determined whether KW would go for broke or back out.  He's backed out.  And he's right.

If you read what I put, I was talking about this past offseason, not right now.


I disagree with most of your post but I've already gone over it a million times with you, so it's completely useless.

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