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Loaiza traded to NY, Contreras discussion


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How old is Contreras? And when will he be pitching?

He's 32, but who knows how accurate that is. It seems every offseason a whole bunch of latin players add 2 or 3 years to their age(I think the Cubans are a little better than some of the other countries in terms of accurate ages, but I could be wrong). Someone said he is going to pitch Tuesday, but that's just what I heard from someone else on the board.

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You said:

"That's what separates your Hendry's from your Kenny's. They got Ramirez, Garciaparra and Lofton for nothing, while we can't even swing Jose Cruz."


--That's exactly what I've been trying to say about trades.

Well put!

The Cubs get Nomar for NOTHING!

Those are good f***ing trades.

Our trades generally suck.

We give up TOO MUCH.

Under KW, we are chumps trading.

Kenny also gave up close to nothing to get Colon when he was the top pitcher on the market (unless you saw something in Leifer, Biddle and Osuna that I didn't). Thing is, you usually can give away a lot less for a guy who is a free agent at the end of the year.


Hence, the Cubs better hope they can sign Garciaparra at the end of the year, cause they gave up some great talent for a possible rental. If you listened to his interview, he didn't exactly sound thrilled about the deal. Remember, when the Maggs for Nomar trade almost went down, everybody was saying that he'd bolt for the west coast at the end of the season anyway (he apparently lives out there).


Anyway, to call us chumps for not being able to rip other teams off is just ignorant. Hendry has traded away players like Dontrelle Willis, Eric Hinske and Hee Shoep Choi. all players I'd gladly take. Hendry's a good GM, but don't make it sound like he's got every team in his pocket.


As for the E-Lo for Contreras move, I think it was a good one. I loved watching Esty last year, but from what I've seen this year, he's clearly proving to be a fluke. If he had a couple good years before last year, I may have given him the benefit of the doubt. But fact of the matter is that last year looks like more aberation than revelation. I wish him all the luck in NYC.


And obviously, Contreras's stats are nothing to drool over. But he has the stuff and pitched in some big games. He also was moved all over the place for the Yanks the past two years and could probably use some consistancy. I'm not as enthusiastic about this deal as some others, but the fact that he's actually signed for a few years (vs. Esty being a free agent at the end of the year) is enough for me to be mildly happy about it.


:drink :drink :drink :drink :drink

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Thought this was interesting from Phil Rogers on Contreras,


For the short term, the White Sox should promote Felix Diaz (9-2, 3.18 at Triple-A Charlotte) to replace Loaiza and use Contreras out of the bullpen, where they need help. But it's easy to see how Contreras could blossom as a starter under lowered expectations, as Loaiza did in 2003.

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Thought this was interesting from Phil Rogers on Contreras,


For the short term, the White Sox should promote Felix Diaz (9-2, 3.18 at Triple-A Charlotte) to replace Loaiza and use Contreras out of the bullpen, where they need help. But it's easy to see how Contreras could blossom as a starter under lowered expectations, as Loaiza did in 2003.

That would be incredibly stupid and won't happen, imo(atleast I hope not :ph34r: ) .

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That would be incredibly stupid and won't happen, imo(atleast I hope not  :ph34r: ) .

I agree. KW's ego forbids it.


Why promtoe a young pitcher with ONE career win while Contreras has the "stuff" (and prior success) to succeed as a starter.


What good would Contreras be out of the pen if Felix Diaz can't pitch past the fourth inning? His role is better served pitching six innings, compared to the three a long reliever would warrant.

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Let's look at this Williams vs. Hendry thing.


Hendry got Nomar for Gonzalez and prospects. That's pretty damn impressive.


Williams got Garcia, Everett and Contreras for Olivo, Loiaza and prospects. Add to that fact that he acquired Loaiza prior to '03 for nothing. On the whole, I'd have to give the nod to Williams.

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Hendry did quite good on getting Nomahhhh, but it all lies now in do they resign him? I would bet no way. Nomar will probably want to go back to the West Coast anyway like he has said before but Nomar will be commanding a huge salary in which I don't see the Cubs wanting to pay. So now he is just a rental guy and they still payed a very little price but next year will be stuck with the same problem... who plays SS??

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Contreras' reaction when he found out about the trade,


At 3 p.m., Cashman took the elevator from his office to the clubhouse, ran into Stottlemyre in the dugout runway, asked him to pull Contreras off the bench, tracked down interpreter Leo Astacio and posed the burning question in Torre's office.


Contreras was stunned, distraught, and, said someone who saw him shortly after, angry. Cashman left while Contreras spoke via phone with his agent, Jaime Torres. By 3:40 p.m., "it was getting hairy," said Cashman, but then his Blackberry buzzed. It was Torres, giving the okay.

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The Cubs got f***ed. It’s obvious Nomar is going to ask for some big $$$. Cubs GM couldn’t sign Kenny Lofton or Randal Simon in the off-season, but was successful with re-signing Ramirez. Like I said, it’s going to cost a lot if they want to keep the SS.

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At the start of this spring training, it looked like we would be depending on Dan Wright and Jon Rauch to man the back end of our rotation. Now we have Jon Garland and Scott Schoeneweis, you gotta say that's a definite improvement.

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The Cubs got f***ed. It’s obvious Nomar is going to ask for some big $$$. Cubs GM couldn’t sign Kenny Lofton or Randal Simon in the off-season, but was successful with re-signing Ramirez. Like I said, it’s going to cost a lot if they want to keep the SS.

They didnt even sign Ramirez, He had a multi year deal when they got him.

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The Cubs got f***ed. It’s obvious Nomar is going to ask for some big $$$. Cubs GM couldn’t sign Kenny Lofton or Randal Simon in the off-season, but was successful with re-signing Ramirez. Like I said, it’s going to cost a lot if they want to keep the SS.

After the Dodgers missed out on a big name player in Randy, I've got no doubt they'll offer big bucks for Nomar, especially since he's a local boy too. They'll trade Izturis for some bullpen help.

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Nomar really ain't that good, definately not what he was a couple years ago...


his away from home avg. is gross, but wrigleys short distance might be good enough for him to succeed mildly...


but his defense is subpar...

and he's got a big ego...

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So we have Garcia, Buehrle, Contreras, and Garland locked up as starting pitchers.


Not bad, especially if Garland starts stepping up.

i like the fact that the rotation is generally set for the next few years, and if contreras can pitch like he's capable, this will be a nice pitching rotation.

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i like the fact that the rotation is generally set for the next few years, and if contreras can pitch like he's capable, this will be a nice pitching rotation.



I guess the key word here is "could". Garcia and Buehrle should be fine. The Sox think they can help Contreras do better with some tweaking - he has a good arm, no doubt about that.


Garland continues to be just "ok". Everyone thought he'd really step it up this year, so far he's been treading water.


As for a 5th stater, I think they can (and should) do better than Schoeneweis, but that's just me.

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As for a 5th stater, I think they can (and should) do better than Schoeneweis, but that's just me.

I'm interested to see what happens with the 5th spot.


Also, I think this Nomar deal is overrated for the Cubs. They got Jose Valentin who hits for a bit better average. They gave up a junk SS, so no loss there. They also gave up a stud AAA infielder in Harris (who might have filled the SS spot). They also gave up one of their best relief pitching prospects in Beltran. Beltran could have been their closer someday, which is what they really need more than anything.


I don't think Nomar will be the savior.

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Jim...Garcia and Mark are fine. If this tipping pitches thing for Contreras can be fixed by the Sox, then we just got a steal for a pitcher with some great stuff in exchange for a pitcher who would not pitch inside and whose cutter has been figured out by most of the league.


I think upgrades could definitely be made for Schoeneweis. (Crosses fingers and hopes for a Pavano or another good pitcher to take his place and allows Garland to be a #5 starter) I also think there need to be a few offensive upgrades as well esp. if Magglio does not return next year but cementing this rotation is the #1 priority and I agree with KW on getting that done. If Contreras gets his s*** straightened out, KW picks up another quality SP and gets him signed for a few years and Garland remains the #5 (I think anybody will admit that he has done better than a lot of the 5th starters we've seen this season for the most part) then we are going to have one helluva staff for the next couple of seasons.

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