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Planned Parenthood Controversial T-Shirts


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Planned Parenthood is now selling shirts that say "I had an abortion." It's caused a rift between PP chapters and pro-choicers. I personally think this gives the pro-life movement a chance to come out with their own tee...


How's this for a slogan: No One Can De-Fetus!

It works on so many levels.


I'm pro-choice but I think that abortions shouldn't be the primary form of birth control. They should be safe and legal but don't rely on having a fetus getting its head sucked flat with a vaccuum in lieu of using the pill, condoms, etc. The shirts do take away a little bit of the social stigma related to abortion but is not the best means to go about it.

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Who would wear that shirt? I know a few women that have had abortions--and none of them would feel safe wearing that shirt. Seriously, as far as my experience goes you might as well wear a shirt that says, "Spit on me and call me names."


I'm pro-choice but, like Apu, very against abortion as a means of birth control. Gah, that is a total gaffe and stupid idea by Planned Parenthood.


I think a similar thing was done in France (or was it here too) right before Roe vs. Wade when famous and non-famous women signed their name acknowledging they had an abortion. But I just don't see how these things protect the privacy or safety of these women (or men--I guess they could wear them too).

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Planned Parenthood is now selling shirts that say "I had an abortion."  It's caused a rift between PP chapters and pro-choicers.  I personally think this gives the pro-life movement a chance to come out with their own tee...


How's this for a slogan: No One Can De-Fetus!

It works on so many levels.


I'm pro-choice but I think that abortions shouldn't be the primary form of birth control.  They should be safe and legal but don't rely on having a fetus getting its head sucked flat with a vaccuum in lieu of using the pill, condoms, etc.  The shirts do take away a little bit of the social stigma related to abortion but is not the best means to go about it.

Why would anybody in their right mind be proud that they had an abortion. Most women become distraught after having one because they feel guilty about it, some requiring counseling, others just want to forget about the whole thing.


What a bunch of sick twisted people Planned Parenthood are.

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Planned Parenthood is now selling shirts that say "I had an abortion."  It's caused a rift between PP chapters and pro-choicers.  I personally think this gives the pro-life movement a chance to come out with their own tee...


How's this for a slogan: No One Can De-Fetus!

It works on so many levels.


I'm pro-choice but I think that abortions shouldn't be the primary form of birth control.  They should be safe and legal but don't rely on having a fetus getting its head sucked flat with a vaccuum in lieu of using the pill, condoms, etc.  The shirts do take away a little bit of the social stigma related to abortion but is not the best means to go about it.

Abortion will neer be eliminated. People will always find ways to do it somewhere. However, it it is truly legalized and accepted, people will rely on it over birth control, condoms, and just having safe sex, and it will get way out of hand. Thats why I think something should be done to fight it, just so that the rate stays the same as it is now and it does not become accepted.

Edited by CubsSuck1
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