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Protien Shakes


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For the other gym rats, I was curious what brand of protien shakes or pills/vitamins you take?


I used to takes a form of Ephedra before it was banned and worked wonders for me. I was smart while taking it and never over did it. I tried HydroxyCut since then and it made me black out a few times.

I have since jumped to Zantrax 3 and it helps energy wise, but that is it.


I used to drink the GNC brand of protien shakes, the 100% Whey and was told that Nitro Tech was the best out there. I jumped ship to NitroTech and I like it, except instead of getting plain chocolate, I got Chocolate with Cinnamon Swirl and it is kind of nasty. Nitro Tech protien shakes get my thumbs up.


Also took Cell Teck, whichi is from the same company as Nitro Tech, I guess it is a form of creatine. It worked wonders lifting wise, put I put on 15 lbs in water weight so shut that down for awhile.


Just thought it would be cool to start a thread for workout folks who need advice or want to talk about it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I used to takes a form of Ephedra before it was banned and worked wonders for me. I was smart while taking it and never over did it. I tried HydroxyCut since then and it made me black out a few times.

I have since jumped to Zantrax 3 and it helps energy wise, but that is it.


Why take fat burners and crap like that? You'd be much better off just changing your diet than taking harmful supplements like Ephredra or useless crap like Hydroxycut and Zantrax 3.


I used to drink the GNC brand of protien shakes, the 100% Whey and was told that Nitro Tech was the best out there. I jumped ship to NitroTech and I like it, except instead of getting plain chocolate, I got Chocolate with Cinnamon Swirl and it is kind of nasty. Nitro Tech protien shakes get my thumbs up.


Forget GNC, and definitly forget Nitro Tech. GNC is the most overpriced supplement place in existance and Nitro Tech is the most overpriced protein on the market.


Forget what the advertisements in Flex magazine say, your not going to become ripped to shreds from crap like that.


I suggest, to save the pennies, and to get your best bang for your buck go to bodybuilding.com and buy some ON nutrition protein powder. For 30 dollars you have a 5 pound jug.


Also took Cell Teck, whichi is from the same company as Nitro Tech, I guess it is a form of creatine. It worked wonders lifting wise, put I put on 15 lbs in water weight so shut that down for awhile.


All stuff from nitrotech is the biggest waste of money there is. I suggest as for the protien, if your going to continue to use creatine to buy the regular creatine monohydrate on the bb.com website.


I definitly love the lifting thread. Im a gym rat I guess you can call it, and I am in the gym 5 days a week.


Tell me your workout plan and your dimensions and s*** like that i'll be able to help you for sure.

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Forget that stuff, just jump straight to steroids. I recomend human growth hormones...:P


One thing I remember hearing about protein is that you are suppose to consume a gram per pound you weight for maximum effiecentcy. I really don't bother too much with the proteins and what not cause I am generally trying to lose weight.

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Nitro Tech is actually cheap at some sites on the internet or you can get it cheap at GNC on discount days if you're a Gold member. Just don't buy the Chocolate Cinnamon Swirl cuz it tastes like booty. I have had results from using it, but results vary obviousy from person to person.

I could stand to lose a few lbs of body fat, but i'm far from out of shape. I usually have two cans of tuna for dinner after I work out or a chicken breast and broccoli. Yum.

I'll just go buy some THG. ;)

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