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Hey Admins: Why no cw??


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I unlocked it.  Should cw want to show up and respond, I don't think he would have been able to...


I just reinstalled AIM on a machine here and will talk to Jason that way, as he suggested.

Good point, I said that originally. Sorry.

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Damn, I miss everything that goes on here. Or almost everything. I wondered why, out of the blue, I got a PM from cwsox thanking me for posting here, especially after we had had several 'differences of opinion' in the SLP section. Now I find out he is gone. I wonder if he knew it was coming......

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Damn, I miss everything that goes on here.  Or almost everything.  I wondered why, out of the blue, I got a PM from cwsox thanking me for posting here, especially after we had had several 'differences of opinion' in the SLP section.  Now I find out he is gone.  I wonder if he knew it was coming......



I got one of those a while back too...



ohhhhh I see :o

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I'm going to unpin this, but still keep it unlocked.


Jason took some time to explain his position, and his decision that I understand he did not enter into lightly.


I don't agree with the final decision, but that is irrelevant.

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Let's remember the CWSox we know and love was the posts, not his irksome tasks and weighty responsibilities as an admin. I honestly do not even know what admins do, maybe hand crank the server??


He is still free to post and I would welcome that with a :cheers even though beer makes him sick. I do not know the admin stuff, would rather not know.


I find this all rather silly. Admins and mods are not elected, do not study or take a test. I recomended months ago that most admins and all mods should be limited to 6 month terms and offered to be the first to resign. Not that I do not like being able to fix some of my posting errors when I hit reply to fast. :lol:


I cannot believe anyone places admin or mod on their resume or admits it to family and friends. It's all so silly and grown men are losing sleep and energy over it. Dammit CW if you read this start posting and enjoy not having to do whatever it is that admins do. And explain to me why I didn't get an email from you telling me I'm a good poster? bastard

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Let's remember the CWSox we know and love was the posts, not his irksome tasks and weighty responsibilities as an admin. I honestly do not even know what admins do, maybe hand crank the server??


He is still free to post and I would welcome that with a  :cheers even though beer makes him sick. I do not know the admin stuff, would rather not know.


I find this all rather silly. Admins and mods are not elected, do not study or take a test. I recomended months ago that most admins and all mods should be limited to 6 month terms and offered to be the first to resign. Not that I do not like being able to fix some of my posting errors when I hit reply to fast.  :lol:


I cannot believe anyone places admin or mod on their resume or admits it to family and friends. It's all so silly and grown men are losing sleep and energy over it. Dammit CW if you read this start posting and enjoy not having to do whatever it is that admins do. And explain to me why I didn't get an email from you telling me I'm a good poster? bastard

I agree with you Tex. Regardless of him being an admin or not, if cw is gone, I will miss his companionship and friendlyness. No respect is lost here for cwsox.


And didn't you know that Message Board Admin looks great on resumes?

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I received one of those "out of the blue" PM's from cwsox as well. cwsox had a way of stopping temper flare ups before they really got started, and did so while emphasizing the strengths and virtues of the two potential combatants. That is a skill and talent that I fear will be sorely missed around here.


I don't know, nor do I want to know, exactly why cwsox's admin powers were revoked. But, I do know this much. Without cwsox's intelligent, insightful and always well meaning leadership, Soxtalk will be less than what it was.


I've said my piece.

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When I was a kid my Uncle used to pick on me and get me all riled up and when I'd start to get the upper hand he'd say, "Alright, that's enough, I don't want to hurt you!"


That's how cw came across to me. I've read a lot of posts throughout this thread saying how he was so good at stopping people from getting into. I respectfully disagree. The majority of the times that he commended other posters in those situations was when HE was the one getting that other poster heated, just like my Uncle in the story above. I mean how many times did you read that same post from him? : "Look, you're a great poster and I consider you a friend and at the next Sox game I'll buy you a beer, but I don't want to go into...blah blah blah." I, like many here aparently, bought into it for the longest time, but finally opened my eyes and saw him for the BS artist, I feel, he really is. I know I'm not the only one here that has a problem with him, but by the looks of this "lovefest" thread, I may be the only one brave (read: stupid) enough to post it. He crossed a line with me once after President Reagan died and that was the end of our "relationship." Let me tell you as one that got into it with Vince a few times. It didn't stop on the boards. On the public boards, he'd be diplomatic for the most part, but then he'd PM you and really let the s*** fly. It happened to me a couple times.


I wasn't going to say anything, but I think both sides need to be represented here. I expect some people will be upset with me about it and jump on me over what I've said, but I'll just have to deal with that. Maybe some of the others that I referred to above will come forward to "defend" me.


Again, this is not to bash Vince. If I wanted to do that, I could have done it a long time ago. I'm sure he's a good friend to some of you. This is just my side of things. And no, I had nothing to do with his "demotion." I don't even know if any of the admins know my story.


Thanks for hearing me out.

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I received one of those "out of the blue" PM's from cwsox as well.  cwsox had a way of stopping temper flare ups before they really got started, and did so while emphasizing the strengths and virtues of the two potential combatants. That is a skill and talent that I fear will be sorely missed around here. 

That I agree with 100%.


The only thing that I feel needs re-emphasized now is, this wasn't some sort of witch-hunt, I have very little time for that - hell, I do have a life outside of message boards. I don't have time for the drama.


Sometimes, though, even the most noble of intentions are overshadowed by other things.


I wish it weren't so. For example, I enjoy debate as much as anyone and cw had one of the best gifts of debate on this board. He taught me a lot of things that I did not know and for that I thank him. I sincerely hope he will reconsider after a time and come back as a poster.

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Flame away if you all want to but cwsox came across to me as an arrogant, condescending ass. I am not the only one who thinks like this either as anyone who had the temerity to disagree with anything he said was labeled by him as somewhat retarded and ignorant. I shed no tears over this situation.

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Eye and Nuke:


I'm not going to flame you over your positions on this, I understand some of where they come from, and I respect you and your right to honestly arrive at your opinions.


Eye, I recall the Reagan bit, and I recall you and others being incensed when, basically the minute the body was in the ground, he started in on what he really thouht of the man. In my view he played along with the BS Week of American Mourninng like we all did, and then got brutally honest on his opinions.


Just as you both are now.


Perhaps not tactful, certainly combative and abraisive... But that's not something unoque to cw around here.


As far as being condescending (Nuke's words) or the 'passive-aggressive uncle' (Eye's sentiments), I disagree with those assessments but respect them for the personal opinions they are.


cw had a release valve, and when a conversation got too heated or became an impasse, he woud try to end it amicably - the "you're a great poster and I consider you a friend.." sentiments Eye noted. Maye that's the right approach, and maybe not. But the fact is that we're all helping to evolve this nascent online dialog thing, and sometimes we get it wrong.


You should know that cw was regularly the one who fought NOT to ban abraisive, disagreable posters that others disliked and wanted gone. Being a jerk was nott a ban-able offense in hiis estimation as long as the suspect poster was not resorting to venomous personal attacks. Not being one of the cool, in-crowd posters, and disagreeing with members of the same was not a man-able offense in cw's estimation, which is why you need Admins like that.


I respect Jason's wishes not to air particulars in public, and I appreciate that some of his stance is in deference to cw. But, the 'abuse of Admin powers' rationale for dismissal seems more a last straw than the entire picture. Doing the right thing is not always the easy thing. cw as an Admin pushed the rest of the Admins to do the right things rather than the easy things, and he pissed people off as a result.


We are now left to decide whether his termination is conjfluence or coincidence.

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Damn, I leave work and 2.5 pages show up in this thread. I hope CW does come back. He helped me out on a couple things with very good advice. I may not have agreed with certain political opinions or his taste in music (j/k couldn't resist), but I always enjoyed reading his posts.

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Eye, I recall the Reagan bit, and I recall you and others being incensed when, basically the minute the body was in the ground, he started in on what he really thouht of the man.  In my view he played along with the BS Week of American Mourninng like we all did, and then got brutally honest on his opinions.

Jim, that wasn't it. he's entitiled to his opinion about Reagan. Yes, that bothered me, but it wasn't "the final straw" that I'm talking about. It was a lot more than that, and had nothing to do with his opinions.

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Jim, that wasn't it. he's entitiled to his opinion about Reagan. Yes, that bothered me, but it wasn't "the final straw" that I'm talking about. It was a lot more than that, and had nothing to do with his opinions.

I think he had a really f***ed up opinion about Reagan but the fact that he said some truly offensive s*** about him then lied about it later and covered it up really rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. Me and mreye especially.

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I think he had a really f***ed up opinion about Reagan but the fact that he said some truly offensive s*** about him then lied about it later and covered it up really rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.  Me and mreye especially.

He didn't lie about it. I imagined it. Read my sig.

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For the record, none of the personality clashes are the point.  That isn't the point at all.


Just needed to be said.

Kap, with all due respect, it's all personality stuff. With the exceptions of the guys who write the check or have programming skills to keep the board running, (BIG Thank you) the rest of the mods and admins basically have received the on-line equivelent of a pat on the head and a good boy. If Mods had any real responsibilities, or "power" there would be written guidelines, a list of responsibilities, possibly some training. Instead mods receive "thank you, you are a mod take a look at your new control panel and let me know if you have any questions". Again IMHO it's just a pat on the head and a lolly pop. BTW, Jas, thanks for the lolly pop, you can have it back anytime :lol: and without a 70 post thread.


The mods and admins without technical suppport had to be selected based on their posts or real world relationships. i.e. personality stuff. If you get in on that, the removal is also that. CW pissed some people off, pile up the bodies on one side vs. the bodies on the other and a decision was made to take back the lolly pop. For some, there is joy in Mudville. Why people care so much still surprises me.


Basically the "real" admins told CW they do not like him anymore. Well gee, I hope everyone realizes that there are people here who do not like you. If that bothers you, stay home, don't log on, because on a big planet, there are bound to be people who will not like you. I would hope that CW doesn't let the realization that a couple people here do not like him keep him from posting. I know there are more than a few people here that do not like me, it's pretty easy to tell, they have told me. :D I can respect that, I don't much care for them either.


I am not privy to any insider information, I did not receive CW's ouster email last week (maybe he doesn't like me ;) ) I just know the stakes are so very very small and on the human scale of tragedies, this doesn't even register. I enjoyed CW's short posts, I prefer someone just giving me the :fyou than spending 1000 words to do the same so many times stopped reading the longer ones.


But to dismiss personality in all this just doesn't pass the common sense test. If Jas is going to drop an admin for admin mistakes he should drop himself for crashing the boards every three months for another of his "upgrades" :lolhitting


BTW and for what it is worth, I would have let him keep his admin title and took away any functions that y'all felt he abused. However, if the mindset is these titles have power then that probably never crossed anyone's mind. His public posts were no worse than dozens of other posters here.

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