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Hey Admins: Why no cw??


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There.  That is the accusation.


And on its own it is rather damning.  I think it deserves more explanation, particularly regarding the following:


cw did/does edit his posts after the fact.  Usually to fix typos or bad syntax.  Partly this is a marginally effective way for him not to let dyslexia (which he admints to suffering from) get in the way of what he is trying to say.  Partly it is because he is often tthinking fast and typing faster, and inadvertant ommissions or grammatical mistakes change the contextual meaning of what he is trying to say.  As I have said to others, I believe cw feels an ownership and a responsibility for his words, and he would rather make post hoc edits than to have his words convey something other than what he intended.


Thus far then, cw was utilizing a board feature avvailable to us all - whetther we choose to go back and edit.  So, that is at worst a questionable practice as a poster, a quirk of his posting style, but NOT an abuse of Admin powers.


as for the more serious accusation of editing others' posts - clearly something only Mods or Admins can do.  It is importannt to be careful with this allegation.  If the perceivved transgressions come down to cw going in and again editing HIS OWN WORDS that now appear as in-post quotes posted by others, then that needs to be stated.  because, again, for a man who stands on his words as the means to express often well-read and scholarly opinions, letting typos or dyslexia or clumsy finggers get in the way of what he is trying to convey woud be hard to take.  Yes, it causes confusion, and yes, there are probbably better ways to say, "Hey, that's not what I meant!"  So, this is a part of tthe accusation that does bear consideration.


Now, if the accusation about editing others' posts really means editing other posters' words, it's a lot harder to justify.  cw has been accused of doing that, and he flatly and patently refutes the allegation (Admin-deleting of offensive, attacking posts notwithstanding, I assume).  Admins who have helped to make this decision:  Has it been demonstrated that cw used his Admin authority to change someone else's word in his/her posts as suggested??


I cannot say anything about the last part of the charge - lying about abusing the Admin priveleges.  cw should ad I'm sure will be the onne to speak to that.

If editing other people's words in quotes is a high crime then a lot of people should be ousted. Starting with me. I've been the perp and the victim of the evil misquoter, always a perp for laughs.


All this to win fictional debate points with people you will never meet :headshake

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Hope I'm not out of line.. and if I am just :bang me. But shouldn't this be being discussed between mods & admins..? I don't see the value of posting all of this (specifically the detail you went into FSJ - very articulate post, BTW) for the rest of the board to see.



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Hope I'm not out of line.. and if I am just  :bang me. But shouldn't this be being discussed between mods & admins..? I don't see the value of posting all of this (specifically the detail you went into FSJ - very articulate post, BTW) for the rest of the board to see.



IMO, this is good to be out in the open. It isn't getting heated at all and I think that this is allowing people grow and become more knowledgable about the boards and acceptable behavior. I think that a lot of people can learn from what is being said in this thread.

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If editing other people's words in quotes is a high crime then a lot of people should be ousted. Starting with me. I've been the perp and the victim of the evil misquoter,  always a perp for laughs.


All this to win fictional debate points with people you will never meet  :headshake

Ah, but you just don't get it... It's really so very imporant to ascertain whether someone met D12 on an airplane OR in an airport, and to flush out the goddamn liar if he gets it wrong.

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IMO, this is good to be out in the open. It isn't getting heated at all and I think that this is allowing people grow and become more knowledgable about the boards and acceptable behavior. I think that a lot of people can learn from what is being said in this thread.

I guess I'm looking at it from the Vince side. If I had done this, gotten caught, and had it exposed in this way... I dunno if I would come back... :unsure:

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Ah, but you just don't get it... It's really so very imporant to ascertain whether someone met D12 on an airplane OR in an airport, and to flush out the goddamn liar if he gets it wrong.

How did I know this was going to go there?




It is NOT about that issue.

Edited by kapkomet
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There have been instances found in the logs of it. And it wasn't jsut the editing....I think the fact that he lied about it is bigger because we have to be able to trust anyone who has access to things.

Again, I have nothing to say about the accusation of lying. I hope cw will respond to it in some form.


Steff, you're right and I'm trying to be careful about what I say in this thread versus what is said in private conversations. I post that lengthy post as an addendum to Spiff's charge in a vaccuum of cw editing his posts and those of others, and suggested that the accusation be less vague. I stayed clear of all of that until those details were posted by another Admin.

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Again, I have nothing to say about the accusation of lying.  I hope cw will respond to it in some form.


Steff, you're right and I'm trying to be careful about what I say in this thread versus what is said in private conversations.  I post that lengthy post as an addendum to Spiff's charge in a vaccuum of cw editing his posts and those of others, and suggested that the accusation be less vague.  I stayed clear of all of that until those details were posted by another Admin.

Maybe if the topic was left to the mods and admins in the first place.. this wouldn't be what it is.

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I only said what he did because everyone was acting like he was just the unpopular guy who got pushed out. I had nothing against him, in fact I defended him just the other day, but when people tell me he did that, and they say they have proof then I agree that he can't be trusted with admin powers for the good of the site. If the posters dont trust the people who run the boards then this place isnt worth crap.

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I guess I'm looking at it from the Vince side. If I had done this, gotten caught, and had it exposed in this way... I dunno if I would come back...  :unsure:

I definetly can understand what you are saying, but also it could be good that people know the true story, so that people are not coming up with rumors about what happened. Also, we can know what happened without having to speculate, which might just be better off.

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How did I know this was going to go there?




It is NOT about that issue.

I'm not suggesting that it is, but that is the recent issue of cw post-changery that had been pointed out to me.


I nor, Vince, nor anybody else on the site wants this to boil over into a board war. he was always, always about building up the community here and not tearing it down.


And in the end, this was Jason's decision to make whether others agree with it or not. Getting some of it out in the open doesn't change that, but I think the issue deserved consideration by the community here.

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IMO, this is good to be out in the open. It isn't getting heated at all and I think that this is allowing people grow and become more knowledgable about the boards and acceptable behavior. I think that a lot of people can learn from what is being said in this thread.

You are correct.


Steff, The only behind the scenes discussions would be between the admins, Mods are basically Wal*mart greeters.


Hello, can I get you a cart? :D

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I'm not here to bash Vince, however this is getting way out of control.


What Spiff has said is 100% truth, and the reasoning behind Vince being relived of his admin duties.


We don't hate the man, he's more than welcome to post on the board. He's more than welcome to communicate with any posters from this site. Long story short, there nothing to debate.

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I'm not here to bash Vince, however this is getting way out of control.

I was just thinking how nice it was that it wasn't getting out of control. WHich post did you think was out of control?

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I was just thinking how nice it was that it wasn't getting out of control. WHich post did you think was out of control?



With the new information arising and the post of FlaSoxxJim regarding dyslexia, I now see no meaning for him to be relieved of his duties as a soxtalk.com admin.


I do not speak for the people of this site, my above statement is IMHO.


But hey, I'll never be a moderator, so I might as well shut my trap.

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With the new information arising and the post of FlaSoxxJim regarding dyslexia, I now see no meaning for him to be relieved of his duties as a soxtalk.com admin.

Do you think we are THAT PETTY?


Come one, come all, please answer me that one.


That's what is being insinuated by asking for more and more and more and more and more details.


I am not going there out of respect even for cw. He doesn't deserve that, and frankly just about every one of you doesn't deserve that much detail. That's harsh, but that is the way it is.

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