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Female 'Jihadis' Get Online Magazine

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Female 'Jihadis' Get Online Magazine


By RAWYA RAGEH, Associated Press Writer


DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - An Islamist women's group has launched an Internet magazine aimed at recruiting Arab women to fight holy wars against non-Muslims.


The Al-Khansaa magazine, launched about a week ago and expected to appear monthly, also provides fitness tips for female "jihadis," or holy warriors, information on treating injuries and advice on raising children to fight nonbelievers.



The magazine, appearing on several extremist Islamic Web sites, claims to have been started "at the initiative" of two slain al-Qaida militants in Saudi Arabia, Abdulaziz al-Moqrin and Issa Saad Mohammed bin Oushan.



In June, security forces killed al-Moqrin, who was believed to be al-Qaida's chief in the Arab peninsula. Oushan, who was killed in July, and al-Moqrin were among Saudi Arabia's 26 most-wanted militants.



The magazine said it was produced by the "women's media center" in Saudi Arabia, an Islamic nation where al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden (news - web sites) was born and Islam's two holiest shrines are located.



Cairo-based Islamic expert Mohamed Salah poured scorn on the 22-page magazine, describing it as a "media stunt (by militants) to show their enemies that they can mobilize everyone, including women, against them."



"What is new here is the use of the medium of the Internet to recruit women," he added.



Al-Khansaa, the periodical's title, was the name of a revered Arab poet who converted to Islam during the time of the 7th century Prophet Muhammad.



She later became associated with Muhammad's close acquaintances and was known for eulogies written for her brother, a sturdy fighter in pre-Islamic days. Al-Khansaa also encouraged her four sons to take part in jihad to spread Islam. Her sons died in battle.



An unsigned magazine editorial says female Islamists "have set our lines next to our men to support them ... raise their children and be prepared. May God elevate us to martyrs."



"We will stand covered in our veils and abayas (ankle-length cloaks), with our weapons in our hands and our children in our arms," it added. "The blood of our husbands and the limbs of our children are an offering to God."



Women raising children, it says, must understand their "main mission is to present lions to the battlefield."



Saudi journalist Saeed al-Sereihy condemned the magazine in an article published in the daily Okaz, saying its "rhetoric takes a very dangerous turn when it addresses women in light of their educational role and capacity to influence children's upbringing."



Evan Kohlmann, a Washington-based counterterrorism expert, said the magazine appeared linked to Islamic extremists who "know about religion and fighting, but (they are) not necessarily people who have an effect over al-Qaida."



Its first issue includes tales of famous women fighters and criticism of calls for improved women's rights in Saudi Arabia, a conservative kingdom where women enjoy far fewer freedoms and rights than men.



The magazine says even though jihad, in terms of actual fighting, is primarily a man's duty, "women can fight without the permission of their husband or guardian since it would be a duty, and duties do not require consent."



The notion is shocking in hard-line Saudi Arabia, where women are obliged to be accompanied by a male guardian at most times, particularly in public.




"Theoretically this sounds so interesting, but on the ground it is unrealistic" for female militants to be able to endure the same rigors as males, said Salah, the Egyptian expert.


Women did take part in the Egyptian Islamic Group's 1990s anti-government insurgency, Salah noted, and at least four were tried for involvement in violence. Palestinian, Uzbek and Chechen women also have carried out militant acts, including suicide bombings.


The Tamil Tigers group fighting for independence in Sri Lanka used a woman, who detonated explosives strapped to her body, to assassinate former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi during a 1991 campaign rally.


Kohlmann, the U.S. expert, did not rule out the effectiveness of female militants, who he believes can benefit from an element of surprise, as many people don't expect women to carry out terror attacks.


"Using women does not really fit the (militant) model ... which makes carrying out operations easier for them," he said.




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We in the military have a few small presents for them.........they can come individually or in bursts of 3......and they come from a slick looking dispenser pictured below.

really, burts of three. Is there also the "being overrun hold the trigger and go through the entire clip" mode?

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Be careful what you say, Nuke...you don't want to upset Apu!


You know how he loves Arab terrorists!

Be careful what you say Nuke,


You know what a stiffy 4E gets when you talk about killing Arabs :lol:

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Another sympathizer heard from!    :headshake


I DO get excited when terrorists get killed!!!

Yes, I am proud to say that I smpathize with all my brothers and sisters in the human race who do not have the freedom of the pursuit of happiness, who cannot live in peace, who only know constant fear in their daily lives. I think less of any human that cannot sympathize with other humans in that condition.


You think less of some humans based on where they were born or their ethnic makeup. I do not. I see humans just like myself. So please, call me a sympathizer I am proud to wear that label and sad that you do not.

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Yes, I am proud to say that I smpathize with all my brothers and sisters in the human race who do not have the freedom of the pursuit of happiness, who cannot live in peace, who only know constant fear in their daily lives. I think less of any human that cannot sympathize with other humans in that condition.


You think less of some humans based on where they were born or their ethnic makeup. I do not. I see humans just like myself. So please, call me a sympathizer I am proud to wear that label and sad that you do not.

I do have empathy for people, who, because of issues that are beyonfd their control, are forced to live in sub-standard human condition(s). However, blame the right people for your plight; 99.9% of the "palis" who live in poverty, fear, etc., do so because of their own "leadership"! Arafat has stolen billions from his people, but they blame Israel because they have nothing.


I DO NOT have sympathy for ANYONE who desires me killed just because I am a Jew and/or an American!!!

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I DO NOT have sympathy for ANYONE who desires me killed just because I am a Jew and/or an American!!!

I would never ask you to sympathize with an individual who wishes harm to you or any other soul.


However, then offer the same respect to your Arab counterpart and not want him dead for being an Arab or Muslim.


Do not judge all Palistinians, Arabs, Muslims, and Jews the same.


Recognize that there are innocent humans on both sides who are victims of people and policies out of their control.


Denounce all bloodshed, not just Israeli.


Start praying or cheering for a compromise that will bring a lasting peace; not the annihilation that extremists on both sides are praying for and will only happen with nuclear weapons that will leave the ground unfit for anyone to live.

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I would never ask you to sympathize with an individual who wishes harm to you or any other soul.


However, then offer the same respect to your Arab counterpart and not want him dead for being an Arab or Muslim.


Do not judge all Palistinians, Arabs, Muslims, and Jews the same.


Recognize that there are innocent humans on both sides who are victims of people and policies out of their control.


Denounce all bloodshed, not just Israeli.


Start praying or cheering for a compromise that will bring a lasting peace; not the annihilation that extremists on both sides are praying for and will only happen with nuclear weapons that will leave the ground unfit for anyone to live.

I agree.


And I do have several Arab and/or Muslim friends, whose lives I would fight for, if need be.


I am not an unreasonable, hate-filled monster; I'm actually more of a pacifist than anything else. But, as the son (and nephew) of a Holocaust survivor(s), I know what happens (happenned) when anti-semitism goes unchecked!

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I agree.


And I do have several Arab and/or Muslim friends, whose lives I would fight for, if need be.


I am not an unreasonable, hate-filled monster; I'm actually more of a pacifist than anything else. But, as the son (and nephew) of a Holocaust survivor(s), I know what happens (happenned) when anti-semitism goes unchecked!

replace hate or racism for anti-semitism and I agree 100%. Actually I agree 100% as written, but prefer to extend it to all people.

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I really see no difference between these sorts of groups and groups like the Army of God. For those that don't know, the Army of God was behind the 1996 Olympic bombing along with numerous other bombings and shootings of abortion clinics/doctors & nurses. Always found it funny that they were "We're pro-life and we'll kill your ass!"


Their web page is pretty damn scary/funny to read. And oddly enough, the Army of God is not on any list of terrorist organizations distributed by Ashcroft because the Christian right cares for these goons.


Not to threadjack but show that there are plenty of whackjobs in any religion. /waits for the invasion that liberates the US from the Army of God

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