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Israel reportedly has spy in Pentagon

Mr. Showtime

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I have books with real historical facts to refute your claims (ONCE AGAIN!), Apu.


I will post them tonight or tomorrow, although I shouldn't waste my time...you will only read/believe anything that is anti-Israel and/or anti-Jew.

Yes, the attack on the USS Liberty is a difficult thing to understand. On the one hand you have your virulent anti-Arab racism and on the other side there are...FACTS. Fact is that the USS Liberty, according to the US government independent commission, was attacked on purpose by the nation of Israel.


And BTW, there is a just a bit more than a small difference between a spy in the Pentagon assisting in developing the Iraq war policy and some schmuck sending cash to Hamas. But then again, I'd never bet on you to see that because your attitude is so incredibly racist.


If Israel wants to avoid claims of acting like Nazis then they must simply stop acting like the Reich.

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Yes, the attack on the USS Liberty is a difficult thing to understand.  On the one hand you have your virulent anti-Arab racism and on the other side there are...FACTS.  Fact is that the USS Liberty, according to the US government independent commission, was attacked on purpose by the nation of Israel.


And BTW, there is a just a bit more than a small difference between a spy in the Pentagon assisting in developing the Iraq war policy and some schmuck sending cash to Hamas.  But then again, I'd never bet on you to see that because your attitude is so incredibly racist.


If Israel wants to avoid claims of acting like Nazis then they must simply stop acting like the Reich.

You, nor anyone else has (or can) proven that the attack on the USS Liberty was intentional. I know you think it was, because that would make Israel look bad, which is your purpose in life!


Here is the difference. Hamas et.al. are ENEMIES of the US, and have sworn to kill Americans whenever and wherever possible. Israel is an ally of the US; the ONLY ally we have in the Middle East. Our bests interests are Israel's best interests.


I shouldn't expect a bigoted moron like you to understand this premise!


There is a MAJOR flaw with your comparison of Israel and the Nazis; the Nazis were trying to exterminate a race(s) of people, who wanted nothing but to live their lives in peace. The Israelis would also like to live theirs lives in peace, but cannot do so, because the "Palestinians" are trying to exterminate them and take their land from them. The "Palestinians" want the Jews destroyed or exiled from Israel solely because they are Jews...if anyone should be compared to Nazis, it should be the "Palestinians" and the rest of the radical Islamic world.


(I am anxiously awaiting your typicallly stupid, ill informed and uneducated response, Apu!)

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Hey, when you can't fight back against Israeli Defense Force quotes from Haaretz in 2002 saying that they needed to fight like the German Reich in the Warsaw ghetto, why not resort to calling the opposition "stupid", ill informed", "uneducated" etc.? It's sure easier than getting tooled by the fact that the heavy handed tactics being taken by the Israeli hardline hawks are eerily similar to those of the Nazi Reich in regards to ghettos, military tactics and belief of racial superiority. (In other threads, even I4E has called Arabs and Muslims "subhuman") The hardliners both don't want to live in peace in the region. The larger land grabs (I guess 55% of the country wasn't good enough landwise and they now need to go to 88%) are only instigating more terrorism. You never did explain to me that before the UN came in giving 55% of the land to Israel there was no fighting, as you would say "started by these subhuman terrorist 'Palis'". It's an interesting quandry ain't it. They lived in peace until the UN, UK and US wanted to kick the Jews out of their own country so they created Israel in order to move Jews out there.


As for the USS Liberty, the independent commission had/has more than enough evidence proving their case. In fact, survivors from the Liberty have their own web page ( www.ussliberty.org ) and said some of the following:


Israel claims they mistook our ship for the out-of-service Egyptian horse carrier El Quseir and that we brought the attack upon ourselves by operating in a war zone without displaying a flag. Not so. We were in international waters, far from any fighting, and flew a bright, clean, new American flag. The flag we flew is on display at the National Cryptologic Museum, Fort Meade, Maryland and can be seen there, or in the USS Liberty Images Archive.


They also said this: http://www.ussliberty.org/why.htm


Most senior US government officials of the era and nearly every senior intelligence official agrees -- often based upon study of intercepted communications -- that Israeli forces deliberately attacked a ship they knew to be American. Why they chose to do that is not an issue.


We were an intelligence ship and they were doing something that they did not want the US to know about. One popular writer of Jewish fear-literature, John Loftus, writes in "The Secret War Against the Jews" (a Jewish version of The Turner Diaries) that Israel attacked deliberately because Israeli authorities believed that USS Liberty was relaying Israeli war plans to Egypt in order to assure the destruction of the Jewish State. That is patently ridiculous, but widely accepted even in Israel. Loftus claims to have documented his position through interviews with long lists of "retired old spies" whom he refuses to identify. While Loftus may be correct about Israeli paranoia, he is totally wrong about Liberty's mission. Liberty's primary mission was to collect intelligence on the Soviet forces in the area. The ship didn't even have a qualified Hebrew linguist aboard. So why did they attack?


Intelligence analysts agree that they attacked because they feared we might learn something that they did not want the United States to know.


That could have been


1. The planned invasion of the Golan Heights which was set to start a few hours after Liberty's arrival in the area. When Liberty arrived, the invasion was postponed for 24 hours, Israel was attacked, and the invasion took place the next day, or,


2. It is possible that they were afraid that Liberty might learn and report to the United States that Israeli forces were executing up to 1,000 Egyptian Prisoners of War at El Arish at the very moment that Liberty was just 13 miles off shore.


Israeli apologists dismiss this story as untrue. Israeli historian Michael Oren in his book "Six Days of War" and in published articles has dismissed the claim as untrue claiming that, if it were true, there would be mass graves, reports in the major media, and great outcries from Egypt for justice.


Behold! There are mass graves, major media reports and cries for justice.


Attention is invited to


CNN reporting on the subject which reports the mass graves




and a TIME Magazine story which reports the outcry




More on the atrocity can be found at




http://www.ussliberty.org/supporters.htm is a list of supporters that believe the overwhelming evidence that the Liberty was attacked on purpose. But I'm sure they're just a bunch of anti-Semites.




And I highly doubt the Israeli story that they believed it was an old Egyptian boat. I think any person could tell the difference between the most state of the art intelligence gathering boat versus a 1920s clunker that was about to be scrapped. With allies that do this, murder tons of civilians and spy on us...who needs enemies?

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Once again, because Apu is obviously illiterate, and/or ONLY CHOOSES TO READ ITEMS THAT PAINT ISRAEL IN A BAD LIGHT, I will repeat myself...I NEVER said all "Palestinians" or Muslims were sub-human; ONLY THOSE WHO WISH ALL JEWS DEAD, SOLELY BECAUSE THEY ARE JEWS!!!

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Once again, because Apu is obviously illiterate, and/or ONLY CHOOSES TO READ ITEMS THAT PAINT ISRAEL IN A BAD LIGHT, I will repeat myself...I NEVER said all "Palestinians" or Muslims were sub-human; ONLY THOSE WHO WISH ALL JEWS DEAD, SOLELY BECAUSE THEY ARE JEWS!!!

Actually you did. When the server pulls everything back up, I'll more than gladly quote you on it if you'd like.

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the us claims and have said many times over the isreali attacked the ship on purpose. the isreali claimed that it was an accident. who is right and who is wrong. this debate can go on forever with the isreali gov stating it was an accident. this was done when??? and how many yrs ago??? lets just say that the truth may never be known.


however how many times has the isreali was asked not to retailate against an attack against them by the us? many times. even when they are being attacked in the gulf. i know why they were told not to attack but would you blame them if they defended themselves.


like it or not, isreali and the britians are the best allies the american have, and they do spy on each other. its a necessity.

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the us claims and have said many times over the isreali attacked the ship on purpose. the isreali claimed that it was an accident. who is right and who is wrong. this debate can go on forever with the isreali gov stating it was an accident. this was done when??? and how many yrs ago??? lets just say that the truth may never be known.


however how many times has the isreali was asked not to retailate against an attack against them by the us? many times. even when they are being attacked in the gulf. i know why they were told not to attack but would you blame them if they defended themselves.


like it or not, isreali and the britians are the best allies the american have, and they do spy on each other. its a necessity.

Finally, an intelligent response! (Take notes, Apu!).


The whole discussion about the USS Liberty started because I said that the US and Israel are allies, while the majority of Arab (Muslim) nations wish harm on the US. That's when Apu brings up the Liberty, which, even if it was intentionally attacked by Israel, (which it WAS NOT! What would Israel have had to gain by attacking the Liberty?), that was almost 40 YEARS AGO!!! Radical Islamists have been attacking US citizens/interests for the last 20+ years. (Apu chooses to ignore/condone such attacks.)

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You shouldn't talk about intelligent posts I4E. Lets go for a trip down memory lane:


(Side note to Apu...I am sure this news report brought a smile to your face; another chance for you to criticize Israel!)


Learn how to read, Yassir!

^^A personal favirote


Grow up!


you will only read/believe anything that is anti-Israel and/or anti-Jew.


I shouldn't expect a bigoted moron like you to understand this premise!


(I am anxiously awaiting your typicallly stupid, ill informed and uneducated response, Apu!)


Keep reading your left wing bulls***, Apu! Don't let the facts get in the way of your "thinking"!  :fyou  


Try to find where I called YOU a subhuman, scumbag...that shouldn't take too long, you anti-semite douchebag!!!
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I think that if the US has information that is vital to Israel's security, it should be shared, and vice versa.


Not just with Israel, but with all of the US' allies.

Since it is not ok for Israel to spy on the US, what should the US do about it?

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Yes actually:


1- Apu is not Yassir Arafat

2- Apu is not a child so he does not need to grow up

3- None of the websites quoted are sponsored by the Aryan Nation or KKK

4- Apu has stated several times he is not a bigot, and he has proved he isn't a moron

5- Apu is college educated

6- left wing bulls***? aren't you a liberal?

7- Apu has never claimed to be an anti-semite and he is not a douchebag

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