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Israel reportedly has spy in Pentagon

Mr. Showtime

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Since it is not ok for Israel to spy on the US, what should the US do about it?

If they have enough evidence to arrest those responsible, do so.


Then, have a trial. (This isn't the the Islamic world, wherein he would be tortured and murdered (without a trial), for allegedly betraying his country. This is the USA!!! :usa


If he's found guilty, imprison him.

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what insult, where you insulted by my comments or attempts at humor?


man, look at life with a smile.

I thought your comment was a jab directed at me. If it wasn't, I apologize for getting on your case.

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If they have enough evidence to arrest those responsible, do so.


Then, have a trial. (This isn't the the Islamic world, wherein he would be tortured and murdered (without a trial), for allegedly betraying his country. This is the USA!!!    :usa


If he's found guilty, imprison him.

if he is found guilty then i am all for torture, there is nothing like a good eye wrenching screams.

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Yes actually:


1- Apu is not Yassir Arafat

2- Apu is not a child so he does not need to grow up

3- None of the websites quoted are sponsored by the Aryan Nation or KKK

4- Apu has stated several times he is not a bigot, and he has proved he isn't a moron

5- Apu is college educated

6- left wing bulls***? aren't you a liberal?

7- Apu has never claimed to be an anti-semite and he is not a douchebag

1. He is NOT Yassir Arafat, just a supporter of Arafat.

2. Apu may be an adult chronologically, but that doesn't make him a man.

3. ALL of the websites Apu cites as "sources" are far-left. He only reads.believes those that are critical of Israel and/or Jews. THAT IS A FACT!!!

4. Apu has NOT proven he is not a bigot. He is very much anti-Israel and anti-Semetic. His words and "sources" have proven that time and time again.

5. He may have gone to college, that does not mean he is college educated!

6. I consider myself a left-leaning moderate. But, that being said, I do look at all sides of an issue(s) before forming an opinion. Apu does not.

7. Apu does not have to claim to be an anti-Semite. His words and beliefs prove him to be so. (He may not be a douchebag.)

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1. He is NOT Yassir Arafat, just a supporter of Arafat.

2. Apu may be an adult chronologically, but that doesn't make him a man.

3. ALL of the websites Apu cites as "sources" are far-left. He only reads.believes those that are critical of Israel and/or Jews. THAT IS A FACT!!!

4. Apu has NOT proven he is not a bigot. He is very much anti-Israel and anti-Semetic. His words and "sources" have proven that time and time again.

5. He may have gone to college, that does not mean he is college educated!

6. I consider myself a left-leaning moderate. But, that being said, I do look at all sides of an issue(s) before forming an opinion. Apu does not.

7. Apu does not have to claim to be an anti-Semite. His words and beliefs prove him to be so. (He may not be a douchebag.)

:lol: Even if I think of points to refute what you just said you will not be convinced...So I am going to bow out of this one

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So what should the US do towards Israel if the spy is judged guilty?

with all honesty, i am going to answer this without no humor intended.


your question was or is


So what should the US do towards Israel if the spy is judged guilty?


the answer is simple, do what they have done in the pass with other incidents... nothing.

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I4E, if I only read sources that are anti-Jew then you may want to read this.


I'm a member of local chapters of Gush Shalom (a Jewish peace group), Jews Against the Occupation, and other non-Zionist organizations. But if I was an anti-Semite, wouldn't it be common sense that a Jew hater would not join Jewish groups?


I have said on numerous occassions that I am not a supporter of Arafat. Nice job misrepresenting the opposition so you can create a straw man argument. Sharon and Arafat are the same type of person - blood soaked butchers. Just because one critiques the destructive and Nazi-like policies of a state does not make one an anti-Semite. As a political state, Israel (and any nation) opens themselves up to critiques. And if you're so offended at Israel's leadership and IDF being equated with Nazism, then they must simply stop acting like Nazis.


All the web sites that I site. They can be Jewish organizations, non-partisan organizations, quotes from Israelis who are refusing to serve in the occupation army in any newspaper from Haaretz to antiwar.com (which is right libertarian) but you never believe them anyways since you have anti-Arab hatred running through your veins.


I looked at all sides of the issue. The UN went and gave land that wasn't theirs away to Israel. Then the Zionists who wanted an ethnic state comprised only of Jews hijacked this and have made the peaceful people who live there and wanted to co-exist with Palestinians pre-1948 a seemingly minute voice. According to international law, when there is an occupying force in one's country (as the Israeli army is doing in Palestine) then all means of getting them out are legal. (The fact of effectiveness of Palestinian bombings on getting this accomplished is another debate althogether) If you were so right then how come members of the Sayaret Metkal refusing to be occupying forces and more and more people in Israel are seeing that the Likudnik cabal of ethnic apartheid promoters are wrong?


And technically with the word Semite, it's root origin is all people of the Mid-East area. So would I then be a "Semite Loving Anti-Semite" according to you? How does that work?


As for being a man...yes, I guess it takes a real man to be in a tank and shoot 8 year olds like the IDF does. I guess it takes a real man to arrest kids. I guess it takes a real man to go into a mosque and unload with an automatic weapon like Baruch Goldstein did. I guess it takes a real man to create a national shrine and park in honor of Goldstein for his cold blooded murder of Arab civilians.


Zionist apartheidists make me sick to my damn stomach. They give all sane Israelis and Jews a bad name.

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apu, in all respect, i am going to state this one sentence and you can take as an insult or not. it not intended to be one.


since 9/11, i have followed your belief and i will be damn if i can get a read on you. i don't know where you come from most of the time. i can tell that you are highly intelligent and all, i don't understand your points of view sometimes. i think this is where all the angers comes from others and with me too as well. i went against you and your belief a couple of yrs ago and i vow never to go against you because i am lost ............. :D


that being said



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apu, in all respect, i am going to state this one sentence and you can take as an insult or not. it not intended to be one.


since 9/11, i have followed your belief and i will be damn if i can get a read on you. i don't know where you come from most of the time. i can tell that you are highly intelligent and all, i don't understand your points of view sometimes. i think this is where all the angers comes from others and with me too as well. i went against you and your belief a couple of yrs ago and i vow never to go against you because i am lost .............  :D


that being said



ok i lied, it more than one sentence. my bad :bang

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But, that being said, I do look at all sides of an issue(s) before forming an opinion.


Yeah, and then you pick whatever side has Israel on it.


Palestinian: Michael Jordan led the bulls to 6 championships!

Israeli: Nope. It was Bill Wennington.

I4E: STFU, Palestinian terrorist. Michael Jordan is an anti-Semite. Bill Wennington follows the will of YHVH and defeated the gentiles all by himself.

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Yeah, and then you pick whatever side has Israel on it.


Palestinian: Michael Jordan led the bulls to 6 championships!

Israeli: Nope.  It was Bill Wennington.

I4E:  STFU, Palestinian terrorist.  Michael Jordan is an anti-Semite.  Bill Wennington follows the will of YHVH and defeated the gentiles all by himself.

LMAO :usa

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I4E, if I only read sources that are anti-Jew then you may want to read this.


I'm a member of local chapters of Gush Shalom (a Jewish peace group), Jews Against the Occupation, and other non-Zionist organizations.  But if I was an anti-Semite, wouldn't it be common sense that a Jew hater would not join Jewish groups?


I have said on numerous occassions that I am not a supporter of Arafat.  Nice job misrepresenting the opposition so you can create a straw man argument.  Sharon and Arafat are the same type of person - blood soaked butchers.  Just because one critiques the destructive and Nazi-like policies of a state does not make one an anti-Semite.  As a political state, Israel (and any nation) opens themselves up to critiques.  And if you're so offended at Israel's leadership and IDF being equated with Nazism, then they must simply stop acting like Nazis.


All the web sites that I site.  They can be Jewish organizations, non-partisan organizations, quotes from Israelis who are refusing to serve in the occupation army in any newspaper from Haaretz to antiwar.com (which is right libertarian) but you never believe them anyways since you have anti-Arab hatred running through your veins.


I looked at all sides of the issue.  The UN went and gave land that wasn't theirs away to Israel.  Then the Zionists who wanted an ethnic state comprised only of Jews hijacked this and have made the peaceful people who live there and wanted to co-exist with Palestinians pre-1948 a seemingly minute voice.  According to international law, when there is an occupying force in one's country (as the Israeli army is doing in Palestine) then all means of getting them out are legal.  (The fact of effectiveness of Palestinian bombings on getting this accomplished is another debate althogether)  If you were so right then how come members of the Sayaret Metkal refusing to be occupying forces and more and more people in Israel are seeing that the Likudnik cabal of ethnic apartheid promoters are wrong?


And technically with the word Semite, it's root origin is all people of the Mid-East area.  So would I then be a "Semite Loving Anti-Semite" according to you?  How does that work?


As for being a man...yes, I guess it takes a real man to be in a tank and shoot 8 year olds like the IDF does.  I guess it takes a real man to arrest kids.  I guess it takes a real man to go into a mosque and unload with an automatic weapon like Baruch Goldstein did.  I guess it takes a real man to create a national shrine and park in honor of Goldstein for his cold blooded murder of Arab civilians.


Zionist apartheidists make me sick to my damn stomach.  They give all sane Israelis and Jews a bad name.

I shouldn't waste my time with this, because Apu knows not of what he speaks, but, FOR THE LAST TIME...

1) As for these organizations of which you claim to be a member, they have no legitimacy, IMO. It would be the same as saying, I am a Black Republican, or I am a skinhead advocate for the NAACP. Members of groups such as these are "self-haters". The have no credibility in my world.


2) Equating Sharon and Arafat is like equating apples and hammers. Arafat is a blood thirsty, murderous terrorist, who has no problem sending innocent children, strapped with explosives, to detonate themselves and other innocent children and women and elderly. Then he pays their families, makes heroes out of them, names streets after them, puts them on posters, trading cards, etc.


Sharon is a war hero who fought for Israel's independance. He has NEVER targeted innocent women, children, elderly, civilians, nor has he commanded the IDF to do so. To believe otherwise is utter foolishness.


3) Baruch Goldstein was a terrorist, and was condemned by Israel as such. He was NEVER hailed as a hero, nor are there posters of him or streets named after him in Israel. There is NOT a park named after him...you are an idiot if you believe this!


BTW...I never heard you complain about the Muslims wasting millions of people in the Sudan...I wonder why. Maybe because Israel/Jews aren't involved?!


Here is a major difference between Apu and me. When I wake up, I read the Tribune and the SunTimes, I watch CNN, Foxnews, MSNBC, and the local news. I subscribe to/read both Time and Newsweek. I also look at Jerusalem Post and Haaretz on line. On the other hand, I believe that Apu goes straight to "IHATEISRAEL.COM" or "ISRAELSUCKS.COM" for his "news".


I recommend the Bard book "Myths and Facts about the Arab-Israeli Conflict" and/or the highly acclaimed documentary "Relentless" for those who want the real facts about this conflict.

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Yeah, and then you pick whatever side has Israel on it.


Palestinian: Michael Jordan led the bulls to 6 championships!

Israeli: Nope.  It was Bill Wennington.

I4E:  STFU, Palestinian terrorist.  Michael Jordan is an anti-Semite.  Bill Wennington follows the will of YHVH and defeated the gentiles all by himself.

Not only is this not funny at all, it is stupid!

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If they have enough evidence to arrest those responsible, do so.


Then, have a trial. (This isn't the the Islamic world, wherein he would be tortured and murdered (without a trial), for allegedly betraying his country. This is the USA!!!    :usa


If he's found guilty, imprison him.

Sorry, I missed your response.


I assume your response means the US should not do anything to Israel? Just to the spy.

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A friendly reminder to all - but mostly to I4E, natch ;) ... Leave out tthe personal attacks and play nice, please.


Oh yeah, don't poop in the sandbox either.



I have already apologized to those who I may have offended. I am personally insulted by the b.s. that Apu spews, and I let it get under my skin. I will try not to do so in the future.

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Sorry, I missed your response.


I assume your response means the US should not do anything to Israel? Just to the spy.

The spy is an American citizen, not an Israeli. He works for the US governemt, not Israel's.


If he is guilty of treason, it's on him, not Israel.

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Sharon never targeted civilians? How about Sabra and Shatila. :)


As for Baruch Goldstein:

His tombstone in Kiryat Arba reads:

Here lies the saint, Dr. Baruch Kappel Goldstein, blessed be the memory of the righteous and holy man, may the Lord avenge his blood, who devoted his soul to the Jews, Jewish religion and Jewish land. His hands are innocent and his heart is pure. He was killed as a martyr of God on the 14th of Adar, Purim, in the year 5754.


And yes, most of the sane Israelis condemned him. However, in the right wing extremists (the same extremists promoting the IDF's tactics) have made him a cult icon. Israel regularly punishes dead Palestinian fighters by destroying their family home or by punishing the entire village; but Goldstein's house was left untouched, and his settlement, 400 Jews who terrorize the entire Palestinian city of Hebron, was not dismantled, though such a measure enjoyed an overwhelming support in Israeli opinion polls after the massacre. Most Israelis indeed condemned the crime, but "acting alone" can hardly be said of a murderer whose municipality built a large memorial park for his followers, who come to pray at his grave, or for the hero of the biography titled Praised be the Man, a popular book in extreme right-wing circles.


As for the spy, investigate him and what people he was involved with in the US government. If they were complicit in helping him, prosecute their asses as well.



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The spy is an American citizen, not an Israeli. He works for the US governemt, not Israel's.


If he is guilty of treason, it's on him, not Israel.

Well, it also reflects badly on the US relationship with Israel. After Pollard got nailed in 1985, Israel stated that it was done spying on the US. Granted that was probably just lip service but even so...

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Sharon never targeted civilians?  How about Sabra and Shatila.  :)


As for Baruch Goldstein:

His tombstone in Kiryat Arba reads:

Here lies the saint, Dr. Baruch Kappel Goldstein, blessed be the memory of the righteous and holy man, may the Lord avenge his blood, who devoted his soul to the Jews, Jewish religion and Jewish land. His hands are innocent and his heart is pure. He was killed as a martyr of God on the 14th of Adar, Purim, in the year 5754.


And yes, most of the sane Israelis condemned him.  However, in the right wing extremists (the same extremists promoting the IDF's tactics) have made him a cult icon.  Israel regularly punishes dead Palestinian fighters by destroying their family home or by punishing the entire village; but Goldstein's house was left untouched, and his settlement, 400 Jews who terrorize the entire Palestinian city of Hebron, was not dismantled, though such a measure enjoyed an overwhelming support in Israeli opinion polls after the massacre. Most Israelis indeed condemned the crime, but "acting alone" can hardly be said of a murderer whose municipality built a large memorial park for his followers, who come to pray at his grave, or for the hero of the biography titled Praised be the Man, a popular book in extreme right-wing circles.


As for the spy, investigate him and what people he was involved with in the US government.  If they were complicit in helping him, prosecute their asses as well.





You are talking about 400 people out of the entire population of Israel. That's not really representative of the people of Israel.


Now, on the other hand, 68% of "Palestinians" surveyed (in a "Palestinian" poll) said that they would endorse the continued targeting of Israeli civilians, even IF/AFTER they got their own State. (That's 68/100 for you intelligence-challenged out there!)

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The spy is an American citizen, not an Israeli. He works for the US governemt, not Israel's.


If he is guilty of treason, it's on him, not Israel.

So there is a guy passing on secrets to Israel, but Israel has no guilt in the matter? They had no responsibility to inform the US? So any ally can spy on the US without any reprisal? Wow.


Apu, what do you think?

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