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I was bored and lil bit ago I thought of a pretty interesting idea......since baseball was so tentative to play and treated it with lots of respect when sept 11 happened i thought that it would be a good tribute that on every sept 11 all games played that day would be 11 innings...idk i thought it was pretty cool... tell me what ya think :)

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How about they sing "god bless America" during the 7th inning stretch....

That idea... it is terrible







i dunno if anyone knows but thats what Samir says on Office Space to the jump to conclusions map.... eh I try :huh

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thats not enough they need to be more original anyways

Seriously, I've grown tired of the whole "God Bless America" thing... I usually step out do someting really american like buy a beer for last call, or at least a Hot Dog.


I'm probably going to get flamed for this, but how are those people who lost thier lives on that day any more special than those who innocently lost their lives in motor vehicle accidents? They're both tragic and unexpected, yet one continues to be exploited for profit and votes and "patriotism". What makes one life of more value than another?

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Seriously, I've grown tired of the whole "God Bless America" thing...  I usually step out do someting really american like buy a beer for last call, or at least a Hot Dog.


I'm probably going to get flamed for this, but how are those people who lost thier lives on that day any more special than those who innocently lost their lives in motor vehicle accidents?  They're both tragic and unexpected, yet one continues to be exploited for profit and votes and "patriotism".  What makes one life of more value than another?

i agree with you...

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Seriously, I've grown tired of the whole "God Bless America" thing...  I usually step out do someting really american like buy a beer for last call, or at least a Hot Dog.


I'm probably going to get flamed for this, but how are those people who lost thier lives on that day any more special than those who innocently lost their lives in motor vehicle accidents?  They're both tragic and unexpected, yet one continues to be exploited for profit and votes and "patriotism".  What makes one life of more value than another?

Totally agree with you. I watch/go to baseball games to get AWAY from things in the real word. That is why i really dislike any playing of God bless America and any special changes. Baseball has a set of rules and traditions that should not be changed for anything. Like 9 innings, that has been a rule forever, and a seventh inning strech, with take me out to the ballgame, that had become a great tradition. I have no problem with honoring 9/11 but please dont do it anywhere near baseball or any event that had NOTHING to do with it. Have a nice ceremony at the scene of the towers or a special on TV but dont change the game.

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I was bored and lil bit ago I thought of a pretty interesting idea......since baseball was so tentative to play and treated it with lots of respect when sept 11 happened i thought that it would be a good tribute that on every sept 11 all games played that day would be 11 innings...idk i thought it was pretty cool... tell me what ya think :)

in the words of Michael Bolton from office space

"That is the worst idea i've ever heard in my life tom." :lol:

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