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Explaining the Arab-Israel Conflict Thru Numbers


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Number of times "Jerusalem" is mentioned in The Torah: Over 700

Number of times "Jerusalem" is mentioned in The Koran: Zero


Number of Arab leaders who visited Jerusalem when it was under Arab rule (1948-1967): 1


# of Arab refugees who fled the land that became Israel: Approximately 600,000

# of Jewish rrefugees that fled Arab countries: Approximately 600,000

# of UN agencies that deal ONLY with "Palestinain" refugees: 1

# of UN agencies that deal with ALL other refugees of the world: 1


# of Jewish states that have existed on the land called Palestine: 3

# of Arab or Muslim states that have existed on the land called Palestine: ZERO!!!


# of terrorist attacks by Israelis or Jews since 1967: 1

# of terrorist attacks by Arabs or Muslims since 1967: Thousands


Percentage of Jews who have praised the Jewish terrorist: .1

Percentage of "Palis" who have prasied Islamic terrorists: Approximately 90%


# of Jewish countries: 1

# of Jewish democracies: 1

# of Arab countries: 19

# of Arab democracies: 0


# of Christian or Jewish prayer services allowed in Saudi Arabia: 0

# of Muslim prayer services allowed in Israel: Unlimited.


# of Arabs Israel allows to live in Arab settlements in Israel: 1,250,000

# of Jews the PA allows to live in Jewish settlements in the PA: 0


Percentage of UN Commission on Human Rights resolutions condemning an Arab country for human right violations: 0

Percentage of UN Commission on Human Rights resolutions condeming Israel for human rights violations: 26%


# of UN Security COuncil resolutions on the Middle East between 1948-1991: 175

# of these against Israel: 97

# of these against an Arab state: 4

# of Arab countries that have been members of the UN Security Council: 16

# of times Israel has been a member of the UN Security Council: 0

# of UN General Assembly resolutions condemning Israel: 322

# of UN General Assembly resolutions condemning an Arab country: 0

Percentage of UN votes in which Arab countries voted with the US in 2002: 16.6

Percentage of UN votes in which Israel voted with the US in 2002: 92.6


Percentage of people who argue that the Jewish state has no right to exist who also believe some other country has no right to exist: 0


Percentage of people who argue that of all the countries in the world, only the Jewish state has no right to exist and yet deny they are anti-Jewish: Approximately 100%


# of Muslims in the world: More than 1 Billion

# of Muslim demonstations against Islamic terror: Approximately 2



Have a nice day. I4E :)

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I wonder where he got these statistics from.


The Jews were living fine pre-1948 co-existing with Arabs in the region. Funny only after their war crimes was there extreme dislike for Israelis. Now after 56 years the truth emerges. The Israelis were waiting for an opportunity to expand beyond the partition borders. The Palestinians did not flee but were driven out. There was not one but 24 massacres. "Transfer" or "Ethnic Cleansing" was (Israeli PM) David Ben Gurion's unwritten policy.


An Israeli historian Benny Morris has access to IDF archives and the integrity to speak. In a January 8 interview in Ha'aretz, Morris says [about the 1948 "war of independence" and the Palestinian fleeing]:


"Twenty-four [massacres]. In some cases four or five people were executed, in others the numbers were 70, 80, 100. There was also a great deal of arbitrary killing. Two old men are spotted walking in a field - they are shot. A woman is found in an abandoned village - she is shot. There are cases such as the village of Dawayima [in the Hebron region], in which a column entered the village with all guns blazing and killed anything that moved.


"The worst cases were Saliha (70-80 killed), Deir Yassin (100-110), Lod (250), Dawayima (hundreds) and perhaps Abu Shusha (70). There is no unequivocal proof of a large-scale massacre at Tantura, but war crimes were perpetrated there. At Jaffa there was a massacre about which nothing had been known until now. The same at Arab al Muwassi, in the north. About half of the acts of massacre were part of Operation Hiram [in the north, in October 1948]: at Safsaf, Saliha, Jish, Eilaboun, Arab al Muwasi, Deir al Asad, Majdal Krum, Sasa. In Operation Hiram there was a unusually high concentration of executions of people against a wall or next to a well in an orderly fashion.


"That can't be chance. It's a pattern. Apparently, various officers who took part in the operation understood that the expulsion order they received permitted them to do these deeds in order to encourage the population to take to the roads. The fact is that no one was punished for these acts of murder. Ben-Gurion silenced the matter. He covered up for the officers who did the massacres."


My point here is that Jewish propagandists like Dennis Prager mislead Jews. As long as they think they are disliked for no reason, Jews can be manipulated. Their actions create more anti-Semitism, and the vicious cycle continues.

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I find it funny that even when one quotes historical facts and data, if you can find one person who dissents, you will believe that person, especially if he is anti-Israel.


I bet that if you can find an anti -Semite who believes that 2+2=5, you'd go with that too!


Unbelievable. :headshake

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So wait, an Israeli historian living in Israel who found the real history in the IDF archives is an anti-Semite? I wonder if you say the same about the Sayaret Metkal dissenters who are refusing to serve in the occupied territories amongst other Israeli civilians that are refusing to serve in the IDF because of the crimes the IDF perpetrates. Face it, most Jews are sick and tired of being angered by the propaganda and being manipulated because of the bulls*** claim that they are being hated for their Jewish heritage. It's the same thing with Cosby calling out blacks like he did. Sure, there are a slim minority of asshats who are true anti-Semites but being critical and showing what actually happened in the historical record is not anti-Semitism, no matter how many times you want to say it.


I remember when anti-Semite meant somebody that hates Jews. Now I think it's become simply a term for somebody whom Jews hate because they question the practices of the Israeli police state.

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I'm stealing this from another site

Democracies do not illegally occupy lands or distribute resources based upon preferences or racial superiority. Democracies do not force other people to live in anarchy behind barbed wire, without food and water for days at a time in the summer. Democracies do not limit travel or the commerce of one class of citizens in favor of another. They do not require citizens of one faith to have one color license plate while supplying those of the preferred faith with another. Democracies do not provide gas masks in wartime for members of one faith (and their pets), while denying them to 3-million persons of other faiths within their jurisdiction. 


Democracies do not drive people from their lands at gunpoint, lands held by their families for nearly a thousand years without consideration and compensation.


And democracies do not amuse themselves by shooting unarmed children playing in sight of sniper towers or attending funerals.




There are no democracies in the world today, if anyone could find one i would be astonished. What america and other nations have is a Constitutional Republic. So i know i am knitpicking on only one of your points, but that was the one that seemed most outragous to me.

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Whatever, Apu. Keep on hating Israel and Jews. You are insignificant, so I could not care less what you say or do. (just say and/or do it away from me!).


BTW...wasn't there also a massacre in Jenin, that never really happenned, even though "historians" still claim that it did? Hmmmm.



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Good to see you're sticking to the debate and your promise of no name calling, I4E.

I'm not debating. A debate is for the purpose of possibly pursuading your opponant to your way of thinking.


You cannot be pursuaded; you are too set in your hateful, bigoted ways. It's like trying to pursuade a klansman to like African-Americans.


My purpose is NOT to debate; it's to expose you as an anti-Semite and an anti-Israeli. I have succeeded in both.



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I'm not debating. A debate is for the purpose of possibly pursuading your opponant to your way of thinking.


You cannot be pursuaded; you are too set in your hateful, bigoted ways. It's like trying to pursuade a klansman to like African-Americans.


My purpose is NOT to debate; it's to expose you as an anti-Semite and an anti-Israeli. I have succeeded in both.



:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Thanks for the laugh, I4E. Don't be swayed by little things like the IDF admitting to massacres in 1948 to sway your thinking that Israel is always right.

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I'm not debating. A debate is for the purpose of possibly pursuading your opponant to your way of thinking.


You cannot be pursuaded; you are too set in your hateful, bigoted ways. It's like trying to pursuade a klansman to like African-Americans.


My purpose is NOT to debate; it's to expose you as an anti-Semite and an anti-Israeli. I have succeeded in both.



For the last time. No more personal attacks.

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# of Jewish states that have existed on the land called Palestine: 3

# of Arab or Muslim states that have existed on the land called Palestine: ZERO!!!

Do you mean in a certain time period?


Cuz if you'd read Geoffrey Hindley's The Crusades, you will see how that land has changed from Muslim/Arab, Christian, Jewish many, many times

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Do you mean in a certain time period?


Cuz if you'd read Geoffrey Hindley's The Crusades, you will see how that land has changed from Muslim/Arab, Christian, Jewish many, many times

I personally am in favor of making every human in that region leave...then dropping nukes so all of the old buildings are destroyed then digging up the soil and dropping it into the ocean.


Then that area of the world will truley be nothing more than just desert.


Honestly, is God more present at the wall? Does allah live only where Muhammad traveled?


IMO, religion is not about old artifacts, it is not about places where Jesus had his feet washed, it is about a persons own closeness with God.


Carry on...

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Do you mean in a certain time period?


Cuz if you'd read Geoffrey Hindley's The Crusades, you will see how that land has changed from Muslim/Arab, Christian, Jewish many, many times

The time periods to which I referred were those times in which the land was known as "Palestine". Not Canaan or Israel or any other name the territory may have had.


But...if you go back as far as 1844, there has always been a Jewish majority in Jerusalem, never a Muslim majority (and the Muslims claim that Jerusalem is "their" holy city?! "Jerusalem" is NEVER mentioned in the Koran...not once!

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I personally am in favor of making every human in that region leave...then dropping nukes so all of the old buildings are destroyed then digging up the soil and dropping it into the ocean.


Then that area of the world will truley be nothing more than just desert. 


Honestly, is God more present at the wall?  Does allah live only where Muhammad traveled?


IMO, religion is not about old artifacts, it is not about places where Jesus had his feet washed, it is about a persons own closeness with God.


Carry on...

Should we then blow up all of the world's churches, synagogues, mosques, etc., as well?



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