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I, like others, have come from WSI because it was ridiculous over there. I think the difference will be that over there it would only take a few people to get offended for something to be closed or edited. Here it will take a concensus, or at least very near one.


For example, old socks kept posting, 'Kenny, don't trade X prospect' or something of that sense everytime we talked about how good a prospect was doing. As a mod in the FutureSox Board I warned him to stop because it was senseless and beat into the ground. Others complained about it as well. Well after 2 warnings from myself and possibly more from others, Cerb finally edited a post of him saying that again (as I probably would have done) and Jason agreed with the decision. Then others spoke up and said there was nothing wrong with him voicing his opinion, regardless of how annoying it was. The fact that it was about 50/50 made it clear that we had to let him speak. Fortunately he has stopped, unfortunately I haven't seen him posting in the FutureSox Board lately.

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Perhaps we could also drop the friendly smilies like

:fyou  :stupid  :fthecubs  :sosasucks ??


If you agree  :cheers

If not  :finger  :fyou


Nice move. Any additional thoughts you'll be passing along to the mods?



I feel they should stay, just my opinion.

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It's really a shame that things had gotten to the point to where this became necessary. The people operating this board have tried to allow freedoms here that are not currently allowed on other boards. So what happens? You get a few people that don't understand the basic principle of civil behavior and they abuse the open policy of this board, thereby causing restrictions that impede the freedoms for those that do know how to handle them. It's sad.


I'm gonna miss the "Dips***" smiley.


Of course I'm still going under the assumption that we can call Sammy Sosa any name in the book. Correct me if wrong.

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Hey ... I just had a thought.


Based on these rules, we can still call a guy like ... just as an example ... Cliff Politte as f***ing bum. Yet, we can't do the same thing to Neal Cotts because he's a registered poster here. Now how are we going to deal with this dilemma?

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In light of recent changes and occurances that happened here we have been reviewing the way things happen at Soxtalk.


First of respect for other posters seems to be at one of the lowest points since I have been on Soxtalk. Personal attacks happen for seemingly less and less of reasons. After much discussion about this as a group, we feel there are no good reasons for personal attacks on the board. We encourage all debate on topics, and we don't want to ever see that change. That is why we give you all so many more freedoms than your typical message board. But all personal attacks do is make Soxtalk a more hostile enviornment than it has to be, and they serve no useful purpose what-so-ever. We also feel that this new policy in no way will take away from your posting experience here, in fact quite the opposite. We think if people get back to the subjects at hand, instead of personal attacks the discussion and quality of the board will be even better.


So now from now on we are asking you guys to stick to the debates at hand. We don't want to see people called names or addressed with terms of derrision, of any sort. That goes from calling someone stupid or an idiot, all of the way up to labeling people with unacceptable terms of hate or stereotypes.


As always feel free to offer your opinions to this, whether it be here in public, through PM or emails.



You dirty sumb****! How dare you censor us when we try to vent on some other asshole?


I'll try.

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I see you're already undergoing glacial Daverification.  Resistance is futile.

you are the kind of posters who deserved to be identified with some of the names that are being discussed.


your attempt to cause problems is what i noticed.

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