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Alan Keyes Goes Nuts on FOX Chicago


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I'm thinking of voting Keyes just because it'd mean more gems like this under media scrutiny.  I had tears in my eyes from laughing so damn much.

Lol play that clip around 2:18 seconds in, i'm pretty sure he says that Obama supports infanticide. What a great interview. Thanks for the link Apu.

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Do you think Keyes is asking Hillary for advice on carpetbagging?


I love the Keyes selection process. I bunch of old, fat white guys sitting in a room discover there is one black republican in the country the only problem is he lives in a another state. So they buy him from Maryland and send him to Illinois. This needs to be a movie with Eddie Murphy. The only thing better is if we find out Keyes is a white guy masquerading as a black guy. :lol:

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:lolhitting  :lolhitting  :lolhitting  "Mr. Jacobson do you work for the Democrats?"


I've said it before but Alan Keyes is f***ing INSANE.

Alan Keyes is an embarassment for the Republican party. They would have been better off letting Obama run unopposed than having this crackpot parachute in and make a fool out of himself.

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No s*** he's an embarrassment. It's been order of the day since the Republicans got in bed with the Christian Right. They've had to take positions that have drastically altered their original platform of less government, less involvement in peoples' lives etc. Now the government wants to legislate about books, music, video games to what marriage entails.

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You all are missing the entire point that they asked Keyes to run. With the squeeky-clean image that Obama has right now, anyone trying to take him to task for anything will simply look bad. So why not have someone ELSE do it for you? Maybe he exposes a few weak links in Obama for the next election, and once he goes back to Md., he will be forgotten. And Texsox, don't fool yourself, there are alot more black Republicans in Illinois than Alan Keyes.

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You all are missing the entire point that they asked Keyes to run.  With the squeeky-clean image that Obama has right now, anyone trying to take him to task for anything will simply look bad.  So why not have someone ELSE do it for you?  Maybe he exposes a few weak links in Obama for the next election, and once he goes back to Md., he will be forgotten.  And Texsox, don't fool yourself, there are alot more black Republicans in Illinois than Alan Keyes.

Too bad none of them wanted to run . . .

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No s*** he's an embarrassment.  It's been order of the day since the Republicans got in bed with the Christian Right.  They've had to take positions that have drastically altered their original platform of less government, less involvement in peoples' lives etc.  Now the government wants to legislate about books, music, video games to what marriage entails.

Morons like Alan Keyes are the exception not the rule. He was laughed at by all involved when he tried to run for President and his insertion into the Illinois Senate race was most unfortunate. They could have done a lot better, like getting Judy Baar Topinka to run but it's neither here nor there now.


The Christian Right is but one group within the Republican Party and people like you, who are defenitely NOT Republicans, just love to play up the most extreme views of the most extreme fringe of the right. You do things like this to take attention away from your sides socialist agenda. We have far less to fear from asking for a little more decency on television & movies and efforts to stop gays from redefining marriage than the redistribution of wealth & turning the health care system into a state run entity like your side proposes to do.

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Morons like Alan Keyes are the exception not the rule.  He was laughed at by all involved when he tried to run for President and his insertion into the Illinois Senate race was most unfortunate.  They could have done a lot better, like getting Judy Baar Topinka to run but it's neither here nor there now.


The Christian Right is but one group within the Republican Party and people like you, who are defenitely NOT Republicans, just love to play up the most extreme views of the most extreme fringe of the right.  You do things like this to take attention away from your sides socialist agenda.  We have far less to fear from asking for a little more decency on television & movies and efforts to stop gays from redefining marriage than the redistribution of wealth & turning the health care system into a state run entity like your side proposes to do.

And Nuke you are guilty of the same tactic, taking the extreme views of the Democratic party. I do not favor much of the far left agenda and either do most of my friends who are Democrates.


And the GOP yells about the liberal media to hide their agenda to take away our freedoms and rigths. When the judicial branch can no longer overturn unconstitutional laws, when the government is free from all criticism because the media has been smeared and ignored, then the GOP will enjoy the same freedoms as the Communist party did.


The GOP loves to run up deficits to "stimulate" the economy. They have ignored the fact that the government spends money to operate, not to stimulate the economy. They are engaged in a charage of we will give you everything and you won't have to pay for it. They are spending this money to destroy the Dem party like the US did to desroy the USSR. Except this time we will all be trillions in debt.

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I think if you had a candidate (I don't beleive I am going to say this) like Bill Clinton (not the personal side) - likeable, with a vision, or at least very articulate and can speak his vision well, the Democrats would win in a landslide this November.



I didn't agree with Billy's policies per se, but he was moderate enough to know what to fight for and not to fight for on the social issues.


Except for Hillary Care, he did quite well with socio-economic issues. I applaud him for that.


Get someone like that who has some balls for the military, and the Democrats have their candidate.

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And the GOP yells about the liberal media to hide their agenda to take away our freedoms and rigths. When the judicial branch can no longer overturn unconstitutional laws, when the government is free from all criticism because the media has been smeared and ignored, then the GOP will enjoy the same freedoms as the Communist party did.


The GOP loves to run up deficits to "stimulate" the economy. They have ignored the fact that the government spends money to operate, not to stimulate the economy. They are engaged in a charage of we will give you everything and you won't have to pay for it. They are spending this money to destroy the Dem party like the US did to desroy the USSR. Except this time we will all be trillions in debt.

Take away our freedoms and rights? How so? With measures like the Patriot act? I seem to remember a great number of Democrats voting for that but now the hypocritical bastards feign regret at voting for it so they can appease their leftist base. Spare me.


A charade of "we will give you everything and you wont have to pay for it" It's sooooooooooo funny coming from a democrat, a member of the party who wants more welfare and more entitlement programs and a socialist nanny state to take care of every possible need from cradle to grave.


To say they are spending money to destroy the Democratic party is ludicrous and certainly beneath you. How does spending money to strengthen homeland security and increasing the defense budget achieve that? Are all those new tanks and humvees going to attack Democratic party HQ?

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Get someone like that who has some balls for the military, and the Democrats have their candidate.

The Democratic party, especially this sorry ass ticket, would rather drop bundles of flowers on terrorists than bombs. Have we learned nothing from the lessons of the 1930's? Have we not learned that appeasment only makes the aggressor more aggressive?

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The Democratic party, especially this sorry ass ticket, would rather drop bundles of flowers on terrorists than bombs.  Have we learned nothing from the lessons of the 1930's?  Have we not learned that appeasment only makes the aggressor more aggressive?

Have we learned from the Today Show when Bush was on TV just a couple days ago and said that we cannot win the war on terror?

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Take away our freedoms and rights?  How so?  With measures like the Patriot act?  I seem to remember a great number of Democrats voting for that but now the hypocritical bastards feign regret at voting for it so they can appease their leftist base.  Spare me.


A charade of "we will give you everything and you wont have to pay for it"  It's sooooooooooo funny coming from a democrat, a member of the party who wants more welfare and more entitlement programs and a socialist nanny state to take care of every possible need from cradle to grave. 


To say they are spending money to destroy the Democratic party is ludicrous and certainly beneath you.  How does spending money to strengthen homeland security and increasing the defense budget achieve that? Are all those new tanks and humvees going to attack Democratic party HQ?

The difference between Democrates and the GOP is Democrates are at elast honest enough to say "we have to raise taxes to do this" the GOP says, hey these tax cust will stimulate the economy and will pay for themselves. If we go $1 in debt today it will bering back $5 down the road.

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The Democratic party, especially this sorry ass ticket, would rather drop bundles of flowers on terrorists than bombs.  Have we learned nothing from the lessons of the 1930's?  Have we not learned that appeasment only makes the aggressor more aggressive?

Yeah, giving them flowers is so much worse. Republicans would never give Osama, AQ and Hussein weapons, money military intelligence, training and support -- oh wait. :lol:

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Yeah, giving them flowers is so much worse.  Republicans would never give Osama, AQ and Hussein weapons, money military intelligence, training and support -- oh wait.  :lol:

They were our allies at one point. But I suppose it's our fault they betrayed us and became our enemies.

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Morons like Alan Keyes are the exception not the rule.  He was laughed at by all involved when he tried to run for President and his insertion into the Illinois Senate race was most unfortunate.  They could have done a lot better, like getting Judy Baar Topinka to run but it's neither here nor there now.


The Christian Right is but one group within the Republican Party and people like you, who are defenitely NOT Republicans, just love to play up the most extreme views of the most extreme fringe of the right.  You do things like this to take attention away from your sides socialist agenda.  We have far less to fear from asking for a little more decency on television & movies and efforts to stop gays from redefining marriage than the redistribution of wealth & turning the health care system into a state run entity like your side proposes to do.

Actually the Christian right has hijacked a lot of the Republican party.


Protection of Marriage Amendment? How is that a product of a political party who advocates less government in peoples' lives.


As for the economy...In an interview with Altantic magazine, Reagan's budget director David Stockman said the following about the Reagan tax cuts:


He described them as a 'Trojan Horse' to reduce the top income tax rate paid by the wealthiest families. Working families saw their tax burden continue to rise, while the rich enjoyed tax breaks on capital gains, personal investments, estates, depreciation and profits. Under Reagan's plan, a family earning $30,000 a year would suffer a slight increase in taxes while a family with an annual income of $200,000 would enjoy a tax break of 10%.


Let's not forget that HW Bush called the bulls*** of supply side economics "voodoo economics" and all credible and knowledgable economic theorists have debunked it. The whole point of these tax cuts, which have been touted by Republican administration for years, is as Grover Norquist put it "draining its lifeblood" of government. Without a government that allows for protection of regular citizens against predatory assholes (read Enron, Global Crossing etc.), then these ultra rich pricks will be able to be total greedheads and run roughshod.




Tax cuts for the ultra rich and corporations, many of which are being promoted by the Bush II administration have been smashmouthed by Republicans as well.


Dr. N. Gregory Mankiw, chairman of Dubya's own Council of Economic Advisors called Reagan's supply siders "charlatans and cranks." Irving Kristol, the godfather of the neo-cons, admitted that it is crap economics but good politics. It's a Trojan Horse for getting inside the walls of government to dismantle government. After tax cuts create monumental deficits, government won't have funds to stop the mean and greedy from doing whatever the f*** they want.


Let's not forget that the "Death Tax" that Dubya railed about only applied to approx. 2% of Americans. The removal of this and the capital gains tax has paved the way for a creation of a new aristocracy and class of aristocrats in this nation, especially if all this is made permanent as Bush is wanting to happen.


And let's not forget the man who advocated the largest tax increase in history in 1982 and signed it into law -- RONALD "THE GIPPER" REAGAN. And a socialist agenda...gee that must be so much worse than artificially inflated prices when things deregulate and we've all seen the success of deregulation (Enron, Global Crossing, etc. etc. etc.) or health care that skyrockets preventing most people from getting care because they cannot afford it. But hey, as long as we've got that tasty $300 tax cut from Bush all is well. And with all the cash that goes into the Pentagon...15% cut into the bloated budget can fund all social programs more than adequately and provide health care and ::drum roll:: adequately provide for the defense of America.


The tax cuts and the neo-conservative agenda on the economy is not a left-right battle it is an ultra rich-everybody else battle.

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Take away our freedoms and rights?  How so?  With measures like the Patriot act?  I seem to remember a great number of Democrats voting for that but now the hypocritical bastards feign regret at voting for it so they can appease their leftist base.  Spare me.


A charade of "we will give you everything and you wont have to pay for it"  It's sooooooooooo funny coming from a democrat, a member of the party who wants more welfare and more entitlement programs and a socialist nanny state to take care of every possible need from cradle to grave. 


To say they are spending money to destroy the Democratic party is ludicrous and certainly beneath you.  How does spending money to strengthen homeland security and increasing the defense budget achieve that? Are all those new tanks and humvees going to attack Democratic party HQ?

The PATRIOT Act was passed through without anybody being able to read it. Congressmen asked to read it and they were denied the option to read it. Plus there were Republicans that voted for it too and are now condemning it because at the time it was passed, sanity wasn't exactly on the menu in the days after 9/11.


As for your deficits, people within the Reagan and Bush II administrations have stated that the tax cuts are lousy economics but great policy because it will starve the cashflow for domestic issues like health care, education etc. That's all they are meant to do -- enrich the ultra rich and stop people from having basic government protections because there will not be enough money for them if this bulls*** agenda goes through.

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They were our allies at one point.  But I suppose it's our fault they betrayed us and became our enemies.

In the 1980s, Osama was advocating that we were the infidels as well. How could we not see that he would be hating us?


Saddam Hussein was hiding international terrorist Abu Nidal at the exact same time Reagan was selling weapons, intel etc. to the Baathists.


So how again didn't we see that they didn't like the US? Myopic "enemy of my enemy is my friend" policy leads to dangerous things like what happened to us on 9-11.

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