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Republican National Convention


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I thought they went a little overboard with the 9/11 stuff. It shouldn't be a political issue. If you want to talk about your response to it, fine. But don't act like if the victims were alive today they would vote for bush/

I think the point of it was that George Bush had and continues to have the right response to what our nation faces. John Kerry clearly has no vision for the defense of America, as seen in 20 years of anti-inteligence and anti-defense voting.


If there weren't people out there right now thinking up ways to destroy our way of life, I'd think about Kerry, because our health care system does need to be addressed, as well as our tax system, education system, environmental policies, etc.


The reality is that we are in the middle of a conflict that needs to be paramount in our minds. Our economy is slowly growing healthier and Democrats must do their part to challenge President Bush to face domestic issues, However, we cannot deviate from the current course, which is to show our strength and resolve to world terrorists that we will not back down and will not give into their attempts to steal our freedoms.


John Kerry just isn't the man for our nation right now.



GWB for 4 more years :cheers :cheers

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I guess this would be the bad part of the show to point out that Dick Cheney voted against many of the same defense programs that Kerry voted against in Congress.


It would also be a bad time to point out that if you create new terrorists by defeating the existing ones, you aren't exactly taking care of the problem are you?


Iraq still faces problems caused by Al-Zarqawi, Muqtada Al-Sadr, we're still threatened by Al-Qaida headed by UBL. Where are they? oh yeah, still free. If we are freeing the world from this terror war, explain the two airplane bombings in Russia last week. The carbombings in Kabul this weekend. The thwarted plot to bomb the D train in NYC this week.

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The thwarted plot to bomb the D train in NYC this week.



precisely my point.



and Cheney was a member of the house of reps for 5 terms...hardly the comparative status of Sen. Kerry.


and Cheney didn't Vote against Gulf war 1....give me a break...







I'm pretty sure is was Muqtada Al-Sadr who announced today that his followers should put down their weapons and stop fighting the US and iraqi forces...


another one bites the dust.

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Sox4life you can thank your boy bush for your previous unemployment.

actually, I can thank my voluntary quitting my job and touring as a professional musician for the past 5 months...



but, I'd also like to thank Bush for the tax credits I've received :)

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It would also be a bad time to point out that if you create new terrorists by defeating the existing ones, you aren't exactly taking care of the problem are you?

And exactly how many terrorists would be a good number for you?

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precisely my point.



and Cheney was a member of the house of reps for 5 terms...hardly the comparative status of Sen. Kerry.


and Cheney didn't Vote against Gulf war 1....give me a break...







I'm pretty sure is was Muqtada Al-Sadr who announced today that his followers should put down their weapons and stop fighting the US and iraqi forces...


another one bites the dust.

We'll see how that one works out Alex. It was considered a major shock though and if him and his followers do follow through, I would consider it a huge step forward, imo.


I only caught part of the convention so I can't really say much about it. Watched the late night coverage recapping it though, but since I didn't see/hear all of either speach I'm not going to comment.


I was stuck fixing my tv.

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I can't let this one go....






Did you do an upgrade on it the night before?  :lol:



Nah, for once their aren't an assload of wires around my tv. I got them all hidden and everything. I'm surprised I was able to do it and do a clean job of it as well. Plus I drilled some holes in the back of my tv thing and put my video game systems in the drawers and have the wires running through the back. I was pretty impressed with my work.


Now I'm ready to bust out lots and lots of Madden :D

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Nah, for once their aren't an assload of wires around my tv.  I got them all hidden and everything.  I'm surprised I was able to do it and do a clean job of it as well.  Plus I drilled some holes in the back of my tv thing and put my video game systems in the drawers and have the wires running through the back.  I was pretty impressed with my work.


Now I'm ready to bust out lots and lots of Madden  :D

I do that about once a year and even though I haven't added anything sice the time before, I am usually able to take a wore or two out without changinf anything. It makes no sense. Eventually it'll all work without wires.

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I do that about once a year and even though I haven't added anything sice the time before, I am usually able to take a wore or two out without changinf anything. It makes no sense. Eventually it'll all work without wires.

Damn, a wore or two...is that anything like a whore ;) :lol:


Ya, I ended up taking out a bunch of wires and it still works. Of course, usually when I Try doing it I say I'm not going to let the wires go all over the place, but in the end, they still do.

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OK. Back on topic...



I was watching Britt on Fox News and he asked the panel what the sound bite would be that the main stream press would take away from the first night. They all said the anti-Kerry coments. Well, commercial came and I flipped around and stopped on CNN and the guy on there was answering a question from the host..."Tonight was about two things, really: Kerry bashing and..." I flipped back right away. It was comical.

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OK. Back on topic...



I was watching Britt on Fox News and he asked the panel what the sound bite would be that the main stream press would take away from the first night. They all said the anti-Kerry coments. Well, commercial came and I flipped around and stopped on CNN and the guy on there was answering a question from the host..."Tonight was about two things, really: Kerry bashing and..." I flipped back right away. It was comical.

Especially because McCain stayed away from it and while Rudy said some stuff on it, it wasn't like total stuff.


The thing I Find garbage is, I watched the DNC and I remember FoxNews (the so called conservative station) having people even saying, this is a time for the democrats to get their say and there wasn't much negative, and CNN kept talking it up, especially Bob Dole, saying basically put, this is a time when the republicans will be quiet basically out of respect or what not.

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I watched a few minutes when I wasn't doing my homework (100+ pages on reading about 1950s political repression beliefs in the public compared to now)


It seems that they are trying to present a much more moderate Republicanism. But the whole falling all over themselves for 9/11 rememberence...why are they beating that horse to death so damn much, especially kicking the convention back near to 9/11 and then holding it near Ground Zero?


Unfortunately for sane Americans, I don't think we'll be seeing guys like Ron Paul (R-TX) speaking at the convention.

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I watched a few minutes when I wasn't doing my homework (100+ pages on reading about 1950s political repression beliefs in the public compared to now)


It seems that they are trying to present a much more moderate Republicanism.  But the whole falling all over themselves for 9/11 rememberence...why are they beating that horse to death so damn much, especially kicking the convention back near to 9/11 and then holding it near Ground Zero?


Unfortunately for sane Americans, I don't think we'll be seeing guys like Ron Paul (R-TX) speaking at the convention.

Ya, I think they are trying to show the party as a party of many diverse opinions, but all with similar base opinions in a sense.


I mean, Arnold, Rudy, and McCain all are more middle of the line republicans.

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Especially because McCain stayed away from it and while Rudy said some stuff on it, it wasn't like total stuff.


The thing I Find garbage is, I watched the DNC and I remember FoxNews (the so called conservative station) having people even saying, this is a time for the democrats to get their say and there wasn't much negative, and CNN kept talking it up, especially Bob Dole, saying basically put, this is a time when the republicans will be quiet basically out of respect or what not.

The GOP was pretty silent that week. I did notice that. I wonder if the Kerry camp will be the same. I think they DNC had a master plan, though. Not a single person, besides Kerry himself, said the name "Bush." So, now they can talk about how "negative" the Republicans are, "we never said anything about Bush and they attacked us right away. :crying "

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The GOP was pretty silent that week. I did notice that. I wonder if the Kerry camp will be the same. I think they DNC had a master plan, though. Not a single person, besides Kerry himself, said the name "Bush." So, now they can talk about how "negative" the Republicans are, "we never said anything about Bush and they attacked us right away. :crying "

But Ted Kennedy still took some shots at him. He was one of the few guys though and he didn't do it near as much as you would of expected.


I know Kerry is having a rally with Edwards around midnight on Thursday and plans on making a response speach a few hours after Bush officially accepts the republican nomination.

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But Ted Kennedy still took some shots at him.  He was one of the few guys though and he didn't do it near as much as you would of expected. 


I know Kerry is having a rally with Edwards around midnight on Thursday and plans on making a response speach a few hours after Bush officially accepts the republican nomination.

And Sharpton went nuts on Bush. He totally deviated from his prepared remarks.


off topic, what is Michael Moore doing at the RNC? Isn't his 15 minutes up yet? It isn't like Rush showed up at the DNC.

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And Sharpton went nuts on Bush.  He totally deviated from his prepared remarks.


off topic, what is Michael Moore doing at the RNC?  Isn't his 15 minutes up yet?  It isn't like Rush showed up at the DNC.

He's working for USA Today. You know, the paper that wouldn't publish Ann Coulter.

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One thing that the Dems are right about.  If 9/11 for some weird reason never happened, this president would be NOTHING. 


The only reason this man has an identity at all is because of 9/11.

I don't know if you could say that. I mean, 9/11 was a huge event and its something that would make a president, but who knows what he would of done had 9/11 not happened. Its too hard to say, I mean what would FDR of been without Pearl Harbor??


FDR could of went down as one of the worse presidents ever, instead, completely different, but whose to say his ideas wouldn't of worked on their own (I don't know), without the aid of a war.

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