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Republican National Convention


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I don't know if you could say that.  I mean, 9/11 was a huge event and its something that would make a president, but who knows what he would of done had 9/11 not happened.  Its too hard to say, I mean what would FDR of been without Pearl Harbor??


FDR  could of went down as one of the worse presidents ever, instead, completely different, but whose to say his ideas wouldn't of worked on their own (I don't know), without the aid of a war.

Well said, Jason. You can say the same about a lot of Presidents or Governors or mayors or CEOs or Fathers or Coaches or...You get my point. The times make the man, and how he reacts to the events of his time is how he'll be remembered.

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He's working for USA Today. You know, the paper that wouldn't publish Ann Coulter.

In Moore's defense he never stated:


"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."


As for the USA Today column, this is what Coulter wrote that they wanted to edit: The column began "Here at the Spawn of Satan convention in Boston" and referred to an indefinite number of female attendees as "corn-fed, no make-up, natural fiber, no-bra needing, sandal-wearing, hirsute, somewhat fragrant hippie chick pie wagons"

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OK. Back on topic...



I was watching Britt on Fox News and he asked the panel what the sound bite would be that the main stream press would take away from the first night. They all said the anti-Kerry coments. Well, commercial came and I flipped around and stopped on CNN and the guy on there was answering a question from the host..."Tonight was about two things, really: Kerry bashing and..." I flipped back right away. It was comical.

What's the first headline I saw on Yahoo this morning.....


Presidential Elections - AP


Giuliani Leads GOP Attacks Against Kerry


Out of that WHOLE speech....that is what the AP came up with??? what a joke.


I thought both speeches were great.

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What's the first headline I saw on Yahoo this morning.....


Presidential Elections - AP


Giuliani Leads GOP Attacks Against Kerry


Out of that WHOLE speech....that is what the AP came up with???  what a joke.


I thought both speeches were great.

I thought McCain's was a little lacking, but I've never been a big fan of his speeches. I enjoyed Gulliani, though.

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I thought they went a little overboard with the 9/11 stuff. It shouldn't be a political issue. If you want to talk about your response to it, fine. But don't act like if the victims were alive today they would vote for bush/

I think they overdid the 9-11 thing a bit as well but Rudy was really compelling in his speech. "America's Mayor" was nothign short of brilliant.

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So much for objectivity in the media.

All the news as long it's right wing conservative . . . ALl those tv and radio stations block out any moderate show hosts. If you aren't a hate spewing right winger you have zero chance of getting a talk show on any network.

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If you aren't a hate spewing right winger you have zero chance of getting a talk show on any network.

Do you really believe that? I personally think that those "left wing" people have a hard time taking a stand on anything. Conservatives usually are well rooted in their belief system and liberals don't know what to think and it makes it harder to be a well spoken person when you change your mind about things every 5 minutes.


I don't mean that to be a slam, without people who think that way, the world would be a boring bunch of conservatives.

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All the news as long it's right wing conservative . . . ALl those tv and radio stations block out any moderate show hosts. If you aren't a hate spewing right winger you have zero chance of getting a talk show on any network.

You have zero chance because there's no audience for those types of people. Leftists have been trying and failing for years to find an answer to Rush and Co. on the radio because of poor ratings and lack of interest. Don't blame the left's failings on bias because that's totally untrue.

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Iraq still faces problems caused by Al-Zarqawi, Muqtada Al-Sadr, we're still threatened by Al-Qaida headed by UBL. Where are they? oh yeah, still free. If we are freeing the world from this terror war, explain the two airplane bombings in Russia last week. The carbombings in Kabul this weekend. The thwarted plot to bomb the D train in NYC this week.

Al Queda -- Splintered and on the run. Their people are being busted in droves in Pakistan and Afghanistan.


Al Zarqawi --Hasn't been heard from in a while now


Al Sadr -- Beaten into submission by U.S. and Iraqi forces


Airplane bombings in Russia? -- Since when is the Department of Homeland Security in charge of Russian Airports?


Car Bombings in Kabul -- Nobody ever said Afghanistan was totally pacified but they are in a far better position than they were when the Taliban was terrorizing the entire population over there.


Foiled bombing plot in NYC -- NYPD and the FBI doing their jobs. Bravo.


You think John Kerry is gonna stop all this? You think throwing flowers at terrorists and begging them to be nice is going to do anything? You leftists delude yourselves when you think that way. The only thing these people understand is force. They can't be reasoned with, they can't be bargained with and they can't be bribed.

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Do you really believe that?  I personally think that those "left wing" people have a hard time taking a stand on anything.  Conservatives usually are well rooted in their belief system and liberals don't know what to think and it makes it harder to be a well spoken person when you change your mind about things every 5 minutes.


I don't mean that to be a slam, without people who think that way, the world would be a boring bunch of conservatives.

I think that conservatives want to bring back 1950s America and liberals understand the world is changing and evolving and are willing to take risks to make the US a better place.


You cannot apply 1950s solutions to 2000 problems.


I also believe that the media will not allow liberal thinkers on the air. They only allow right wing propaganda and keep the intelligent liberal thinkers off the air. Rush is a master of finding some wacko and using that guy as an example of all Democrates. Hannity also uses that technique. Well all you hear are examples of Democrates who are allowed on the air by the conservative shows what other opinion can be formed?


I find it amazing that conservatives are born thinking something and never change their opinion. The world changes, people need to change also.

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I think that conservatives want to bring back 1950s America and liberals understand the world is changing and evolving and are willing to take risks to make the US a better place.


You cannot apply 1950s solutions to 2000 problems.

Elaborate please. This should be interesting.

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I consider myself conservative and I think the majority of Americans, by nature, are quite conservative. Most people don't like change. I also think that Hannity and Limbaugh articulate themselves in a way that the common American understands. Most of the "leftist" radio shows fail because they cannot stand on an opinion - which leads to the "flip-flopping" they are usually accused of.


I change my mind frequently on things, but it takes a good argument as to why - in other words, conservatives want a vaild reason to think what they do, not just "because the world is changing, so ah well I better change with it". Most people are rooted in their beliefs - and most Americans are "conservative" - not politically maybe - but we Americans like our lifestyle and don't want it to change, and that by nature is conservative, IMO.

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Here is my "2 cents", (even though most of you don't want to hear it, and I'll probably get "selectively censored" again...


Bush can ONLY run on a "Bash Kerry" platform, because he (Bush) HAS DONE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the last 4 years to improve the lives of Americans (unless you are one of the wealthy).


We are not any safer than we were 4 years ago, and in focusing on the "war on Terror", Bush has trashed the economy, the environment, social services, human rights, civil rights, etc.


He has to go down as the worst president this country has ever had. Say what you want about Kerry, but, he cannot be worse than Bush.

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Here is my "2 cents", (even though most of you don't want to hear it, and I'll probably get "selectively censored" again...


Bush can ONLY run on a "Bash Kerry" platform, because he (Bush) HAS DONE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the last 4 years to improve the lives of Americans (unless you are one of the wealthy).


We are not any safer than we were 4 years ago, and in focusing on the "war on Terror", Bush has trashed the economy, the environment, social services, human rights, civil rights, etc.


He has to go down as the worst president this country has ever had. Say what you want about Kerry, but, he cannot be worse than Bush.

Finnaly something we can agree on.


Here is a poll. How is america better today than it was 4 years ago?

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Here is my "2 cents", (even though most of you don't want to hear it, and I'll probably get "selectively censored" again...


Bush can ONLY run on a "Bash Kerry" platform, because he (Bush) HAS DONE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the last 4 years to improve the lives of Americans (unless you are one of the wealthy).


We are not any safer than we were 4 years ago, and in focusing on the "war on Terror", Bush has trashed the economy, the environment, social services, human rights, civil rights, etc.


He has to go down as the worst president this country has ever had. Say what you want about Kerry, but, he cannot be worse than Bush.

I'll reword for you.


Bush can only run on a 9/11 platform - the way he handled 9/11, the "war on terror" and the tax cuts. Other then that, he hasn't done squat. Right?


If that's the case, you're probably right.


But what has John Kerry done? Look at his voting record and tell me how he's any different?

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Since conservatives do not change their minds ever, don't you want things to be as they were, back in a more conservative time?

That's a stereotype. I don't want to go back to the 50's. That's ludicrous and you didn's tell me all these 1950's solutions to America's problems that the GOP wants to apply.

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Ahh 1950s to a conservative:


Gays were still in the closet, not fighting for marriage rights.

Ozzie and Harriet on TV, not Janet Jackson, Howard Stern, etc.

Inter-raccial marriage was still illegal, before an "activist" judge in California struck down the laws.

Segregation was alive and well

Abortion was only for wealthy Americans who could fly to Europe or poor women who could find a back alley abortionist with a coat hanger.

Every American could carry a concealed weapon

Manufacturers were free from government intrusions and could spew tozic waste into our rivers and poisons into our air. Their workers weren't protected by OSHA to force some poor company to keep their employees safe because Hey, they don't have to work here.


Just a few things that the damn liberals have taken from y'all.

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Do you really believe that?  I personally think that those "left wing" people have a hard time taking a stand on anything.  Conservatives usually are well rooted in their belief system and liberals don't know what to think and it makes it harder to be a well spoken person when you change your mind about things every 5 minutes.


I don't mean that to be a slam, without people who think that way, the world would be a boring bunch of conservatives.

Actually, its cause most liberal talk show hosts are boring. And its pretty damn hard for new liberal hosts to break into the biz.

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Here is my "2 cents", (even though most of you don't want to hear it, and I'll probably get "selectively censored" again...


Bush can ONLY run on a "Bash Kerry" platform, because he (Bush) HAS DONE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the last 4 years to improve the lives of Americans (unless you are one of the wealthy).


We are not any safer than we were 4 years ago, and in focusing on the "war on Terror", Bush has trashed the economy, the environment, social services, human rights, civil rights, etc.


He has to go down as the worst president this country has ever had. Say what you want about Kerry, but, he cannot be worse than Bush.

Bull f***ing s***.


Bush inherited a growing recession, the country got attacked shortly after he took office making things worse and he trashed the economy? Spare me. That is total crap and you know it. Bush and his tax cuts helped bring us out of the recession, started creating jobs again and now things are far better economically than they were.


Hell yes we're safer now. Before 9-11 we deluded ourselves into thinking we couldn't get hit here and that terrorism was .......ISREAL'S........problem. Now we are far better able to combat terrorism than we are taking the steps necessary to eradicate it where it lives.

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