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Republican National Convention


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Al Queda  --  Splintered and on the run.  Their people are being busted in droves in Pakistan and Afghanistan.


Al Zarqawi --Hasn't been heard from in a while now


Al Sadr -- Beaten into submission by U.S. and Iraqi forces


Airplane bombings in Russia? -- Since when is the Department of Homeland Security in charge of Russian Airports?


Car Bombings in Kabul -- Nobody ever said Afghanistan was totally pacified but they are in a far better position than they were when the Taliban was terrorizing the entire population over there.


Foiled bombing plot in NYC -- NYPD and the FBI doing their jobs. Bravo.


You think John Kerry is gonna stop all this?  You think throwing flowers at terrorists and begging them to be nice is going to do anything?  You leftists delude yourselves when you think that way.  The only thing these people understand is force.  They can't be reasoned with, they can't be bargained with and they can't be bribed.

What makes you think the only other option is throwing flowers at terrorists? There's more than one way to solve a probem.

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Ahh 1950s to a conservative:


Gays were still in the closet, not fighting for marriage rights.

Ozzie and Harriet on TV, not Janet Jackson, Howard Stern, etc.

Inter-raccial marriage was still illegal, before an "activist" judge in California struck down the laws.

Segregation was alive and well

Abortion was only for wealthy Americans who could fly to Europe or poor women who could find a back alley abortionist with a coat hanger.

Every American could carry a concealed weapon

Manufacturers were free from government intrusions and could spew tozic waste into our rivers and poisons into our air. Their workers weren't protected by OSHA to force some poor company to keep their employees safe because Hey, they don't have to work here.


Just a few things that the damn liberals have taken from y'all.

Segregation? You mean that institutionalized racism that Southern DEMOCRATIC politicians had going all those years ago?


I dont care if gays are in or out of the closet & in fact I don't really give a damn what they do.


Interracial marriage? You mean all those laws passed in southern states by DEMOCRATIC politicians?


Abortion, the killing of babies, is now cheap and easily accessible. Thank you liberals, how can America ever repay you. Now teenage mothers need not worry about that unwanted baby they're carrying because they forgot to make the guy use a rubber.

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Segregation? You mean that institutionalized racism that Southern DEMOCRATIC politicians had going all those years ago?


Interracial marriage? You mean all those laws passed in southern states by DEMOCRATIC politicians?


Thomas Jefferson was a Democratic REPUBLICAN and he bought a huge chunk of land from FRANCE.


Clearly, since the meanings of terms and ideals of a party never change, REPUBLICANS are the France-Lovers.


Change your avatar, nuke!

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You wanna talk about the effectiveness of Bush's war on terror?


From today's NYT. (Paul Krugman) He's a better writer than I.



"Ever since the uprising in April, the Iraqi town of Falluja has in effect been a small, nasty Islamic republic. But what about the rest of the Sunni triangle?


Last month a Knight-Ridder report suggested that U.S. forces were effectively ceding many urban areas to insurgents. Last Sunday The Times confirmed that while the world's attention was focused on Najaf, western Iraq fell firmly under rebel control. Representatives of the U.S.-installed government have been intimidated, assassinated or executed.


Other towns, like Samarra, have also fallen to insurgents. Attacks on oil pipelines are proliferating. And we're still playing whack-a-mole with Moktada al-Sadr: his Mahdi Army has left Najaf, but remains in control of Sadr City, with its two million people. The Christian Science Monitor reports that "interviews in Baghdad suggest that Sadr is walking away from the standoff with a widening base and supporters who are more militant than before."...


On Al-Sadr, this is from the Christian Science Monitor yesterday



"Sadr and his forces agreed on Friday to put down their weapons and withdraw from the Shrine of Imam Ali, one of Shiite Islam's holiest sites. But interviews in Baghdad suggest that Sadr is walking away from the standoff with a widening base and supporters who are more militant than before."


Yeah, that's a solved problem. The Mahdi army is being seen more and more as a parallel shadow government.


Yesterday, George Bush said that there is no winning the war on terror. I guess that's the kind of positive leadership we need in office.

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Segregation?  You mean that institutionalized racism that Southern DEMOCRATIC politicians had going all those years ago?


Interracial marriage?  You mean all those laws passed in southern states by DEMOCRATIC politicians?

I would at this point in time like to point out that the Democrats by turning against segregation and race laws effectively ceded much political power to the Republicans.

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Segregation?  You mean that institutionalized racism that Southern DEMOCRATIC politicians had going all those years ago?


I dont care if gays are in or out of the closet & in fact I don't really give a damn what they do.


Interracial marriage?  You mean all those laws passed in southern states by DEMOCRATIC politicians?


Abortion, the killing of babies, is now cheap and easily accessible.  Thank you liberals, how can America ever repay you.  Now teenage mothers need not worry about that unwanted baby they're carrying because they forgot to make the guy use a rubber.

:lol: Thank you Nuke, I knew you would prove my point. I said conservatives wanted to go back to 1950s America, you said you didn't, now you seem to. Flip-flopping away, you would like to see us back to 1950s America. And don't forget the morning prayer to Jesus in every classroom.


You may not care what gays do, but the GOP's Presidential candidate would like to change the constitution of the US to make certain it doesn't happen. I believe that would make it a conservative agenda item.

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Bull f***ing s***.


Bush inherited a growing recession, the country got attacked shortly after he took office making things worse and he trashed the economy?  Spare me.  That is total crap and you know it.  Bush and his tax cuts helped bring us out of the recession, started creating jobs again and now things are far better economically than they were.


Hell yes we're safer now.  Before 9-11 we deluded ourselves into thinking we couldn't get hit here and that terrorism was .......ISREAL'S........problem.  Now we are far better able to combat terrorism than we are taking the steps necessary to eradicate it where it lives.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but, under Clinton, didn't we have a Federal Surplus, NOT a Federal Deficit?


Explain to me how we are safer. True, Sadaam is gone, but, where is Osama? What about Iran? They are the ones that needed to be taken out, not the Iraqis.


The Dept. of Homeland Security is no better suited to protect the US than when we were INS, Customs, Border Patrol, etc. Just the name has changed.

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I find it to be the height of hubris for any one person, even the President, to stake claim on the US being safer or less safe because of them. It will take the entire US to make us slightly safer or slightly less safe. It is up to every American to stay vigilant, to make that call, to challenge our government iof we think they are making a mistake.


And not for something completely different . . .

George Bush War Medals

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a couple things...


Ozzie and Harriet on TV
as a family member of a cast member of this TV Show, I'll tell you that we're better off watching shows like that than crap like howard stern. How does "freedom of speech" benefit our nation? Certainly our diversity and freedoms are maintained, but at what cost? ours and future generations are a bunch of friggin' morally devoid, ADD, irresponsible crackheads. Thanks mom and dad!!!


You wanna talk about the effectiveness of Bush's war on terror?


probably one of the more ridiculous ideas I've heard in a while.... So the fact that there are a few factions of iraqis not so keen on the idea of US troops in iraq, makes the whole process and mission of removing Saddam a bad thing? Apparently this war was supposed to take a few days and everyone would be eating apple pies and diet cokes because it was such a popular idea. Well there are millions of iraqis benefitting from freedoms right now. If saddam were still in power he'd being cutting off limbs of innoccent people as we speak....so you could check off the list that you still have your feet. Man, feet are good. So that's a plus.


If the insurgents ever learned the old addage..."the pen is mightier than the sword" or in this case an AK-47... good lord, imagine the effectiveness of their words. They have a free country in which they can practice their religion (which they couldn't do under Hussein) and vote on their leaders... Cos, even a John Edwards could pick the winners in previous election years in iraq...


how is the US better off than 4 years ago


firstly, George Bush has turned around a failing economy, to much difficulty considering the problems that 9/11 caused our already trouble markets.


The tax cut I got was pretty damn sweet if you ask me. I really needed the money and ever since, it's been great. I imagine it was nicer for those who pay more taxes, so hopefully they got more money back than I did...cos that's kinda how it works.


Um, lets see. John Kerry voted against Gulf War 1, voted to cut inteligence budgets AFTER the bombings at the world trade center, and overall doesn't care too much for defense spending...arguably the SINGLE most important task of the Federal government.


So the fact that there hasn't been a domestic terrorist attack since 9/11 seems pretty great to me. Kerry is soft on defense and terrorism...I don't feel safe under that man, and none of us should... at this point in time.


see you in four years when Rudy gets elected :)


next please...

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btw, Al Franken was their last night too...



did anyone else catch Don King (who was awesome) or Ed Koch, both democrats, on Fox News yesterday?  They both support Bush in a major way.


cool stuff.

Lynn Swann too. He was just on Fox.

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BTW...Koch supports Bush because of Bush's support of Israel.

btw the way you're wrong.


Koch said the ONLY reason he supports Bush is because of the way he handled 9/11, and in this time of war we need a president who will stand up and fight and be firm in his convictions.

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btw the way you're wrong.


Koch said the ONLY reason he supports Bush is because of the way he handled 9/11, and in this time of war we need a president who will stand up and fight and be firm in his convictions.

When I get home from work, I will find you a copy of an Op Ed piece that Koch wrote about why he is now voting Republican.


I think you can find it on NEWSMAX.COM

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When I get home from work, I will find you a copy of an Op Ed piece that Koch wrote about why he is now voting Republican.


I think you can find it on NEWSMAX.COM

or I'll just go by what he said last night on TV....


thanks tho... rolleyeyes.gif

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NIce logic...anything good that happens, is because of the Republicans...anything bad, because of the Democrats.    :puke  :headshake  :banghead

Oh, come on. Anyone with half a brain can tell I'm teasing. Get off of it.


I feel like the one that should be :banghead

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NIce logic...anything good that happens, is because of the Republicans...anything bad, because of the Democrats.    :puke  :headshake  :banghead

That's just as rediculous as saying anything bad that happens is George Bush's fault and anything good that happens is because George Bush didn't have anything to do with it.


It's amazing how it's one or the other around here.


The President can't do anything without Congress approving it (major, anyway)... and CONGRESS voted to allow Bush to act in Iraq... INCLUDING ONE SENATOR KERRY.


How do you Dems 'splain that one?

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