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All politicans are cut from the same cloth and will follow the same predictable paths. I laugh when they argue both sides on subsequent years. Viet Nam doesn't matter then it does depending on what your candidate did.

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a couple things...


  as a family member of a cast member of this TV Show, I'll tell you that we're better off watching shows like that than crap like howard stern. How does "freedom of speech" benefit our nation? Certainly our diversity and freedoms are maintained, but at what cost? ours and future generations are a bunch of friggin' morally devoid, ADD, irresponsible crackheads.  Thanks mom and dad!!!




probably one of the more ridiculous ideas I've heard in a while.... So the fact that there are a few factions of iraqis not so keen on the idea of US troops in iraq, makes the whole process and mission of removing Saddam a bad thing? Apparently this war was supposed to take a few days and everyone would be eating apple pies and diet cokes because it was such a popular idea. Well there are millions of iraqis benefitting from freedoms right now. If saddam were still in power he'd being cutting off limbs of innoccent people as we speak....so you could check off the list that you still have your feet. Man, feet are good. So that's a plus.


If the insurgents ever learned the old addage..."the pen is mightier than the sword" or in this case an AK-47... good lord, imagine the effectiveness of their words.  They have a free country in which they can practice their religion (which they couldn't do under Hussein) and vote on their leaders... Cos, even a John Edwards could pick the winners in previous election years in iraq...




firstly, George Bush has turned around a failing economy, to much difficulty considering the problems that 9/11 caused our already trouble markets.


The tax cut I got was pretty damn sweet if you ask me. I really needed the money and ever since, it's been great. I imagine it was nicer for those who pay more taxes, so hopefully they got more money back than I did...cos that's kinda how it works.


Um, lets see. John Kerry voted against Gulf War 1, voted to cut inteligence budgets AFTER the bombings at the world trade center, and overall doesn't care too much for defense spending...arguably the SINGLE most important task of the Federal government.


So the fact that there hasn't been a domestic terrorist attack since 9/11 seems pretty great to me. Kerry is soft on defense and terrorism...I don't feel safe under that man, and none of us should... at this point in time.


see you in four years when Rudy gets elected :)


next please...

Morally devoid, have you seen the stuff that used to go on in the greek and Roman empire? I don't know if I would go that far and you couldn't blame television for that.


I enjoy my tv and I don't like it being sensored. I don't see Europe having that big of a trouble and their television is way more off the walls then US's.


Agree with what you said on the war though.

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Morally devoid, have you seen the stuff that used to go on in the greek and Roman empire?  I don't know if I would go that far and you couldn't blame television for that.


I enjoy my tv and I don't like it being sensored.  I don't see Europe having that big of a trouble and their television is way more off the walls then US's. 


Agree with what you said on the war though.

I see your point, but those civilizations failed and were not based upon moral foundations, as such was the case for the US.


I don't think we should be told what we can and can't watch...I'm just saying we should just make the decision to not watch some stuff, because it isn't healthy nor beneficially for future generations. see the difference?


anyway, you're a good man, jason

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I enjoy my tv and I don't like it being sensored.

Main Entry: sen·sor

Pronunciation: 'sen-"so(&)r, 'sen(t)-s&r

Function: noun

: a device that responds to a physical stimulus (as heat, light, sound, pressure, magnetism, or a particular motion) and transmits a resulting impulse (as for measurement or operating a control);


Hmmm, I think you do like it sensored, it always the brightness to be automatically dimmed or brightened depending on ambiant light levels


cen·sor    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (snsr)


A person authorized to examine books, films, or other material and to remove or suppress what is considered morally, politically, or otherwise objectionable.

An official, as in the armed forces, who examines personal mail and official dispatches to remove information considered secret or a risk to security.

One that condemns or censures.

One of two officials in ancient Rome responsible for taking the public census and supervising public behavior and morals.

Psychology. The agent in the unconscious that is responsible for censorship.


Some people do not like censorship on their TV.

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Hmmm, I think you do like it sensored, it always the brightness to be automatically dimmed or brightened depending on ambiant light levels




Some people do not like censorship on their TV.

There's the spelling mistakes again. He's starting to have a Be Good like problem. :lol: :bang

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Seeing McCain last night made me wish he had won in 2000. I support Bush and all, but I voted for McCain in 2000 and would do so again today. He is just a great man, IMO. Maybe in 2008. :wub:

yeah, he's alright...


but who knew that natural viagra was possible in listening to Rudy G. :lol:

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yeah, he's alright...


but who knew that natural viagra was possible in listening to Rudy G.  :lol:

With McCain, I think he makes a good politician because he isn't afraid to tell someone know or to stand up for what he believes in. I'm a really big fan of that in him. Of course, this tendency could lead to some blowups and that could happen when and if he runs for president in four more years.


I'm sure GW would like to get re-elected and then hope his brother would follow suit, but to me, I think it would be really difficult (if everything went well) for that to happen.


However, I thought both had good speaches. To be honest, I think McCains was more important, even if it wasn't quite as passionate (Rudy is just a really passionate person who is definately a better public speaker). However, ask New Yorkers what they thought of him during most of his tenure. He was probably one of the most hated mayors ever in New York.


To his credit, he took the heat and stuck with what he thought was best and in the end he really cleaned up New York and then on top of that, he did an oustanding job during and following 9/11.

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a couple things...


  as a family member of a cast member of this TV Show, I'll tell you that we're better off watching shows like that than crap like howard stern. How does "freedom of speech" benefit our nation? Certainly our diversity and freedoms are maintained, but at what cost? ours and future generations are a bunch of friggin' morally devoid, ADD, irresponsible crackheads.  Thanks mom and dad!!!




probably one of the more ridiculous ideas I've heard in a while.... So the fact that there are a few factions of iraqis not so keen on the idea of US troops in iraq, makes the whole process and mission of removing Saddam a bad thing? Apparently this war was supposed to take a few days and everyone would be eating apple pies and diet cokes because it was such a popular idea. Well there are millions of iraqis benefitting from freedoms right now. If saddam were still in power he'd being cutting off limbs of innoccent people as we speak....so you could check off the list that you still have your feet. Man, feet are good. So that's a plus.


If the insurgents ever learned the old addage..."the pen is mightier than the sword" or in this case an AK-47... good lord, imagine the effectiveness of their words.  They have a free country in which they can practice their religion (which they couldn't do under Hussein) and vote on their leaders... Cos, even a John Edwards could pick the winners in previous election years in iraq...




firstly, George Bush has turned around a failing economy, to much difficulty considering the problems that 9/11 caused our already trouble markets.


The tax cut I got was pretty damn sweet if you ask me. I really needed the money and ever since, it's been great. I imagine it was nicer for those who pay more taxes, so hopefully they got more money back than I did...cos that's kinda how it works.


Um, lets see. John Kerry voted against Gulf War 1, voted to cut inteligence budgets AFTER the bombings at the world trade center, and overall doesn't care too much for defense spending...arguably the SINGLE most important task of the Federal government.


So the fact that there hasn't been a domestic terrorist attack since 9/11 seems pretty great to me. Kerry is soft on defense and terrorism...I don't feel safe under that man, and none of us should... at this point in time.


see you in four years when Rudy gets elected :)


next please...

If one does not like what is on the radio/TV, then parents should do a better job checking out what their child ingests.


I do not feel safe nor comfortable giving my ability to choose what I want to read, watch, see, hear, say, listen to, who I f***, what I put into my body in the hands of the government. As the late comedian/philosopher Bill Hicks stated: Here is my final point. About drugs, about alcohol, about pornography and smoking and everything else. What business is it of yours what I do, read, buy see, say, think, who I f***, what I take into my body -- as long as I do not harm another human being on this planet?


Freedom of speech is a bedrock to this nation. "If there is a bedrock principle of the 1st amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable." - Justic Brennan in TX vs Johnson, 1989


And if you believe that TV shows and radio have caused the decay of society, I'd rather say that the destruction of education (skyrocketed by the underfunding of NCLB which will close schools that don't meet up to expectations...yet are not given the funds to purchase the tools to meet the goals), increased fighting of the drug war putting people in long term prison sentences for small amounts with no intent to sell leading to non-violent prisoners siphoning increased tax money which could go to better social programs, etc.


As for increased sexuality being partaken, Larry Flynt so eloquently noted: "I think the real obscenity comes from raising out youth to believe that sex is bad and ugly and dirty. And yet, it is heroic to go spill guts and blood in the most ghastly manner in the name of humanity. With all the taboos attached to sex, it's no wonder we have the problems we have. It's no wonder were angry and violent and genocidal. But, ask yourself the question, what is more obscene: sex or war?"


As for the Iraq war, let's face it. Our leaders in Congress and the US peed on our legs and told us it was rain. From the nuclear material in Niger to the non-existent mobile labs that Powell railed on to the non-existent ties to AQ etc. etc. etc., the actual rationale for war was never given to us. And to send these troops in with inadequate kevlar, inadequate Humvees, old helicopters (remember some of the helicopters shot down at the beginning were because they were obsolete and didn't have certain anti-RPG capabilities), piss poor chemical/biological weapon protection equipment (friend of mine is a retired Major of the Navy and is an expert in chemical and biological weapons and discussed with me in great detail how the suits the military is handing out are not protective by any means and are just false assurances) is a slap in the face. The cuts to veterans' benefits that have been slammed through, the increased co-pays for veterans, the increased wait they have to wait to get checked out when they are back in the States etc. are all part of the Bush reforms.


Ahmed Chalabi and the Iraqi National Congress got busted for having misleading information that was highly touted by Pentagon neo-conservative hawks to get us to invade Iraq. Now with the Israeli spy possibility in the Pentagon, more information is coming out that this spy was important in the development of our Iraq policy. I don't like it that there is mounting evidence that our intelligence and rationale for war seemed to be born out of countries and interests that had THEIR best interest at getting us engaged with the 3rd world dictator.


John Kerry voted against Gulf War I and in fact, in July 1990 when Iraq was preparing to invade Kuwait for a) slant drilling into Iraqi oil fields and B) mass flooding the oil market to drive down prices which made the war ravaged Iraq unable to restore it's economy (remember the whole Iraq-Iran war that we got Saddam to fight for us...it sorta tore apart his country's infrastructure) In fact, Iraq came to the US in the summer of 1990 and asked what would be US opinion on a pending invasion of Kuwait. US ambassador April Glaspie stated: "We have no opinion on your border dispute with Kuwait." To emphasize she stated, "James Baker has directed our official spokesmen to emphasize this instruction." During the 1990 war, the strong Iraqi democratic movement was greatly rebuffed by US interests because they were also anti-Gulf War. They didn't want their country in shambles and knew that it could be resolved peacefully. In mid-January a Washington Post/ABC poll asked if Iraq withdrew and the UN took a resolution to consider the conflict would they support it - 2/3 agreed. In fact, numerous Iraqi democratic delegations and other middle eastern delegations were rebuffed by Bush I to end the conflict, have Iraq get out of Kuwait and let them resolve things peacefully. -- but that was never discussed in the US media.


Voting for intelligence cuts after the 93 WTC bombing. Evidence showed that the FBI made the bombs and provided all the materials to their informant. (see Dec. 15, 1993 Chicago Tribune and Oct. 28, 1993 NY Times) So his proposed cuts don't seem all that insane in that context.


Doesn't care all too much for defense spending. We're in a glut of defense spending currently. Recently Congress gave the Air Force 100 new mid-air refuelers after the Air Force already said they didn't need them. The Pentagon cannot account for over a billion dollars. A simple 15% cut from the current rate that we have adequately funds social programs and more than already protects this country.


There hasn't been another terrorist attack and I'm wondering sometimes how we've only had 1 in the history of the US. (not saying I'd like to see one but I just think we're damn lucky) Neither of these guys are soft on terrorism and in fact both of them are pretty big promoters of the neo-conservative agenda created by PNAC.


Bush/Cheney 04: Don't Change Horses Mid-Apocalypse

Kerry/Edwards 04: You Decide, I Agree


It's all about Badnarik/Campagna in '04 :headbang :headbang :usa

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If one does not like what is on the radio/TV, then parents should do a better job checking out what their child ingests.


I do not feel safe nor comfortable giving my ability to choose what I want to read, watch, see, hear, say, listen to, who I f***, what I put into my body in the hands of the government.  As the late comedian/philosopher Bill Hicks stated: Here is my final point. About drugs, about alcohol, about pornography and smoking and everything else. What business is it of yours what I do, read, buy see, say, think, who I f***, what I take into my body -- as long as I do not harm another human being on this planet?


Freedom of speech is a bedrock to this nation.  "If there is a bedrock principle of the 1st amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable."  - Justic Brennan in TX vs Johnson, 1989


And if you believe that TV shows and radio have caused the decay of society, I'd rather say that the destruction of education (skyrocketed by the underfunding of NCLB which will close schools that don't meet up to expectations...yet are not given the funds to purchase the tools to meet the goals), increased fighting of the drug war putting people in long term prison sentences for small amounts with no intent to sell leading to non-violent prisoners siphoning increased tax money which could go to better social programs, etc.


As for increased sexuality being partaken, Larry Flynt so eloquently noted: "I think the real obscenity comes from raising out youth to believe that sex is bad and ugly and dirty. And yet, it is heroic to go spill guts and blood in the most ghastly manner in the name of humanity. With all the taboos attached to sex, it's no wonder we have the problems we have. It's no wonder were angry and violent and genocidal. But, ask yourself the question, what is more obscene: sex or war?"


As for the Iraq war, let's face it.  Our leaders in Congress and the US peed on our legs and told us it was rain.  From the nuclear material in Niger to the non-existent mobile labs that Powell railed on to the non-existent ties to AQ etc. etc. etc., the actual rationale for war was never given to us.  And to send these troops in with inadequate kevlar, inadequate Humvees, old helicopters (remember some of the helicopters shot down at the beginning were because they were obsolete and didn't have certain anti-RPG capabilities), piss poor chemical/biological weapon protection equipment (friend of mine is a retired Major of the Navy and is an expert in chemical and biological weapons and discussed with me in great detail how the suits the military is handing out are not protective by any means and are just false assurances) is a slap in the face.  The cuts to veterans' benefits that have been slammed through, the increased co-pays for veterans, the increased wait they have to wait to get checked out when they are back in the States etc. are all part of the Bush reforms.


Ahmed Chalabi and the Iraqi National Congress got busted for having misleading information that was highly touted by Pentagon neo-conservative hawks to get us to invade Iraq.  Now with the Israeli spy possibility in the Pentagon, more information is coming out that this spy was important in the development of our Iraq policy.  I don't like it that there is mounting evidence that our intelligence and rationale for war seemed to be born out of countries and interests that had THEIR best interest at getting us engaged with the 3rd world dictator.


John Kerry voted against Gulf War I and in fact, in July 1990 when Iraq was preparing to invade Kuwait for a) slant drilling into Iraqi oil fields and B) mass flooding the oil market to drive down prices which made the war ravaged Iraq unable to restore it's economy (remember the whole Iraq-Iran war that we got Saddam to fight for us...it sorta tore apart his country's infrastructure)  In fact, Iraq came to the US in the summer of 1990 and asked what would be US opinion on a pending invasion of Kuwait.  US ambassador April Glaspie stated: "We have no opinion on your border dispute with Kuwait." To emphasize she stated, "James Baker has directed our official spokesmen to emphasize this instruction."  During the 1990 war, the strong Iraqi democratic movement was greatly rebuffed by US interests because they were also anti-Gulf War.  They didn't want their country in shambles and knew that it could be resolved peacefully.  In mid-January a Washington Post/ABC poll asked if Iraq withdrew and the UN took a resolution to consider the conflict would they support it - 2/3 agreed.  In fact, numerous Iraqi democratic delegations and other middle eastern delegations were rebuffed by Bush I to end the conflict, have Iraq get out of Kuwait and let them resolve things peacefully. -- but that was never discussed in the US media.


Voting for intelligence cuts after the 93 WTC bombing.  Evidence showed that the FBI made the bombs and provided all the materials to their informant. (see Dec. 15, 1993 Chicago Tribune and Oct. 28, 1993 NY Times) So his proposed cuts don't seem all that insane in that context.


Doesn't care all too much for defense spending.  We're in a glut of defense spending currently.  Recently Congress gave the Air Force 100 new mid-air refuelers after the Air Force already said they didn't need them.  The Pentagon cannot account for over a billion dollars.  A simple 15% cut from the current rate that we have adequately funds social programs and more than already protects this country.


There hasn't been another terrorist attack and I'm wondering sometimes how we've only had 1 in the history of the US.  (not saying I'd like to see one but I just think we're damn lucky)  Neither of these guys are soft on terrorism and in fact both of them are pretty big promoters of the neo-conservative agenda created by PNAC.


Bush/Cheney 04: Don't Change Horses Mid-Apocalypse

Kerry/Edwards 04: You Decide, I Agree


It's all about Badnarik/Campagna in '04  :headbang  :headbang  :usa

ok...now check out this...

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Doesn't care all too much for defense spending.  We're in a glut of defense spending currently.  Recently Congress gave the Air Force 100 new mid-air refuelers after the Air Force already said they didn't need them.  The Pentagon cannot account for over a billion dollars.  A simple 15% cut from the current rate that we have adequately funds social programs and more than already protects this country.

I love this. You are worried about our soldiers having old equipment but you also want to cut the defense budget 15%. I totally agree we have a lot of old equipment and we need to modernize it badly ( there's a lot of stuff out there that stays running simply because of the ingenuity of our soldiers ). I also agree that the DOD wastes a lot of money. What should happen is that there should be a DOD-wide audit to find ways to cut fat out of the budget and instead of taking away this money use it to add more troops and buy new equipment.


The Air Force was given 100 new mid air refuelers that it didn't need? That is complete crap. The Air Force's fleet of mid air tankers dates back to the 1960's. THE NINTEEN SIXTIES!! and is in desperate need of an upgrade. The big flap over the tankers was that the DOD wanted to lease them from Boeing instead of buying them outright which was massively more expensive, hence the scandal.

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I love this.  You are worried about our soldiers having old equipment but you also want to cut the defense budget 15%.  I totally agree we have a lot of old equipment and we need to modernize it badly ( there's a lot of  stuff out there that stays running simply because of the ingenuity of our soldiers ).  I also agree that the DOD wastes a lot of money.  What should happen is that there should be a DOD-wide audit to find ways to cut fat out of the budget and instead of taking away this money use it to add more troops and buy new equipment. 


The Air Force was given 100 new mid air refuelers that it didn't need?  That is complete crap.  The Air Force's fleet of mid air tankers dates back to the 1960's.  THE NINTEEN SIXTIES!! and is in desperate need of an upgrade.  The big flap over the tankers was that the DOD wanted to lease them from Boeing instead of buying them outright which was massively more expensive, hence the scandal.

dammit Nuke, you make it so hard to dislike you....


thanks for being right a whole lot :)

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I love this.  You are worried about our soldiers having old equipment but you also want to cut the defense budget 15%.  I totally agree we have a lot of old equipment and we need to modernize it badly ( there's a lot of  stuff out there that stays running simply because of the ingenuity of our soldiers ).  I also agree that the DOD wastes a lot of money.  What should happen is that there should be a DOD-wide audit to find ways to cut fat out of the budget and instead of taking away this money use it to add more troops and buy new equipment. 


The Air Force was given 100 new mid air refuelers that it didn't need?  That is complete crap.  The Air Force's fleet of mid air tankers dates back to the 1960's.  THE NINTEEN SIXTIES!! and is in desperate need of an upgrade.  The big flap over the tankers was that the DOD wanted to lease them from Boeing instead of buying them outright which was massively more expensive, hence the scandal.

I'm sure the audit would find enough money to more than cover a 15% cut. I mean, the GAO did a small one of the Pentagon and found just on the surface that they couldn't account for a billion dollars. I'm sure further investigations would do more.


There's always cutting the military bloat or...*gasp* raising taxes. I love how this country proclaims they love their cops, firefighters, military as heroes and yet we want constantly lower taxes so they end up being paid really s***tily.

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