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9/11 video I found from another board...


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It's kind of strange that ... if you watch very carefully, you can see a computer monitor sitting on a filing cabinet just to the left of the hole caused by the "757". A plastic encased computer monitor. It didn't MELT. Yet this was a 757 loaded with jet fuel. You know ... the same jet fuel that melted the steel girders in the twin towers!


Oh ... one other point. Try and twist or turn a 757 anyway you want to and try and make it fit in the hole left in the side of the Pentagon. It doesn't even come close to fitting. The wings would have eithe been sheered off and left on the outside of the building, or taken out part of the building as they entered. Or, possibly been sheered off by the ground itself. But there were no wings, tail, fuselage or anything left of the plane. There were no places you could say the wings penetrated here. There was no skid marks or damage on the lawn of the Pentagon.



Damn right there's a conspiracy.

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I haven't seen anything on the internet, but i have heard reports on radio and television from building developers and people familiar with the layout of the Twin Towers....And they all say the the towers should have never fell. They say they could have withstanded the heat and the impact, they also say that if a building was to get hit with a force like that and tumble....it wouldn't tumble on to itself...it would topple to the direction opposite the impact. The WTC towers should have fell into each other and over many other city buildings. Furthormore...I've heard eyewitness reports say they heard explosions in a dominoe type effect go from the top of the buildings to the bottom, right before the towers collapsed.


I don't know what the f*** the Government is up to, but conspiracy...yeah, you can say that.


Then you have all the facts like the bin laden family was the only family to fly in a plane on sept. 12. Bushes reaction when he was told about the event at the school..."HELLO DUMBf***, WE'RE BEING ATTACKED, QUIT READING TO THE CHILDREN AND DO YOUR JOB, MR. PRESIDENT"


You can't tell me something isn't going on. People have to read between the lines. When i saw that pentagon thing, that sinched it for me. People have to quit accepting what the Gov. throws at u and start asking questions.


Though this is the Government and you will probably never get answers. :huh


Nothing anyone can do except, accept it for what it is now, a plane wreck labled as a terrorist attack.


:nono :nono :nono :nono :nono :nono :nono :usa

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I haven't seen anything on the internet,  but i have heard reports on radio and television from building developers and people familiar with the layout of the Twin Towers....And they all say the the towers should have never fell.  They say they could have withstanded the heat and the impact,  they also say that if a building was to get hit with a force like that and tumble....it wouldn't tumble on to itself...it would topple to the direction opposite the impact.  The WTC towers should have fell into each other and over many other city buildings.  Furthormore...I've heard eyewitness reports say they heard explosions in a dominoe type effect go from the top of the buildings to the bottom, right before the towers collapsed. 


I don't know what the f*** the Government is up to,  but conspiracy...yeah, you can say that. 


Then you have all the facts like the bin laden family was the only family to fly in a plane on sept. 12.  Bushes reaction when he was told about the event at the school..."HELLO DUMBf***,  WE'RE BEING ATTACKED, QUIT READING TO THE CHILDREN AND DO YOUR JOB,  MR. PRESIDENT"


You can't tell me something isn't going on.  People have to read between the lines.  When i saw that pentagon thing,  that sinched it for me.  People have to quit accepting what the Gov. throws at u and start asking questions. 


Though this is the Government and you will probably never get answers. :huh


Nothing anyone can do except, accept it for what it is now,  a plane wreck labled as a terrorist attack.


:nono  :nono  :nono  :nono  :nono  :nono  :nono :usa

Give me an absolute f***ing break! Do you honestly believe yourself?


Explosions in WTC? How about thousands and thousands of pounds of concrete smashing into each other, I think that would make an explosion like sound.




What would you expect him to do? Jump up and run around like a fool? What did you do when you heard? You may not want to hear it, but the President, whether he's Republican or Democrat, is a human being, and he was just as shocked as we all were at that moment.




Nothing anyone can do except, accept it for what it is now, a plane wreck labled as a terrorist attack.


Yep, we made it all up. 4 planes go down in a singe morning and it was all coincidence. I have NEVER heard a more ignorant arguement in my entire life.

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Give me an absolute f***ing break! Do you honestly believe yourself?


Explosions in WTC? How about thousands and thousands of pounds of concrete smashing into each other, I think that would make an explosion like sound.




What would you expect him to do? Jump up and run around like a fool? What did you do when you heard? You may not want to hear it, but the President, whether he's Republican or Democrat, is a human being, and he was just as shocked as we all were at that moment.






Yep, we made it all up. 4 planes go down in a singe morning and it was all coincidence. I have NEVER heard a more ignorant arguement in my entire life.

:lolhitting your sig says it all :lolhitting




Yes I believe somethings up, but that is my opinion, and i am entitled to it aren't I? I was just stating what i believe. Don't hassel me cuz of that. I said i heard of all that stuff happening. I just put two and two together. i haven't really heard any arguements against a "conspiracy"...do you want to give one. I'm sure there are a lot of people on this board that think there is and think there isn't...i would like to see a good arguement of that. See what facts are brought up to clear everything , i think would make both sides happy.


"What would you expect him to do? Jump up and run around like a fool? What did you do when you heard? You may not want to hear it, but the President, whether he's Republican or Democrat, is a human being, and he was just as shocked as we all were at that moment."


As for the President. Umm.. he should have got up right away. His excuse to the kids should have been the truth. I think it's the Presidents job to care about the welfare of the country over reading a story to kids. He did eventually give his speech. What did I do? what the f*** could i do...i'm not the President... i was in school, doin my "job".




For everything dealing with 9/11: videos, eyewitness testimony, none of it made sense after that day, cuz it was all skewed from the beginning.

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:lolhitting your sig says it all :lolhitting




Yes I believe somethings up,  but that is my opinion,  and i am entitled to it aren't I?  I was just stating what i believe.  Don't hassel me cuz of that.  I said i heard of all that stuff happening.  I just put two and two together.  i haven't really heard any arguements against a "conspiracy"...do you want to give one.  I'm sure there are a lot of people on this board that think there is and think there isn't...i would like to see a good arguement of that.  See what facts are brought up to clear everything , i think would make both sides happy.


"What would you expect him to do? Jump up and run around like a fool? What did you do when you heard? You may not want to hear it, but the President, whether he's Republican or Democrat, is a human being, and he was just as shocked as we all were at that moment."


As for the President.  Umm.. he should have got up right away.  His excuse to the kids should have been the truth.  I think it's the Presidents job to care about the welfare of the country over reading a story to kids.  He did eventually give his speech.  What did I do?  what the f*** could i do...i'm not the President... i was in school, doin my "job".




For everything dealing with 9/11: videos, eyewitness testimony, none of it made sense after that day,  cuz it was all skewed from the beginning.

It was a little more than your opinion because you kept saying things like:


People have to read between the lines




People have to quit accepting what the Gov. throws at u and start asking questions




Nothing anyone can do except, accept it for what it is now, a plane wreck labled as a terrorist attack


You can't argue with a conspiracy theorist, but I'll give it a shot. What points do you want to argue?

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nice google search for that ;)

you could also search for conspiracies if you want for my arguement for now....cuz i'm going to bed. I had a Paper route early and haven't been to sleep since yesterday at 11:00 am. I'll be up at around 12 or 1....but can't say if I'll be on Soxtalk then. So read up on conspiracies and when i wake up, i'll read up on conspiracy cracks and then i'll form an opinion...could be the same, could be different....but until then



good night....err...good morning ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz..................

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nice google search for that ;)

you could also search for conspiracies if you want for my arguement for now....cuz i'm going to bed.  I had a Paper route early and haven't been to sleep since yesterday at 11:00 am.  I'll be up at around 12 or 1....but can't say if I'll be on Soxtalk then. So read up on conspiracies and when i wake up, i'll read up on conspiracy cracks and then i'll form an opinion...could be the same, could be different....but until then



good night....err...good morning ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz..................

It wasn't a google search it was from here:



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It wasn't a google search it was from here:



Everyone who is into urban legend and conspiracies should have snopes bookmarked. There is no other site that can touch what it does. And if they don't have it, they have an excellent message board to ask questions and recieve answers on.

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Everyone who is into urban legend and conspiracies should have snopes bookmarked.  There is no other site that can touch what it does.  And if they don't have it, they have an excellent message board to ask questions and recieve answers on.

I get the weekly e-mail update from Snopes :D

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It is very had to believe that a giant plane that was able to take down a skyscraper in new yorak was only able to moderately damage the pentagon..

That can be explained by the fact that most of the damage to the Twin Towers was that they collapsed. The Pentagon was hit low to the ground. IIRC there didn't look to be a lot of damage to the towers until they collapsed. Big holes was all.

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It is very had to believe that a giant plane that was able to take down a skyscraper in new yorak was only able to moderately damage the pentagon..

People seem to be forgetting (or ignoring) the pentagon was designed a little differently than the WTC was also. The entire world knows that the pentagon is the strategic nerve center for classified information in the US. It was designed to be able to withstand most bomb and missle attacks known at the time, and its revamps are supposed to be able to withstand a glancing blow from an exploding nuclear device. The WTC had no such design enhancements, and from a cost point of view, it would have been way to expensive for a private entity to pay for. The information backbone of the USA is a completely different story.


/injection of logic

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BlackSox8 not everything is a conspiracy. You talk about reading between the lines...so do it??


There has never been a test of two planes filled with jet fuel flying into two buildings. So I don't give a f*** what reports you heard on radio and tv about how the buildings should have fallen. I saw how the buildings fell. We all did. We heard the phone calls from people on the planes to their loved ones. Go tell a widow that her husband wasn't on the plane he called her from. Go tell her and everyone else who lost someone on that plane...that their loved ones weren't really there. The governement really blew up the pentagon. As for Flight 77 and all it's passengers....umm perhaps an alien spaceship beamed the plane up into space and is currently performaing tests on all their bodies.


Wake up....and smell the s*** you're shoveling.


Young minds can be so easily influenced....

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