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Republican National Convention


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Nah, I wanted that female porn star...that would of been way cooler...Marie Kate or something like that. ;)

Mary Carey was the porn star.


She's started a campaign, I think the name is Bullets Not Boobs. She's trying to lobby the government to use the cash to pay for the war effort not plastic surgery incentives such as boob jobs to the military. An activist and a fan of natural breasts... :wub:

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Mary Carey was the porn star.


She's started a campaign, I think the name is Bullets Not Boobs.  She's trying to lobby the government to use the cash to pay for the war effort not plastic surgery incentives such as boob jobs to the military.  An activist and a fan of natural breasts... :wub:

Now if only she was better looking...first women president :ph34r:


*Now I'm gonna run like hell* :lol:

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I dunno if you heard about this going down at the GOP convention but it made me sick to my f***ing stomach.




NEW YORK (AP) - A GOP delegate handed out bandages with purple hearts on them Monday night at the Republican National Convention in a swipe at Democratic nominee John Kerry's war record, but national GOP officials have asked him to stop.


The bandages were handed out by Morton Blackwell, a longtime GOP activist from Virginia, with the message: ``It was just a self-inflicted scratch, but you see I got a Purple Heart for it.''


This pisses me off to no end that there are f***ing whackjobs that not only made these bandages and passed them out but that actively took them from the bastard.

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Well if its any positive, the national GOP officials asked them to stop. I agree though, I'm not for sending that message.


Regardless of the type of injuries and you can debate what type of leader he was down in the jungle and out on the river, but only his troops know that and I'm not going to tell him he was a pussy, cause he was there.


He may of b****ed about it and what not afterwards and said some really stupid comments that I can't believe were said, but he went there and that earns something in my book.

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I was thinking the same thing. Whoever it was playing they sucked. I saw some bad fielding and pitching going on.

Finally someone hit the ball. Hopefully my intramural team isn't that bad, but I'll be happy as long as I'm not the worse player. As long as one person sucks more, then its all good, lol.

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And now, Laura Bush


I sure hope she does a better job then Hines or however you spell it (Heinz).

Ice queen Heinz makes Hillary Clinton look like Martha Stewart...

















*thinks to himself...wait....all three of those ladies clearly haven't had vaginal intercourse with a male in the last 20 years...*




I tried...ok?

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Ice queen Heinz makes Hillary Clinton look like Martha Stewart...

















*thinks to himself...wait....all three of those ladies clearly haven't had vaginal intercourse with a male in the last 20 years...*




I tried...ok?

Next time don't :finger :lolhitting

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Laura had a very good speach, imo. She looked a little stiff on ocassions when she was reading the teleprompter, but overall I thought she looked pretty comfortable.


She also did a nice job painting what went on in Bush's mind, which I think was very good politically. Laura is a very sharp, respected women. I also liked the fact she brought up women in Iraq and Afghan, because for a long time I have wondered when they would mention that because politically it makes sense.


The women, especially in Afghan had absolutely 0 rights and what they had to go through was absolutely absurd. Iraq wasn't as bad, but it was still awful and the type of torture chambers they had and the way that country was run was awful.


Overall, I think this speach will definately help Bush. Unlike Heinz, she didn't talk all about herself and she tried to set a frame of who Bush is (although Its not quite as important as it was for Kerry, cause most people know who Bush is, while far fewer know much about Kerry, who hasn't been in the spotlight all that long, even if he is a long term senator).


Only part I'd really argue with was when she talked about health care, because I still think this country needs to do a lot more whne it comes to it. I'm not saying do it like it is in Europe or Canada, but the prices of medicines is absolutely ridiculous.

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Laura Bush is scary when she cocks her head sideways and stares ahead at nothing.  It's robotic and it freaks me out.

Ya, that was the times she would look uncomfortable to me. She'd kind of get stuck reading the teleprompter too long. However, for most of the time, she looked comfortable, imo.

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