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Republican National Convention


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Just wait until the debates...GWB will kill Kerry...

You said that with a straight face?


Bush is a guy who is notorious for fun things like not knowing the definition of sovereignty when asked at a press conference. If he is not giving a canned speech prepared for him, he can be up for grabs about what the f*** he is gonna say. (This is a guy who Rove had to drill with policy experts just to get Bush to know that people from Iran are Iranians, people from Iraq are Iraqis, etc. because he thought that people from Greece were "Grecians".)

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Ya, that was the times she would look uncomfortable to me.  She'd kind of get stuck reading the teleprompter too long.  However, for most of the time, she looked comfortable, imo.

When he ran for governor (I've read a few bios about him. One really good one is JH Hatfield's "Fortunate Son" -- really makes him seem human), his wife told him that she didn't want to be involved in politics actively with him. So it's natural that she may be more than a bit uncomfortable and also sorta explains why she's not one of the most public first ladies that we've had in a while.

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"President Bush, what are your opinions on the definition of tribal sovereignty and how it related to the federal government?"


well tribal sovereignty is about tribes being sovereign in relation to other sovereign tribes and they have their sovereignty


"and how it relates to the government...?"


well theyre sovereign to it





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You said that with a straight face?


Bush is a guy who is notorious for fun things like not knowing the definition of sovereignty when asked at a press conference.  If he is not giving a canned speech prepared for him, he can be up for grabs about what the f*** he is gonna say.  (This is a guy who Rove had to drill with policy experts just to get Bush to know that people from Iran are Iranians, people from Iraq are Iraqis, etc. because he thought that people from Greece were "Grecians".)

He may say dumb things now and again but this is the same man who pwned Al Gore in 2000 in all 3 debates and people like you said exactly the same thing back then too.

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He may say dumb things now and again but this is the same man who pwned Al Gore in 2000 in all 3 debates and people like you said exactly the same thing back then too.

Well, to be fair, even though I am a Bush supporter, Gore helped Bush win those debates with all his sighs and eye rolls which the media focused on and turned into a huge thing that led to people to believe that Bush won the debate. (I know that happened for one debate, I'm a little fuzzy as to what happened during the other debates.)

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Since there wasn't formal scoring in the debates and Bush has been working the past four years, I would say he won the debates. Debates are not Dubya's strength but all he has to do this time is look Presidential and keep it to a draw. As long as he doesn't say something monumentally stupid, he'll be fine.


I think the Bsh campaign has to be wary of the poll numbers. I believe Kerry has the same type of support that Clinton II showed. Asked who they are voting for, people where reluctant, dare I say embarrassed, to admit voting for Clinton so they said Dole. Then a landslide came. Same thing with Kerry, I believe a decent percentage of respondents are saying Bush but will pull Kerry.


Here's a peek at Presidential Campaign politics. The local Dem party here is getting together a big ass pile of cash to woo Kerry to make a sacrificial campaign stop in South Texas. This is an area that Kerry will win with 80-85% of the vote. But how meaningless is that. Texas is solidly behind our favorite son, Dubya. But some would think it will remind Kerry he does have support in Texas, just in case.


Dubya made a campaign stop last time around, promised stuff for the border region and never got around to it, maybe next term

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Actually I didn't like her speech at all. I can forget the artificialness of it, because she is a reluctant speaker at best, but terrorism was the wrong thing for her to be talking about. Talk about family values, and caring about people. Talk about the kids and the family dog. Paint a picture of the private man. Talk about the things that no one else knows. Leave terror up to the Dick Cheney's and Rudy Gulianis of the convention.

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Actually I didn't like her speech at all.  I can forget the artificialness of it, because she is a reluctant speaker at best, but terrorism was the wrong thing for her to be talking about.  Talk about family values, and caring about people. Talk about the kids and the family dog.  Paint a picture of the private man.  Talk about the things that no one else knows.  Leave terror up to the Dick Cheney's and Rudy Gulianis of the convention.

I disagree. She is showing that any person can understand terrorism. If she can, then certainly ger husband can. Takes away the "you have to be smart" to be President angle. ;)

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As a 18 year old male. I already know who I'm voting for president. His name is Ralph Nader. No, I'm not telling. But, Laura Bush has made me respect the First Ladies in general. As the old saying goes... Behind a good man is a great woman. She put in the little Stem Cell research comment in and the Alzheimer part too. I didn't know that about her dad. I didn't watch the DNC, but I have watched all of the RNC so far. I knew the DNC would do what they do, and I was curoius about nwhat the RNC would do. So far the RNC has been a very watchable program. The Bush Daughters had a horrible speech. I could do a better job from reading a script. I am sorry but that was the worst job ever. I knew what was real and not. When they stuttered they were reading. I like it when people wing it. Maybe the Daughters should do it sometimes.

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As a 18 year old male. I already know who I'm voting for president. His name is Ralph Nader. No, I'm not telling. But, Laura Bush has made me respect the First Ladies in general. As the old saying goes... Behind a good man is a great woman. She put in the little Stem Cell research comment in and the Alzheimer part too. I didn't know that about her dad. I didn't watch the DNC, but I have watched all of the RNC so far. I knew the DNC would do what they do, and I was curoius about nwhat the RNC would do. So far the RNC has been a very watchable program. The Bush Daughters had a horrible speech. I could do a better job from reading a script. I am sorry but that was the worst job ever. I knew what was real and not. When they stuttered they were reading. I like it when people wing it. Maybe the Daughters should do it sometimes.

I think the daughters were a toss up. They came off as cute, bubbly, and moderately dumb, but seriously, what should we expect from them? They're just down home texas girls. I give them the benefit of the doubt for just saying nice things about their dad and showing us that their parents actually live a normal life, as opposed to Chelsea Clinton who was raised by the housecleaning staff and a mother tortoise.

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Can anyone else not wait for the Cheney edwards debate, Edwards will mop the floor with cheney

I dunno. One's flamboyant (Edwards) and the other one is arrogant and pompous who is very well versed in what to say and when to say it (Cheney).


Cheney is well spoken enough to handle him, but Edwards will score points with his "image appeal".

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Of course one of the greatest debate lines of the previous century was made by a gentleman that was born in the great state of Texas, just miles from where I am sitting. Lloyd Bentsen totally schooled Dan Quayle when Quayle tried to compare himself to John F. Kenedy.


"Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy."


Priceless. :headbang

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I still think Edwards is a better candidate then Kerry. If they reversed the ticket, I think it would be really interesting. Edwards is definately and up and comer in the democratic party because of his charisma. You can disagree with me all you want and say the politics matter, but if your charisimatic, you can get advisors around you to do the rest, imo. Thats just how this society is. 95% of the people don't know the politics behind it, so they watch a debate or two see whose charismatic and go with that.


Both people are going to say things that sound good, and most voters won't think about which ideas actually make sense and are plausible.


I completely disagree with Edwards stance and his whole two america bs he always yaps about, but regardless, I think he's a strong candidate and I still think he would of been a much better candidate for the democratic party.

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