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Let's try and get this back to a friendly debate.


douchbag and shut the f*** up and bigoted, racists comments are something we are trying to eliminate.


I will keep the thread open and would prefer if the posters involved did some self editing.


Somewhere there is a distinction of attacking the words and not the poster. Find it please.

You are absolutely right.


I only used the word "douchebag" after being attacked...I will try to control myself.


I apologize.

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I'm not trying to win ANY arguments...just trying to make a point (like EVERYONE else who posts here!).

kool, let that stand as it. i am with you on this.


man, i have had it out with some of the old timers here and its been really nasty. trust me :headbang :headbang .


but we are still civil now. with time this will pass on by.

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Then it's obvious that "Radical Islam" committs a grossly disproportionate amount of the world's terrorism.


See 9/11, Israel, Sudan, Chechnia, Philippines, etc.,


Prove me wrong, if you think you can!

Fair enough:


Aristide and liberation theolgans in Brazil

Oklahoma City

Tokyo subway attack

Uni bomber

Anthrax attack of 2001

Northern Ireland


This is just of the top of my head, i'm sure there is alot more

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Fair enough:


Aristide and liberation theolgans in Brazil

Oklahoma City

Tokyo subway attack

Uni bomber

Anthrax attack of 2001

Northern Ireland


This is just of the top of my head, i'm sure there is alot more

The terrorist attacks referenced are seperate events from different organizations. Al-Qeada, both in death inflicted and number of members, far exceeds any group on that list.

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PHJ, I'd also add the assassinations by the neo-Nazi group, the Order to your list. Not to mention Carlos the Jackal or the terror wrought by the Medellin cartel, South American right wing paramilitary death squads, left wing rebel groups like AZN/FARC, the military of the Partido Revoluccionario Institutional and the Zapatistas in Mexico. That's just a few examples of violence that is non-Muslim that I could think of off the top of my head. (Not calling it all terrorism because I believe that the Zapatistas and the FARC have a somewhat legitimate fight on their hands...but the means that they do it are not always in agreeance with me.)

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The terrorist attacks referenced are seperate events from different organizations. Al-Qeada, both in death inflicted and number of members, far exceeds any group on that list.

I don't understand how you can come to that conclusion.


Who on here knew what alqueda was before sept 11th?

i did but that is because i have always had an interest in terrorism. (no i am not a terrorist :ph34r: )


Alqueda isn't the only terrorist organization in the middle east.(although our government wants you to believe otherwise).


I think if we are going to talk about the largest terrorist group in the middle east, it is hard to say anything other than Hamas.


To be clear. I am not saying that muslims don't commit terrorism. They make up a fifth of the worlds population. What i am saying is that terrorism is not limited to muslims, it is a global problem that needs to be stopped. I don't think that the correct solution is to spend billions on security, and tear up the united states constitution. I think that we have to address why terrorists do the things they do. Why are they angry at us? What if we started to stop deviding people, and insted brought everyone together. I'm just a political science major though, What the hell do i know?

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Fair enough:


Aristide and liberation theolgans in Brazil

Oklahoma City

Tokyo subway attack

Uni bomber

Anthrax attack of 2001

Northern Ireland


This is just of the top of my head, i'm sure there is alot more

That's less than 10...there has been at least 10 times that amount, committed by "Palestinians" within the last 18 months. That's just 1 group of Radical Islamists.

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I don't understand how you can come to that conclusion.


I4E's requested anyone to provide evidence of another organization, besides Muslim Extremists, who commit a larger preportion of the worlds terrorism. You posted several examples, and I merely stated Al-Qeada overshadows any of those events.


I never intended to draw a definite conclusion on Al-Qeada or its relationship to world terrorism. I don't have statistics available to prove my case other then what I view on TV. And I'm sure someone will state, "you can't believe everything you see on television!"


I don't think that the correct solution is to spend billions on security, and tear up the united states constitution. I think that we have to address why terrorists do the things they do. Why are they angry at us?


I agree. Did Al-Qeada's (among other Muslim groups) hatred towards the United States begin following our occupation of Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War? Or as George Bush indicated, "they hate our freedoms and despise our free society?" :bang


Whatever you believe is the reason we're disliked, no one can refute the impact this Iraq War II will have on the next generation of terrorism. US may disrupt global terrorism for the next 5 years, but what happens after that? Will this "War of Terrorism" ever end?

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t roosevelt said it best at the beginning of the century.


we, usa, will never be like and will have a few allies. what the world is going to do is respect us or maybe fear us, they may be jealous of us, but they will hate us. esp when they come to us for help and we help them out.

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The problem with trying to add up the terrorists is first trying to define them and from whose eyes? For example to a person living in a public housing unit who has a street game trying to recruit their child or who has to pay protection money to the local thug, that's a terrorist.


If we are just talking acout groups that can inflict widespread damage with lots of death and destruction, an argument could be made that all the world's armies are terrorists. Remember if the US decides you should be dead, your dead.

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