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Swift Boat Vets latest ad.


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It's airing in Florida but can be viewed at their website with any of the major media players. This latest ad drives home the point that I've been trying to make here. John Kerry dishonored his country and dishonored everyone who wore the uniform in Vietnam with his conduct after the war. This is the man who is trying to score political points by beating his chest about his war record.


"I renounce the symbols this country gives and that was the medals themselves."




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It's airing in Florida but can be viewed at their website with any of the major media players.  This latest ad drives home the point that I've been trying to make here.  John Kerry dishonored his country and dishonored everyone who wore the uniform in Vietnam with his conduct after the war.  This is the man who is trying to score political points by beating his chest about his war record. 


"I renounce the symbols this country gives and that was the medals themselves."




Kerry dishonered every vet and these vets want to finish the job that Kerry started. Well they've done a nice job with me. I no longer respect military medals as meaning anything. Thank you swift boat vets for pointing that out. Thank you swift boat vets for making certain that every American knows that purple hearts are band aids for booboos. Thank you swift boat vets for making certain every Americans knows to question every military award issued because the military has zero control and standards for issuing them.


Swift Boat Vets for Airing Dirty Laundry. If these were Dems doing this the GOP would be lining them up for treason not contributing to their ads and offering legal advice.


Our nation's Military, corrupt and unprincipled since Viet Nam. Thank you swift boat vets.

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Kerry dishonered every vet and these vets want to finish the job that Kerry started. Well they've done a nice job with me. I no longer respect military medals as meaning anything. Thank you swift boat vets for pointing that out. Thank you swift boat vets for making certain that every American knows that purple hearts are band aids for booboos. Thank you swift boat vets for making certain every Americans knows to question every military award issued because the military has zero control and standards for issuing them.


Swift Boat Vets for Airing Dirty Laundry. If these were Dems doing this the GOP would be lining them up for treason not contributing to their ads and offering legal advice.


Our nation's Military, corrupt and unprincipled since Viet Nam. Thank you swift boat vets.

I hear what you're saying, Tex, but for a guy to testify that he committed atrocities - and ripped guys over there for doing one and the same - and then 30 years turn around and run on his service in Vietnam - is just a tad bit assholish to me.


Don't run on your military background, run on your record, if you have skeletons in your closet like that.


KERRY made it an issue by running on his "military experience"


"I'm John Kerry and I'm reporting for Duty." :puke


If he were running on his record, none of this would be happening - or at least not in the spotlight it's becoming.


Oh, by the way, it's not like the Dems ripped GWB a new rear end over his service in TWO campaigns.

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I hear what you're saying, Tex, but for a guy to testify that he committed atrocities - and ripped guys over there for doing one and the same - and then 30 years turn around and run on his service in Vietnam - is just a tad bit assholish to me.


Don't run on your military background, run on your record, if you have skeletons in your closet like that. 


KERRY made it an issue by running on his "military experience"


"I'm John Kerry and I'm reporting for Duty." :puke


If he were running on his record, none of this would be happening - or at least not in the spotlight it's becoming.


Oh, by the way, it's not like the Dems ripped GWB a new rear end over his service in TWO campaigns.

You are dead on right. If John Kerry isn't running around making this a central issue, the swift boat veterans would have been looked at the same as when moveon.org compared Bush to Hitler. They would have lost all credibility and no one would have cared.

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You are dead on right.  If John Kerry isn't running around making this a central issue, the swift boat veterans would have been looked at the same as when moveon.org compared Bush to Hitler.  They would have lost all credibility and no one would have cared.

Now that you mention moveon.org isin't it funny how the media excoriates the Swift Boat Vets for pointing out the hypocrasies of John Kerry in using his own words against him but people like Michael Moore and moveon.org and other bomb throwing leftists get a pass and can say whatever they want about President Bush.

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Well first I hear it was Kerry running on his military record, then I hear these guys have been at him for 20 years. Even my GOP friends seem to be confused.


The swift boat vets have exposed a military system of medals where anyone seemingly can get one. Nuke, since I cannot see your face you can try and type that Kerry was the only guy to get a medal that some think was not deserved. Common sense tells me that if Kerry's wasn't earned than a lot of other guy's were not earned. The swift boat vets have expained exactly how the system could be manipulated. The GOP was passing out purple heart band aids. If I was Bob Dole and every other vet with a purple heart, I would be pretty damn pissed.


You cannot tell me if it was a DEM group attacking someones service and ripping the military system of recognition that the GOP would not be screaming pinko commie.


I believe what Kerry did 30 years ago as wrong and disrespectful to our military. I think the swift boat vets are doing the same dam thing 30 years later.

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To be perfectly honest, this presidential campaign is much like the last campaign for Gov in IL was to me: I couldn't stand either candidate so I voted for someone else that was listed (can't remember who, just wanted to make sure my vote didn't go to the dips***s nominated by the dem or rep parties).

Edited by Queen Prawn
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You are dead on right.  If John Kerry isn't running around making this a central issue, the swift boat veterans would have been looked at the same as when moveon.org compared Bush to Hitler.  They would have lost all credibility and no one would have cared.

It's the media that keeps the swift boat vets in business. They replay every ad, even when it isn't paid for, then the GOP sends out there mouthpieces like Rush, O'Reilly, Hannity, et. al. to keep it in the news.


And you cannot tell me that the swift boat vets only ran because Kerry mentioned his service record. Those ads would have run no matter what.

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Well first I hear it was Kerry running on his military record, then I hear these guys have been at him for 20 years. Even my GOP friends seem to be confused.


The swift boat vets have exposed a military system of medals where anyone seemingly can get one. Nuke, since I cannot see your face you can try and type that Kerry was the only guy to get a medal that some think was not deserved. Common sense tells me that if Kerry's wasn't earned than a lot of other guy's were not earned. The swift boat vets have expained exactly how the system could be manipulated. The GOP was passing out purple heart band aids. If I was Bob Dole and every other vet with a purple heart, I would be pretty damn pissed.


You cannot tell me if it was a DEM group attacking someones service and ripping the military system of recognition that the GOP would not be screaming pinko commie.


I believe what Kerry did 30 years ago as wrong and disrespectful to our military. I think the swift boat vets are doing the same dam thing 30 years later.

I freely admit that John Kerry wasn't the only one to get a medal that wasn't earned. I knew a bucket full of em from my time in Iraq.


John Kerry served honorably I acknowelege this fact.


What I have said a million times already and I will keep saying is that the dishonor he brought on everyone who served in Vietnam with his phony war crimes accusations and his throwing away of his combat decorations is the issue, especially from a man who is trying to act like he's Rambo or something on the campaign trail.

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Not our nations military........just your candidate.  Thanks indeed, for making people aware about what a hypocrite and a fake this man is.

My candidate is Bush, reluctantly.


So Kerry is the only guy whose medal is in doubt? :headshake What an amazing coincidence.


And purple heart band aids don't disrespect every receipient of that accomodation?

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You know why John Kerry had to have those medals in such a short amount of time? He wouldn't have gotten an HONORABLE discharge if it weren't for the awarding of those medals. System problem? Maybe so.


And if I were a guy over there knowing that a guy "threw back his medals" - testifying before Congress about what a bunch of assholes are over there - I'd probably be after the guy for 20+ years, too, because he just pissed all over all the men over there at the time - while talking about how "special his time over there" was. Thousands and thousands of men DIED over there. And we have a presidential candidate running around 30 years later saying "look at me, I was there..." while at the same time he testified that the guys serving right there with him were goons.


You don't think there is anything wrong with that?

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It's the media that keeps the swift boat vets in business. They replay every ad, even when it isn't paid for, then the GOP sends out there mouthpieces like Rush, O'Reilly, Hannity, et. al. to keep it in the news.


And you cannot tell me that the swift boat vets only ran because Kerry mentioned his service record. Those ads would have run no matter what.

And they would have had no credibility if Kerry wasn't running around talking about what a great soldier he was.

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Now that you mention moveon.org isin't it funny how the media excoriates the Swift Boat Vets for pointing out the hypocrasies of John Kerry in using his own words against him but people like Michael Moore and moveon.org and other bomb throwing leftists get a pass and can say whatever they want about President Bush.

And thus far the left 527's have outspent the right at a nearly 10-1 ratio. That's why when GWB talks about regulating them, John Kerry was eerily quiet.

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You know why John Kerry had to have those medals in such a short amount of time?  He wouldn't have gotten an HONORABLE discharge if it weren't for the awarding of those medals.  System problem?  Maybe so.


And if I were a guy over there knowing that a guy "threw back his medals" - testifying before Congress about what a bunch of assholes are over there - I'd probably be after the guy for 20+ years, too, because he just pissed all over all the men over there at the time - while talking about how "special his time over there" was.  Thousands and thousands of men DIED over there.  And we have a presidential candidate running around 30 years later saying "look at me, I was there..." while at the same time he testified that the guys serving right there with him were goons.


You don't think there is anything wrong with that?

As I said Kerry disgraced the uniform 30 years ago and these guys are finishing the job. Just when our military is finally receiving some respect, these guys rip it down.


If this was a DEM group the GOP would be talking treason and we all know it.

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I still say Kerry's military service, and Bush's lack thereof, should not be issues.


We should be talking about REAL issues, like the economy, the environment, social services, civil rights, personal freedoms, etc.


Bush doesn't want to discuss THE issues.

Dead on, I4E.


Problem is, neither does Kerry.


See my sig. ;)

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You know why John Kerry had to have those medals in such a short amount of time?  He wouldn't have gotten an HONORABLE discharge if it weren't for the awarding of those medals.  System problem?  Maybe so.


And if I were a guy over there knowing that a guy "threw back his medals" - testifying before Congress about what a bunch of assholes are over there - I'd probably be after the guy for 20+ years, too, because he just pissed all over all the men over there at the time - while talking about how "special his time over there" was.  Thousands and thousands of men DIED over there.  And we have a presidential candidate running around 30 years later saying "look at me, I was there..." while at the same time he testified that the guys serving right there with him were goons.


You don't think there is anything wrong with that?

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

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I freely admit that John Kerry wasn't the only one to get a medal that wasn't earned.  I knew a bucket full of em from my time in Iraq. 


John Kerry served honorably I acknowelege this fact.


What I have said a million times already and I will keep saying is that the dishonor he brought on everyone who served in Vietnam with his phony war crimes accusations and his throwing away of his combat decorations is the issue, especially from a man who is trying to act like he's Rambo or something on the campaign trail.

as you said, he serve his country, esp in the v-nam war. just b/c he served, does it mean that he can't voice his opinion on the war?

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And when did the media start paying attention to them... when John Kerry made it an issue.

When the RNC called Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, and said here's our latest strategy. It is impossible to turn on the TV or radio and not be inundated with conservative talk show hosts selling the Republican agenda for hours and hours every day.

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