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10 most idiotic fans in history

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4. The Arizona State student body

On Jan. 20, 1984, two days after his father was brutally murdered in Lebanon, Steve Kerr took the floor for the University of Arizona basketball team. They were playing archrival Arizona State, and Kerr, then a freshman, would go on to score 20 points in the first half alone. But what was most memorable, sadly and disgustingly, was that the ASU fans, during the game, began chanting "PLO" at Kerr in seeming honor of his father's killers.



Now that is sickening.

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I am still trying to figure out why Bartman is considered an idiotic fan. Did no one else in the whole media not see everyone else around him reaching for the ball? The media should be calling that whole section of fans idotic if they want to go that far. Anyways the ball was in the stands. It is the fans right to the ball.

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