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September 2004 Quotes of the Month


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JimH on the possibility of resigning Billy Koch


Let's see if I can take it to ten, just for grins:


All applies to taking Koch back:


One word: No

Two words: f*** no (courtesy ssi)

Three words: No f***ing way

Four words: Are you kidding me?

Five words: Not a chance in hell

Six words: This is a real bad idea

Seven words: Go stick your head in an oven

Eight words: I would much rather eat some fried dirt

Nine words: Let me stick something sharp in my eyes first

Ten words: Just take me out in back and shoot me now

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This is definitely one for the books...


Mike to Kap.. and eye's $0.02..



QUOTE (southsider2k4 @ Sep 14 2004, 02:21 PM)

A lot more than 10 minutes ago...


I am dead at work. If you want to ask questions for a couple of minutes PM me and I will send you our 800#.








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The Critic with his version of the White Sox response to a fan inquirery


[automated response]:


"Dear Chicago White Sox fan,


Thank you for your interest in White Sox baseball. However, all employees are already on the golf courses or on vacation, so we are unable to care about your email. We will attempt to answer your inquiry next season. Please remember to mail in your season ticket deposit by the deadline of next Monday so it can build up interest over the winter. That may be the only offseason interest the White Sox can generate, so I'm sure you can see the importance of getting your money in to us early.


Thanks again for being a fan of YOUR second-place Chicago White Sox.



No One In Particular"

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I should be sending Critic the doctor's bill, I laughed so much at his 'Dope Shingo' letter to the fans on the SOUTH SIYEEEED! :headbang :headbang


You should be writing for The Onion.


Actually, I got my hands on the original message Shingo wrote, and the Sox seem to have "cleaned it up" a little.

Here's the original Shingo message:


"Holla Holla Playazz,


Yeah yeah yeah, sup? It's me it's me, it's the S to the T!

Jus wanna give BIG UPS to my playazz on the SOUTH SIYEEEED! It wuz MAD FUN playin for y'all in 2004, yo! I was in Tha Pan for 13 yearz n s***, but they never RAISED THA ROOF like mah dawgs in Chi-Town!

At first I wuz a little trepidacious bout tha Stizzatez, but y'all took me IN, an' dat made mah summer OFF THA HOOK!

Y'all weatha is DOPE in tha summer, but I froze off my nizzutz in April n May - DAMN!

Tha reason I made tha trip ova here wuz ta TES' mahself aginst tha MLB playaz, an tes' mah experience n s***. I ain't changin mah game for NO muthaf***azz - I can't blow no s*** by NOBODAYY, so's I gotsta trick these tricks, knowumsayin'?

I wuz HYPE to see that MLB tricks fall fo that s*** jus' like Japanese muthaf***azz.

In Japan, we can't say s*** to no old f***z, but here we can talk s*** to ANYBODY, an' that's cool as hell. Tha OG iz a cool-ass busta to play for - he keeps it real and don't stress nobody bout no little b**** s***! We try n win n s***, but we gets our play on too!

This season been WACK, but we ain't stressin'. Gonna stick that s*** to some punks to end tha year an' keep the eyez on tha future - whutz past is past, can't bring s*** back.

Props again to mah peeps, and much love and respect!

Shingo OUT!"


Who knew Shingo was so "down"?

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