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First Day of School

The Beast

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Back to school today...short day.


I go to study hall only to find the rule that we cannot have walkmans in study hall anymore, and so their policy sucks.


Second period I go to journalism, in which at least I am liked by a teacher, and yay! We get our first homework assignment! Not hard though, I'm already done.


I am going to third period...I walk in, and all of a sudden, I find a familiar face. Why, it is soxtalk.com's Cubssuck1 smiling hysterically and laughing...I just sat down...


I get lost along the way to 4th because some people can't walk very fast and then in 5th I am lucky enough to relax in gym for 20 minutes.


6th period, my favorite part of the day, was moved to the auditorium. Finally, crimes and misconduct is nearly going to be gone at my alma mater, DGS. So we sit there and see a pissed off dean and a smiling principal.


7th and 8th, English and Math respectively, were very easy and laid back teachers.


And so here I am, waiting for 3:00 to roll around for football practice. What a day already for the first day of school...hope tomarrow is better...


Anyone else want to share their first day of school?


Come on, its show and tell here, children!

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It's my daughter's first day of school, too.

It's preschool, and she's 4.

One of her classmates is the daughter of my buddy who drunkenly staggered through my screen door at a party two years ago. He never did pay for the repairs. Now I know where he'll be 3 times a week....MWAAAAAHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......

PAY UP OR :fight !!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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All i can say is...

College is so much better than High School.

you damn right it is...


insted of being in class all day long your in class for like 4 hours a day... the rest of the day you can f*** around and do whatever you want...


Living by yourself is the coolest thing youll experiance... Of coarse I moved back home after my first year of college, but I was 7 hours away and had no car.. Until I get my POS Camaro fixed I am gonna mooch off the parents as long as possible.. I have some very pathetic college stories from my experiance which has only been 1 year so far... I had no money, no car to get a job.. I use to have to eat saltines with mustard on them for dinner..


One time I heated up mamwhich sauce and just dipped my saltines into that, I use to donate plasma just to get my $15 to eat some real food.. lol.. You get real friendly with Tuna when its 50 cents a can haha..


Anyways, I guess my parents have changed since I am a college man now.. When I was in High School if I wasnt home by 12 my mom would be sitting there waiting for me to walk in the door and b**** at me... Now I come home at like 5 in the morning and they dont even care... Sometimes I dont LEAVE until 4 am... College is definatley better than High School... I wouldnt even say it was that much harder work wise either

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School started 10 days ago for me. It sucks having those 45 minute per class, 8 period per semester classes. (Or is it 8 period every year?)


Block scheduling is so much better. Less homework per semester, since you're only in 4 classes per semester. Not to mention if you take an off campus class, like I do in Kaneland, you get some down time in a bus or something to just do your homework or nap. I get 40 minutes every day to sleep or do homework, and it's great. Makes my nights a little easier.

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We've had about a week of school. It's been going by fairly quick cuz I work Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday so I get home from school and have about an hour and then go to work and come home to work on some homework and chill out then sleep. The cycle goes over and over...


My first day was too long ago to remember the details that Beastly gave, but overall it was really really boring. It was a full day of teachers reading rules. :sleep

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Block scheduling is so much better. Less homework per semester, since you're only in 4 classes per semester. Not to mention if you take an off campus class, like I do in Kaneland, you get some down time in a bus or something to just do your homework or nap. I get 40 minutes every day to sleep or do homework, and it's great. Makes my nights a little easier.

Hell yeah, block scheduling rules. Except I have 8 classes per semester (well including free period, etc.) and classes every other day. Of course I'm in Calculus so I have math to start everyday, thankfully every other day it is a half class (45) instead of the full 90.

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Well, I've been in school for a week and half or so, and all of my teachers are pretty good, except my math teacher.


First hour I have a weight lifting class. Teacher isn't too mean, she's pretty cool.


Second hour is my physics teacher, who really doesn't give a damn, he's retiring after the year. He lets us sleep during class/movies - and makes up some funny rules. Such as - if there's a person in our room watching the teacher (some days these 'inspectors', so to speak, come in and basically grade the teacher), if you don't know the correct answer, you raise your left hand - and if you know the answer, you raise your right hand. He also has something called a 'Fridge Test' - say you get a bad grade on a test, and have to show it to your parents. He gives you a test that has a really good grade, and you put your name on it. He's a funny guy... :lol:


Third hour, my Brit/American Lit teacher is great. She swears a lot, and is pretty down to earth. She's my favorite teacher. :wub:


Fourth hour, my AP History teacher. She's a damn good teacher, you take like three tests a week, but I enjoy that class. It's hard to explain - even though she's sometimes mean and sometimes gives a lot of homework, you like being in her class.


Fifth hour lunch, best class of the day. :headbang


Sixth hour Computer Science - I thought it was a blow-off class, turns out, it isn't, so that kind of sucks for me. I'm actually going to have to pay attention... :angry:


Last hour Math. Gah - I really don't like my math teacher. He obviously doesn't like me (he was my Soph-Basketball coach last year). I also really don't like the guy either. Here's the way it is in his class - either, you're a 'Yes-Man' to him, laugh at anything 'funny' he says, don't make any jokes at all, just sit there and laugh at what he has to say - or you get b****ed out by him - like I was today...

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Second hour is my physics teacher, who really doesn't give a damn, he's retiring after the year.  He lets us sleep during class/movies - and makes up some funny rules.  Such as - if there's a person in our room watching the teacher (some days these 'inspectors', so to speak, come in and basically grade the teacher), if you don't know the correct answer, you raise your left hand - and if you know the answer, you raise your right hand.  He also has something called a 'Fridge Test' - say you get a bad grade on a test, and have to show it to your parents.  He gives you a test that has a really good grade, and you put your name on it.  He's a funny guy...  :lol:

Holy s*** that kicks ass.

All my teachers are soo boring. :sleep

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Third hour, my Brit/American Lit teacher is great.  She swears a lot, and is pretty down to earth.  She's my favorite teacher.  :wub:

My second hour woodworking teacher swears alot too on the first day he said "This should be common sense but its in my book that i have to say it but, Dont put your hand in the way when you use a f***ing saw" and if you pick out a bad piece of wood to use he tells you to "throw that piece of s*** out" and today we had to cut off really thing strips of wood (look like long listerine strip thingys) with a planer and he picked it up and put it in his mouth and ate it and said it was too crunchy and to turn the blade lower :puke that class is pretty fun


Right after that class though i have lunch and I always have to go into the bathroom to wash my hands to get all the sawdust (my dogs name) off, but there are some people who I know that have lunch with me that dont wash their hands after that class :puke

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Man you guys have awesome teachers.

All of my teachers go out of their way to say no swearing at all.

None of them have a sense of humor.

Especially my Ancient Hist. teacher, my god.

Most of my teachers are strict too but not him or my 7th hour. He is funny and gives us tips for life like he told us guys that when you get married and your wife wants you to do a load of laundry to purposly ruin the entire load and then you apologise and then she wont make you ever do laundry again, at least it worked for him :lol:




My math teacher blows though, she sucks at teaching, she gives us 50 problems for homework EVERY SINGLE NIGHT then she doesnt give you points for it, she only takes points away if you didnt do it, its bulls*** then she gives you an answer sheet with all the answers with out the work for us to check, then she collects it like 10 seconds later, no time to figure out what we did wrong. Then we had a quiz already and all she did was put an X over the answers we got wrong then we looked at em for a minute then she made us turn em back in, so i have no idea what the answers i got wrong were and dont know what i did wrong so i cant correct myself. That class will suck this year :crying

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